Abstract | U studiji slučaja odnosa između EU i RF istraživalo se kako se u 21. stoljeću naslijeđeni hladnoratovski plinski odnos koristi u politici moći i tako povezuje ekonomsku kategoriju vanjske trgovine s moćnim politološkim konceptima međuovisnosti, moći i sigurnosti te dovodi do zamjene diskursa plinske trgovine diskursom energetske sigurnosti. Polazna točka u istraživanju prirode moći u tom odnosu, koji je izvorno bio ekonomsko pitanje, iako ne posve nepolitičko, ali svakako ne sigurnosno pitanje visoke politike, bila je ruska politizacija odnosa, obilno obrađena u znanstvenoj literaturi, no bez dubinskog razumijevanja uvjeta koji su je omogućili i načina na koji se provodi, načina na koji se EU prilagođavao, kao i implikacija tih procesa, empirijskih (na aktere, međusobne odnose i širi kontekst) i teorijskih. O tome je na temelju analitičkog poopćavanja generirana i shematski prikazana teorija, koja je pružila kontekstualno razumijevanje i uzročno-posljedičnim organiziranjem čimbenika objasnila procese politizacije i sekuritizacije, koji su plinskoj trgovini dodijelili novu ulogu u odnosu između aktera. Kao ključan čimbenik identificirana je osjetljivost / ranjivost EU uvjetovana asimetrijom međuovisnosti u tom odnosu i utvrđeno je da je ishodište i posljedica tih procesa novo, politizirano značenje koje sada oba aktera pripisuju plinskoj trgovini.
Veliki metodološki izazov bio je reducirati kompleksnost pitanja vezanih uz višeznačnu prirodu energenta i trgovine njima. Pomoglo je identificiranje, opisivanje i objašnjavanje materijalnih čimbenika koji plin i plinsku trgovinu čine potentnijim instrumentom moći od naftne i koji su, uz povoljne unutarnje i vanjske kontekstualne čimbenike, razlog zbog kojeg se RF, bogat i naftom i plinom, odlučio na strategiju ciljane i vješte konverzije plinske trgovine u instrument za postizanje vanjskopolitičkih ciljeva. U istraživanje je uključena konstruktivistička perspektiva, jer se pokazalo da su ontološki stariji bili ideacijski čimbenici, uzajamno konstitutivni identiteti i interesi aktera, i da moć instrumenta plinske trgovine i njezino sigurnosno uokvirivanje ovise o materijalnim i perceptivnim čimbenicima, koji se mogu diskurzivno jačati. Za sada je izostala performativna dimenzija sekuritizacijskih pokušaja, no kao njihova eksternalija diskurs energetske sigurnosti zadržan je visoko na političkim dnevnim redovima. Rad doprinosi i teorijskoj konceptualizaciji energetske sigurnosti uz pomoć njezina empirijski kontestualiziranog redefiniranja, a u cilju ukazivanja na mogućnost njegove političke instrumentalizacije. |
Abstract (english) | In this case study on the relationship between the EU and the Russian Federation, it has been examined the way in which the gas relation, inherited from the Cold War, is being used in power politics in the 21st century. Using the gas trade in power politics has connected the economical concept of foreign trade and the powerful political concepts - liberal interdependence, realistic power and realistic security. The main question appears to be a way in which one of the actors of this longstanding interdependent gas relationship, motivated by its desire to regain the status of the world power, has been encouraged to convert the economic dependence into one which is not economical, but political, in order to gain more relative power. It has also been the case causing the notion of gas trade to become substituted with the notion of energy security.
The nature of power existing in this gas relation, which at the point of its establishment had been an economical one, although not entirely without political notions, and not in any way connected with security and high politics matters, was empirically studied. The research of this dissertation has been based on the presumption that Russia politicized this relationship, also confirmed by a large number of scientific studies. However, those studies were not concerned with an in-depth understanding of the conditions, which enabled the politicization, the ways in which it was conducted, the “who” and “what” of this process, the ways in which the EU itself was adapting to this process, thus arousing the great research interest. The research interest has been equally directed to the implications of these processes, both empirical (on the actors, on the relations between them and in the wider context) and the theoretical one (on the concept of energy security).
It was a rather big methodological challenge to reduce the complexity of the issues connected with the multifaceted nature of the energy sources and the energy trade. The identification, the description, and the explanation of the material factors, which have caused the gas trade to become more potential power instrument than the oil trade, has been very helpful. Those factors, in connection with the favourable internal and external contextual factors, are the main reasons, why Russia, endowed with gas and oil has chosen a targeted and skilful conversion strategy of gas trade into a foreign policy instrument. The included constructivist perspective has revealed that the ideas, intersubjective constitutive identities and interests of actors, in an ontological sense have proved themselves to be older factors, whereas the power of the gas trade instrument and its security framing depends on materialistic as well as on perceived factors. The inclusion of constructivist elements in this research is not a substitute, but a supplement to the realistic perspective.
Based on the analytical generalisation, a theory, which is enabling a contextual understanding and a causal explanation of the examined processes (politicization and securitization), due to which the gas trade has resumed a new role in the relationship between actors, has been generated and represented in form of a scheme. As the main factor, the sensitiveness and the vulnerability of the EU in this relationship, caused by the asymmetric interdependence, has been identified. It has lead to a conclusion that the new meaning, ascribed to the gas trade by both actors, is the cause as well as the result of those processes. The realistic perspective has supported the understandings of materialistic and ideational factors, thus enabling the conversion of this particular economic relationship into the political power instrument. The constructivist perspective has shown ways in which threat is presented (constructed) and perceived (subjectively experienced): the ways in which the power of the instrument is being constructed, the gas trade discursively represented as the security threat, and how the discursive dimension of the securitization process has become important and mirrored in the theoretically immature concept of energy security. Thus, the research has contributed to the theoretical conceptualization of energy security – the concept has been redefined in accordance with the empirical context. It has also aimed to point out the possibility of the concept to be politically instrumentalized. For the time being, the performative dimension of securitization moves is missing; nevertheless, the importance of the energy security issue is evident: there are discussions in public (in media and in politics) as well as scientific circles on the question – is it possible for gas trade between these two actors to remain an exclusively economic relationship? |