Abstract | Toksična muškost i nasilje nad ženama međusobno su povezani te se njihova uloga može promatrati u političkom i društvenom kontekstu. Suvremeno doba donijelo je nove društvene okolnosti u kojima su mnoge žene i dalje eksploatirane, degradirane i marginalizirane u korist muškarca. U ovom radu daje se pregled teorijskih radova na temu toksične muškosti jer upravo ona služi kao skup pretpostavki iz koje su se izvele hipoteze ovog rada. Predmet analize ovog rada bila je zvijezda društvenih medija Andrew Tate koji je poznat po mizoginičnim i seksističnim stavovima o ženama i društvu. Metoda korištena u istraživanju je kvantitativna analiza sadržaja provedena na osam hrvatskih i stranih portala (The Guardian, The Independent, Vox, We Hunted the Mammoth, Jutarnji list, Večernji list, Index.hr, 24 sata), kod svakoga po četiri. Analizirano je 140 članaka, a cilj je bio istražiti na koji način, koliko često i u kojem stilu se izvještava o Andrewu Tateu. Istraživanje je pokazalo kako portali izvještavaju o Andrewu Tateu, postoji li razlika između hrvatskih i stranih portala, jesu li u pričama uklopljene obje strane priče i kakav je odjek u javnosti. U konačnici, ovaj rad zaključuje kako je odjek Andrewa Tatea u javnosti velik, ali kako mediji većinom koriste negativne epitete i negativan ton u izvještavanju kojima ukazuju na njegovu toksičnu muškost, nasilje nad ženama i na koncu, njegovu opasnost za mlade muškarce. Istraživanjem je naznačen i dalje važna uloga tradicionalnih medija u oblikovanju društva i njihovih progresivnih vrijednosti na čelu s novinarima kao profesionalnim komunikatorima. Društvene mreže omogućile su Tateu njegovo djelovanje, ali novinari su bili ti koji su kritički čitali i komunicirali njegov sadražaj. U moru neselektiranog sadržaja na društvenim mrežama profesionalno novinarstvo će biti sve važnije u budućnosti. |
Abstract (english) | Toxic masculinity and violence against women are interrelated, and their role is viewed in the political and social context. The modern age has brought new social circumstances in which women are still freqently exploited, degraded, and marginalized in favor of men. The thesis provides an overview of the theoretical development of the topic of toxic masculinity which serves as a set of assumptions from which the hypotheses were derived. Main subject of this thesis is social media star Andrew Tate who is famous for his mysoginistic and sexist stance about women and society in general. The method used in research is a quantitative content analysis carried out on eight Croatian and foreign portals (The Guardian, The Independent, Vox, We Hunted the Mammoth, Jutarnji list, Večernji list, Index.hr, 24 sata) – four for each. In total, 140 articles whose goal were to see how, how often, and in what style Andrew Tate is reported in the media. The research showed the manner in which the portals report on Andrew Tate, whether there is a difference between Croatian and foreign portals, whether both sides of the story are included in the articles, and what is the public response on said topic. Ultimately, this thesis concludes that the public response to Andrew Tate is great, but that the media mostly used negative epithets and negative tone in reporting on him, his toxic masculinity, violence against women, and finally – his danger to young men. The thesis outlined and have pointed out the important role of traditional media in shaping society and its progressive values with journalists at the forefront of this communications. Social media enabled Tate to operate, but it was journalists who critically read and communicated his content. In multitudes of unselected content on social networks, professional journalism will be increasingly important in the future. |