Title Povećanje mobilnosti ljudi smanjene i otežane pokretljivosti
Title (english) Mobility increase to people with reduced mobility
Author Stjepan Sudar
Mentor Marjana Petrović (mentor)
Committee member Martin Starčević (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Marko Periša (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Borna Abramović (član povjerenstva)
Granter University of Zagreb Faculty of Transport and Traffic Sciences (Division of Transport) (Department of Railway Transport) Zagreb
Defense date and country 2020-09-24, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline TECHNICAL SCIENCES Traffic and Transport Technology Road and Rail Transport
Abstract Tema ovog diplomskom rada je povećanje mobilnosti putnika smanjene i otežane pokretljivosti, te prepreke s kojima se susreću u svakodnevnom životu koristeći javni prijevoz s naglaskom na željeznički promet. Pojam "osobe smanjene pokretljivosti" obuhvaća vrlo širok spektar građana, uključujući ljude s trajnim ograničenjima pokretljivosti zbog tjelesnih ili psihičkih smetnji, osobe sa senzornim invaliditetom i osobe malog ili velikog rasta, koje se također mogu klasificirati kao osobe s invaliditetom ako su starije od 65 godina i mlađe od 3 godine. Infrastruktura javnog prijevoza svake zemlje se razlikuje no svi teže prema jednom cilju, a taj je da ista bude dostupna te jednostavna za korištenje. U radu navedeni zanimljivi primjeri dobre prakse određenih zemalja koji su realizirali određene potrebe i pretvorili ih u stvarnost. Kod prijevoza osoba s invaliditetom željeznicom ili bilo kojom drugom vrstom transporta potrebo je zadovoljiti određene uvjete da bih se usluga odvijala na najvećoj mogućoj razini. Fokusirajući se na željeznicu navedene su funkcionalne i tehničke specifikacije koje je potrebno zadovoljiti na željezničkoj infrastrukturi i željezničkim vozilima kako bi se omogućio što lakši pristup i sama uporaba. Analizirajući pristupačnost željezničkog prijevoza ljudima smanjene i otežane pokretljivosti, fokusirajući se detaljnije na dionicu Zagreb GK – Varaždin i određene kolodvore (njih 8) na kojoj je ujedno i obavljen istraživački rad, ispitani su određeni elementi pristupačnosti vozila, te infrastrukture po kolodvorima, prema kojima je prikazano njihovo stvarno stanje i moguća mjesta za napredak. Kako bi se ostvarili određeni zahtjevi i potrebe kod mjera za poboljšanje mobilnosti ljudi smanjene i otežane pokretljivosti, potrebno je identificirati rješenja koja u najvećoj mogućoj mjeri odgovaraju potrebama svih korisnika prijevoza i brojnih skupina s invaliditetom. Mjere koje želi jedna skupina osoba s invaliditetom ne mora nužno imati koristi za drugu skupinu osoba s invaliditetom, što znači da je potrebno posvetiti jednaku pozornost različitim pogledima pojedinih skupina i na kraju ih objediniti u zajednički sustav pogodan svima.
Abstract (english) The topic of this thesis is to increase the mobility of people with reduced mobility, and the obstacles they face in everyday life using public transport with an emphasis on rail transport. The term "persons with reduced mobility" covers a very wide range of citizens, including people with permanent mobility impairments due to physical or mental disabilities, persons with sensory disabilities, and persons of small or large stature, who may also be classified as disabled if they are over 65 years of age or younger than 3 years. The infrastructure of public transport for each country is different, but they all tend towards one goal, an easier approach to use. The thesis presents interesting examples of good practice of certain countries that have realized certain needs and turned them into reality. When transporting a person with reduced mobility by rail or any other type of transport, it is necessary to meet certain conditions for the service to be provided at the highest possible level. Focusing on the railway, the functional and technical specifications that need to be met by the railway infrastructure and railway vehicles are stated to allow as easiest access as possible and their use. Analyzing the accessibility of railway transport to people with reduced and difficult mobility, focusing in more detail on the section Zagreb GK - Varaždin and certain stations (8 of them) where the research work was performed, certain elements of vehicle accessibility and infrastructure at stations were examined, showing their actual condition and possible places for progress. To meet certain requirements and needs for measures to improve the mobility of people with reduced and impaired mobility, it is necessary to identify solutions that suit the needs of all transport users and many groups with disabilities. Measures that want one group of people with disabilities do not necessarily benefit another group of people with disabilities, which means that it is necessary to pay attention to the different views of individual groups and ultimately unite them in a common system suitable for all.
mobilnost osoba sa invaliditetom
željeznička infrastruktura
Keywords (english)
railway infrastructure
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:119:705530
Study programme Title: Traffic and Transport; specializations in: Road Traffic and Transport, Railway Traffic and Transport, Water Traffic and Transport, Air Traffic and Transport, Postal Traffic, Information and Communication Traffic, Urban Traffic and Transport Course: Road Traffic and Transport Study programme type: university Study level: graduate Academic / professional title: magistar/magistra inženjer/inženjerka prometa (magistar/magistra inženjer/inženjerka prometa)
Type of resource Text
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Created on 2020-11-06 12:14:17