Title Maraton lađa - uloga medija u brendiranju manifestacije
Title (english) Marathon Boat - the Role of the Media in Branding the Event
Author Zrinka Medak
Mentor Božo Skoko (mentor)
Committee member Božo Skoko (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Hrvoje Jakopović (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Marina Mučalo (član povjerenstva)
Granter University of Zagreb The Faculty of Political Science Zagreb
Defense date and country 2019-09-17, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline SOCIAL SCIENCES Information and Communication Sciences Journalism
Abstract Kulturno-sportsko-turistička manifestacija Maraton lađa događaj je koji se svake godine od 1998. održava druge subote u kolovozu na Neretvi, sa startom u Metkoviću i ciljem u Pločama. Iako Maraton lađa ima već zavidnu tradiciju iza sebe, broj posjetitelja počeo je padati. Ulogu u tome ima stvaranje brenda, brendiranje i promocija manifestacije, posebno kroz medije. Kako i koliko je Maraton lađa prikazan u medijima uvelike može utjecati na odluku potencijalnih posjetitelja i turista na dolazak
... More na manifestaciju, stoga je od velike važnosti bilo istražiti prikaz Maratona lađa u medijima. Točnije, analizirani su članci objavljeni od 2008. do 2018. godine na portalima Dnevnik.hr, RTL, Jutarnji list, Večernji list i Slobodna Dalmacija.
Cilj istraživanja bio je istražiti koliko je manifestacija Maraton lađa zastupljena na portalima glavnih hrvatskih medija te koliki utjecaj imaju mediji na brendiranje Maratona lađa kao kulturno-sportsko-turističke manifestacije. Četiri hipoteze istraživanja u skladu su s ciljem te je s obzirom na njih provedena kvantitativna analiza sadržaja. Analizom su dobiveni podaci koji su omogućili potvrdu, odnosno opovrgavanje postavljenih hipoteza. Prva hipoteza, koja kaže da se o Maratonu lađa objavljuje mali broj članaka na vodećim portalima djelomično je potvrđena, dok je druga hipoteza, prema kojoj su glavne i najčešće teme članaka o Maratonu lađa političari, dok se o Maratonu kao turistički atraktivnom događaju uglavnom ne piše - u potpunosti potvrđena. Treća hipoteza pretpostavlja da je o Maratonu lađa objavljeno više članaka kada se tijekom održavanja manifestacije dogodio neki incident, odnosno neki nered. Ta hipoteza je manjim dijelom potvrđena, ovisno o godini. Zadnja hipoteza pretpostavlja da je više članaka o Maratonu lađa objavljeno na dan održavanja Maratona i u danima nakon održavanja manifestacije nego i danima prije održavanja. Ova hipoteza u potpunosti je potvrđena.
Iz cjelokupnog istraživanja zaključeno je kako je Maraton lađa manjkavo brendiran u medijima te da je potrebno uložiti daljnje napore i uključiti stručnjake kako bi stvorio prepoznatljiv brend. Less
Abstract (english) Cultural-sport-tourist event Marathon boat is held every year since 1998, every second Saturday on Neretva in August, starting with Metković and aiming at Ploče. Although the Marathon boat has an already enviable tradition behind it, the number of visitors began to fall. The creation of the brand, branding and promoting the event, especially through media has a role in how many visitors come to the event. The way Marathon boat is shown in the media can greatly affect the decision of
... More potential visitors and tourists to come to the event, so it was of great importance to explore the Marathon boat in the media. More specifically, articles published from 2008 to 2018 on the web sites Dnevnik.hr, RTL, Jutarnji list, Večernji list, and Slobodna Dalmacija have been analyzed.
The aim of the research was to investigate how much the Marathon boat manifestation is represented on the web of the main Croatian media and how much influence the media have on branding the Marathon boat as a cultural-sport-tourist manifestation. The four hypotheses of the research are in line with the purpose and given a quantitative analysis of the contents. The analysis provided the data that enabled the confirmation or denial of the hypothesis. The first hypothesis, which states that the small number of articles about Marathon boat is published on the leading portals, is partially confirmed, while the second hypothesis, according to which the main and most frequently discussed topics of the Marathon boat are politicians, while Marathon as a tourist-attractive event is mostly not written – is fully confirmed. The third hypothesis assumes that there were more articles published about the Marathon boat when an incident or some disorder occurred during the event. This hypothesis has been confirmed to a small extent, depending on the year. The last hypothesis assumes that more Marathon articles have been published on the day of the Marathon boat and days after the event, as well as the days before the event. This hypothesis is fully confirmed. From the overall research, it was concluded that the Marathon boat was lacking branding in the media and that further efforts have to be made and experts should be included in order to create a recognizable brand. Less
Maraton lađa
Keywords (english)
Marathon boat
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:114:322012
Study programme Title: Journalism Study programme type: university Study level: graduate Academic / professional title: magistar/magistra novinarstva (magistar/magistra novinarstva)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
Access conditions Open access
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Created on 2020-01-08 10:06:27