Title Hrvatski film i HRT u periodu od 1990. do 1992.
Title (english) Croatian film and HRT from 1990 to 1992
Author Janko Debeljak
Mentor Tena Perišin (mentor)
Committee member Tena Perišin (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Gordana Vilović (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Dunja Majstorović Jedovnicki (član povjerenstva)
Granter University of Zagreb The Faculty of Political Science Zagreb
Defense date and country 2020-09-16, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline SOCIAL SCIENCES Information and Communication Sciences Journalism
Abstract Raskol i razlaz unutar unutar Socijalističke Federativne Republike Jugoslavije idealnu je medijsku scenu imao u televizijskom programu. Izrazita politička i ideološka polarizacija koju su televizijske kuće svojim izvještajima i prezentacijama istog događaja odašiljale publici dovele su i prije „formalnog“ razlaza republika do izlaska Televizije Zagreb iz zajedničke progamske sheme s Jugoslavenskom radiotelevizijom u Beogradu. Prvi višestranački izbori tek su slijedili, pripremljen je opsežan i za sve jednak program predstavljanja novoregistrianih stranka. No, ni taj dio profesionalnog pristupa novinara i urednika nije mogao obraniti televiziju da postane prva utvrda koju pobjedinik treba osvojiti. Jer, važno je tko će i kakve informacije „puštati“. U tom preuzimanju stradali su profesionalci, uglavnom bez pismenog obrazloženja, ostajali bez posla ili pak prerano umirovljeni. Iz medija su nestala afirmirana lica i autori, ali ne samo novinari već i glumci, redatelji. Istovremeno se događala politička, ekonomska i kulturna tranzicija, kao i početak Domovinskog rata. Mediji su se bavili uglavnom informacijama o ratnim zbivanjima, državnoj politici i temama koje su zagovarale jačanje nacionalnog identiteta. Novi i novo-stari autori preuzeli su uloge kolega koji su odjednom nestali iz javnosti. Zašto ih nema, rade li negdje drugdje i od čega žive, o tome se malo pisalo i govorilo. O čistkama se u tim prvim godinama višestranačja uglavnom šutjelo, čemu su pridonijela i ratna zbivanja. Cjelovitu sliku čistki i svega što im je prethodilo u ranim devedesetima još uvijek nemamo. Stoga su svjedočanstva suvremenika tih događaja, profesionalci kojih je sve manje, vrijedni dio mozaika u povijesti medijske i kulturne sfere na početku tranzicije.
Ostaje činjenica da je tadašnja Televizija Zagreb istupila iz zajedničke programske sheme s Jugoslavenskom radiotelevizijom u Beogradu prije raspada Jugoslavije, ali i da su koautori (akteri) tog programskog odvajanja bili prvi na udaru novodolazeće vlasti.
Abstract (english) The schism and division within the Socialist Federal Republic of Yugoslavia had an ideal media scene in the television program. The pronounced political and ideological polarization that the broadcasters sent to the audience with their reports and presentations of the same event led to the exit of Television Zagreb from the joint program scheme with the Yugoslav Radio and Television in Belgrade even before the "formal" separation of the republics. The first multi-party elections have just followed, and a comprehensive and equal program for the representation of newly registered parties has been prepared. But even that part of the professional approach of journalists and editors could not defend television to become the first fortress that the winner should conquer. Who releases which information is not all the same. In that takeover, professionals were discarded, mostly without a written explanation, lost their jobs, or retired prematurely. Affirmed faces and authors have disappeared from the media, meaning not only journalists but also actors and directors. At the same time, there was a political, economic, and cultural transition, as well as the beginning of the Homeland War. The media focused mainly on information about the war, state policy, topics that advocated the strengthening of national identity. New and new-old authors took on the roles of colleagues who suddenly disappeared from the public eye. Little has been written and said about where they disappeared to, and if they had a new job, a new place to be in. The purges were largely silent in those first years of multiparty politics, to which the events of the war also contributed. We still do not have a complete picture of the purges and everything that preceded them in the early 1990s. Therefore, the testimonies of contemporaries of these events, the number of professionals, decreasing daily, are a valuable part of the mosaic in the history of the media and cultural sphere at the beginning of the transition.
The fact remains that the then Television Zagreb withdrew from the joint program scheme with the Yugoslav Radio and Television in Belgrade before the break-up of Yugoslavia, but also that the co-authors (actors) of that program separation were the first to be attacked by the new government.
javna televizija
Keywords (english)
public television
the nineties
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:114:854868
Study programme Title: Journalism Study programme type: university Study level: graduate Academic / professional title: magistar/magistra novinarstva (magistar/magistra novinarstva)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
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Created on 2020-11-12 11:57:56