Title Sinteza upravljanja plovidbom u e-navigaciji
Title (english) Synthesis of Control System in E-navigation
Author Rino Bošnjak MBZ: 328504
Mentor Zvonko Kavran (mentor)
Mentor Pero Vidan (komentor) MBZ: 288456
Committee member Sadko Mandžuka (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Zvonko Kavran (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Pero Vidan (član povjerenstva) MBZ: 288456
Committee member Dragan Peraković (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Danko Kezić (član povjerenstva) MBZ: 197501
Committee member Hrvoje Gold (član povjerenstva)
Granter University of Zagreb Faculty of Transport and Traffic Sciences Zagreb
Defense date and country 2017-04-27, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline TECHNICAL SCIENCES Traffic and Transport Technology Maritime and River Traffic
Universal decimal classification (UDC ) 656.6 - Transport by water
Abstract Učestali problem u pomorskom prometu jest smanjenje sigurnosti odvijanja plovidbe. Prisutno je više čimbenika koji u određenoj mjeri utječu na sigurnost broda, ljudi i imovine te na zaštitu okoliša. Kao posljedica djelovanja pojedinih čimbenika pojavljuju se opasne situacije poput nasukanja, sudara, požara, prevrnuća, kvarova glavnog stroja, oštećenja glavnog trupa broda, onečišćenja i druge situacije. Slijedom prepoznatoga, u ovome doktorskom radu istražuju se pojavne situacije sudara i
... More mogućnost unaprjeđenja sigurnosti plovidbe primjenom odgovarajuće metode i programskih alata. Navedena problematika u skladu je sa zahtjevima i preporukama Međunarodne pomorske organizacije (engl. International Maritime Organization - IMO) za implementacijom suvremenih sustava kao što je sustav e-navigacije u pomorstvu s ciljem unaprijeđenog korištenja i usklađivanja navigacijskih sustava. Nedostatci postojećih sustava i primijenjenih tehnologija u pomorskom prometu dolaze do izražaja posebno u čvorištima morskih prolaza gdje je prisutno smanjenje širine prolaza i povećanje gustoće prometa. Cilj doktorskoga rada jest razviti formalnu metodu za sintezu nadzornog sustava upravljanja pomorskim prometom u akvatorijima povećane sudarne opasnosti koji bi pratio pomorski promet i njime upravljao te ograničavao prijelaz brodova između pojedinih sektora. Sustav ranog upozorenja na moguće opasnosti, praćenjem rute koju brod dobiva od obalnog centra za slučaj da brod ne slijedi unaprijed predefiniranu rutu, izdaje upozorenje operateru u nadzornom centru i na brodu. Predloženi nadzorni sustav ograničava kretanje brodova između sektora kao najmanje prostorne jedinice u kojoj se nalazi jedan brod te koordinira prometom brodova u čvorištima samo u slučaju povećane sudarne opasnosti. U doktorskome radu je sintetiziran nadzorni sustav koji upravlja pomorskim prometom korištenjem Petrijevih mreža i matematičke metode P-invarijante, a verifikacija nadzornog sustava provodi se računalnom simulacijom primjenom programa Visual Object Net. Less
Abstract (english) A common problem in maritime transport is safety. More factors affect the safety of the ship, the people, the environment and property. These factors are the grounding, collision, fire, capsizing, failure of the main electricity, damage to the main hull, pollution and so on. The factor that is considered in this thesis are collisions which are considered respectively through this doctoral thesis on the real problems of maritime transport using appropriate software tools to improve
... More safety navigation. International Maritime Organization - IMO seeks to implement new systems such as e-Navigation in shipping with a view to harmonize the use of advanced navigation systems . Disadvantages of such systems and technologies are reflected in the traffic crossing of sea passages where the passage width decreases and the traffic density increases. The goal of this doctoral thesis is to develop formal method for sinthesis of supervising system for controlling marine traffic in aquatoria with increased collision danger which would monitor and control marine traffic and restrict transition of ships between the sectors. The objective of installing a supervising system in the coastal center is to prevent collisions and to improve safety in dangerous sea passages. The supervising system would monitor the traffic of ships in the respective traffic crossing in a way to achieve an early warning of impending danger. The supervising system would track the route that ship receives from the coastal center, and in the event that the ship does not follow a fixed route, supervising system alerts operators at traffic control center and ship. The proposed supervising system would restrict moving of ships between sectors and coordinate the traffic of ships traffic crossing only in the event of high collision risk. This paper synthesizes the supervising system which controls the vessel traffic using Petri net and the P-invariant mathematical method. Verification of the supervising system is done by using computer simulations based on Petri net program ''Visual Object Net''. Less
vremenske Petrijeve mreže
metoda P-invarijante
sustav upravljanja plovidbom
nadzorni sustav
Keywords (english)
time Petri nets
P-invariant method
control system in navigation
supervision system
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:119:517445
Study programme Title: Technological systems in traffic and transport Study programme type: university Study level: postgraduate Academic / professional title: doktor/doktorica znanosti, područje tehničkih znanosti, polje tehnologija prometa i transport (doktor/doktorica znanosti, područje tehničkih znanosti, polje tehnologija prometa i transport)
Type of resource Text
Extent 128 str. ; 30 cm
File origin Born digital
Access conditions Open access
Terms of use
Created on 2017-05-29 13:38:58