Title Model implementacije integriranog taktnog voznog reda u željeznički sustav
Title (english) Implementation Model of Integrated Regular Interval Timetable Into Railway System
Author Tihomir Pleša
Mentor Tomislav Josip Mlinarić (mentor)
Committee member Mladen Nikšić (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Tomislav Josip Mlinarić (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Martin Starčević (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Danko Kezić (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Stjepan Lakušić (član povjerenstva)
Granter University of Zagreb Faculty of Transport and Traffic Sciences Zagreb
Defense date and country 2019-05-07, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline TECHNICAL SCIENCES Traffic and Transport Technology
Universal decimal classification (UDC ) 656.1/.5 - Land transport
Abstract U disertaciji je razvijen model implementacije integriranog taktnog voznog reda u željeznički sustav. Za razliku od klasičnog sustava Integrirani taktni vozni red je koncept objedinjavanja pojedinih voznih redova jednog moda javnog prijevoza putnika u cilju optimiranja prijevoznog procesa i podizanja kvalitete usluge. Odlikuje ga konstantna periodičnost usluge, a objedinjavanje voznih redova za posljedicu ima minimalna vremena čekanja putnika na presjedanje prema svim ponudenim odredištima. U
... More istraživanju se koristi matematički formalizam Petrijeve mreže. Petrijeva mreža (eng. Petri Net) je apstraktni matematički formalizam za analizu, opisivanje i modeliranje sustava. Petrijeve mreže ujedinjuju dobro definiranu matematičku teoriju sa grafičkim opisom dinamičkog ponašanja sustava. Teoretski aspekti omogućuju precizno modeliranje i analizu, dok grafički prikaz omogućuje detaljnu vizualizaciju promjene stanja modeliranog sustava. Osnovni formalizam Petrijeve mreže se može koristiti za modeliranje sustava čije su osobine asinkronost, distribuiranost, paralelnost, nedeterminizam i/ili stohastičnost. Tijekom vremena do danas, istraživane su razne modifikacije formalizma, u svrhu prilagodavanja pristupa modeliranja i analize spomenutih osobina. U drugom dijelu rada objašnjena je metodika postizanja uvjeta za implementaciju integriranog taktnog voznog reda u klasični sustav. Objašnjeni su osnovni dijelovi koncepta kao što su vremena zadržavanja, zaštitna vremena i robusnost voznog reda. U sljedećem poglavlju se opisuje modeliranje Petrijevom mrežom i njegovi konstrukcijski elementi. Na kraju su prezentirani rezultati implementacije u kreirani testni sustav. Less
Abstract (english) In the directives of the European Commission on transport policy, concepts related to encouraging mobility, increasing energy efficiency and sustainable transport are represented, especially in the transport of passengers by rail. Furthermore, the European Advisory Council for Research in Rail Transport proposes in its reports measures to increase mobility in rail transport such as encouraging the development and expansion of new passenger transport services, coordination and optimization of
... More existing services and integration of services on short, medium and long distances in the area of the European Union until 2050 [2]. In the last few years, the main guiding thought in world traffic research is achieving and increasing mobility within the given framework of sustainable development. The reason for this is the increasing traffic congestion in general in settlements, and especially in big cities. The expansion of road infrastructure requires large areas, and the very efficiency of a partial expansion can lead to stochastic worsening of the initial problem. The integrated timetable is the result of a long tradition and development of rail transport in Europe. The basis of the principle is certainly the standard timetable, from which a marketing venture called the periodic or tact timetable arose over time. Timetables were primarily used in urban settlements and metropolitan centers as a basis for mass urban passenger transportation in rail systems such as the metro or light city rail. In the English-speaking world, such a timetable is called Regular—Interval Timetable or in German Taktfahrplan. The basic principle that guided the schedule planner regarding a specific route and service is a constant tracking interval between two consecutive trains or compositions. The interval itself depended on the traffic demand and the capacity of the means of transport. The concept of an integrated punctual timetable is an integral part of the trend of increasing mobility and the quality of the public transport service provided by the European Union and its individual members. Emphasis is increasingly placed on details such as individual access to the passenger and expansion of market share in the part still dominated by individual transport. Maximum satisfaction of the needs of passengers in tact nodes by offering connections in all directions requires exceptional coordination of many elements, which are then more important than route planning in the process of designing the entire system. The implementation of an integrated timetable system in the existing system, in which the infrastructure parameters are optimized for the classic timetable, taking into account the existing transport demand, which is the overall goal of this work, is an even more complex task. The commercial advantages of an integrated timetable are primarily the simplicity and transparency of the transport service offer for the end user, increased mobility and reduced waiting times. Regular intervals, especially if it is an hourly clock (60 minutes), contribute to easy memorization and the passenger does not have to consult the timetable, which greatly contributes to the subjective feeling of safety and punctuality. When modeling the implementation of an integrated timetable in the existing system, it is necessary to take into account the satisfaction of the existing transport demand, which is assumed to be offered an adequate service in the existing system, at least in terms of volume. In other words, the number of trains in the existing schedule on a certain route must remain approximately the same and the established passenger flows must be respected. The existing infrastructure within the station is also taken into account and, as already stated earlier, it is assumed that the future model tends to minimize investment costs using primarily combinatorial planning and time (temporal) logic. The third condition that has been set is the use of the existing fleet and the rationalization of exploitation for the purpose of implementing an integrated timetable. For the purposes of the research in this dissertation and the verification of the model, it is assumed that the traffic is under the conditions of an automatic track block and central station control by an electronic device. In the dissertation, a model of the implementation of an integrated timetable in the railway system was developed. In contrast to the classic system, the Integrated timetable is a concept of unifying individual timetables of one mode of public passenger transport in order to optimize the transport process and improve the quality of service. It is characterized by the constant periodicity of the service, and the unification of train schedules results in minimum waiting times for passengers to transfer to all the destinations offered. The mathematical formalism of the Petri net is used in the research. A Petri net is an abstract mathematical formalism for analyzing, describing and modeling systems. Petri nets combine a well-defined mathematical theory with a graphical description of the dynamic behavior of a system. Theoretical aspects allow for precise modeling and analysis, while the graphic display allows for detailed visualization of the change in the state of the modeled system. The basic Petri net formalism can be used to model systems whose properties are asynchrony, distributed, parallel, non-deterministic and/or stochastic. Over time until today, various modifications of the formalism have been investigated, in order to adapt the approach to modeling and analysis of the mentioned properties. In the second part of the paper, the methodology for achieving the conditions for the implementation of an integrated timetable in the classical system is explained. Basic parts of the concept such as dwell times, guard times and timetable robustness are explained. The next chapter describes Petri net modeling and its construction elements. At the end, the results of the implementation into the created test system were presented. Less
organizacija prijevoza
integrirani taktni vozni red
Petrijeve mreže
Keywords (english)
Transport Organization
Integrated Regular Interval Timetable
Petri Net
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:119:692976
Study programme Title: Technological systems in traffic and transport Study programme type: university Study level: postgraduate Academic / professional title: doktor/doktorica znanosti, područje tehničkih znanosti, polje tehnologija prometa i transport (doktor/doktorica znanosti, područje tehničkih znanosti, polje tehnologija prometa i transport)
Type of resource Text
Extent 155 str. ; 30 cm
File origin Born digital
Access conditions Open access
Terms of use
Created on 2023-11-29 14:34:28