Title Tipovi desnog populizma u Europi
Title (english) Types of Right-Wing Populism in Europe
Author Nikša Maravić
Mentor Berto Šalaj (mentor)
Committee member Berto Šalaj (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Goran Čular (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Danijela Dolenec (član povjerenstva)
Granter University of Zagreb The Faculty of Political Science (Department of Comparative Politics) Zagreb
Defense date and country 2019-09-24, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline SOCIAL SCIENCES Political Science Comparative Political Science
Abstract Populizam kao suvremeni izazov liberalnoj demokraciji može predstavljati prijetnju, ali i potencijalan korektiv demokraciji. Ovaj rad bavi se tipovima desnog populizma u Europi. Pretpostavlja se postojanje razlika unutar kategorije desno populističkih stranka u starim i novim demokracijama u Europi. Počinje se od određenja desnog populizma te njegovih ključnih elemenata: populizam, autoritarizam i nativizam. Program desno populističkih stranaka uključuje negativan stav prema manjinama, antiimigrantsku politiku i euroskepticizam. Cilj rada je uočiti ključne elemente koje su jednake u tim strankama, ali i uočiti potencijalne razlike među njima. Shodno tome kompariraju se četiri desno populističke stranke: poljska stranka Pravo i pravednost (PiS), francuska stranka Nacionalno okupljanje (RN), češka stranka Sloboda i izravna demokracija (SPD) i norveška Napredna stranka (FrP). U prikaz stranaka ulazi pregled postojeće znanstvene literature o navedenim strankama te usporedba stranačkih programa koja uključuje bazu podataka Manifesto Project Database (MPD). MPD sadržava kvalitativne podatke o tome kojoj temi, javnoj politici i političkoj poziciji političke stranke posvećuju pažnju u svojim izbornim i stranačkim programima. Desno populističke stranke pokazuju razlike prema svojim socioekonomskim pozicijama, poziciji prema Europskoj uniji, Rusiji i drugim međunarodnim organizacijama te koga uključuju u „opasne druge, to jest u njihovom odnosu prema etničkim i seksualnim manjima. Uočene su razlike na ekonomskoj dimenziji pa su tako neke stranke za tržišnu ekonomiju i privatizaciju, dok su druge za državni intervencionizam i povećanje socijalnih naknada. Na kulturnoj dimenziji zauzimaju sličnu radikalno desnu poziciju, no razlikuju se prema tome koju skupinu uključuju u svoje poimanje „opasnih drugih“. Desni populisti pokazuju pozitivno lice populizma kada kritiziraju tehnokraciju, to jest demokratski elitizam i u svoj koncept naroda uključuju seksualne manjine. S druge strane, negativno lice pokazuju kada u „opasne druge“ uključuju nacionalne, vjerske i/ ili seksualne manjine te kada osporavaju liberalni segment liberalne demokracije.
Abstract (english) Populism emerged as a contemporary challenge to liberal democracy and can act as a threat or a potential corrective to democracy. This work will elaborate on the types of right-wing populism in Europe, where there is an assumption of the existing differences between right-wing populist parties in old and new democracies in Europe. It starts off with the explanation of right-wing populism, thus characterizing its main elements: populism, authoritarianism and nativism. The right-wing populist politics includes a negative attitude towards minority groups, antiimmigration politics and euroskepticism. The goal of this paper is to notice key aspects that are equal to these parties and also, to discover the potential differences among them. In the comparative analysis of this paper, there are four parties covered: the Polish party Law and Justice (PiS), the French party National Rally (RN), Czech party Freedom and Direct Democracy (SPD) and finally, the Norwegian party Progress Party (FrP). Scientific literature mentioned in this paper will emphasize the role of the parties and the comparison of the different party programs, especially with the aid of the Manifesto Project Database (MPD). The program contains qualitative information on the different subjects, policy and political position the parties draw attention to in their party manifestos. The right-wing populist parties show their differences in the grounds of socioeconomic views, their opinion towards the European Union, Russia and other international organizations and who they consider as “dangerous others”, i.e. their relationship towards ethnic and sexual minorities. There are differences on the economic dimension, where some parties are for free market economy and privatization, while others are for state interventionism and increase in social security and welfare. They have a similar radical right position on the cultural dimension, but they differ in the who they consider as “dangerous others”. Right-wing populists show a positive side when they combat technocratic governance, i.e. democratic elitism and when they are inclusionary towards sexual minorities. On the other hand, they show a negative side when they include minorities various minorities as “dangerous others” and when they violate the liberal principle of liberal democracy.
tipovi desnog populizma
stare i nove demokracije u Europi
ekonomska i kulturna dimenzija
„opasni drugi“
Manifesto Project Database (MPD)
Keywords (english)
types of right-wing populism
old and new democracies in Europe
economic and cultural dimension
“dangerous others”
Manifesto Project Database (MPD)
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:114:729044
Study programme Title: Political Science Study programme type: university Study level: graduate Academic / professional title: magistar/magistra politologije (magistar/magistra politologije)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
Access conditions Open access
Terms of use
Created on 2019-12-11 12:32:34