Title Kapitalistička regulacija intime
Title (english) Capitalist Regulation of Intimacy
Author Karlo Vedak
Mentor Tonči Kursar (mentor)
Committee member Tonči Kursar (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Krešimir Petković (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Enes Kulenović (član povjerenstva)
Granter University of Zagreb The Faculty of Political Science Zagreb
Defense date and country 2023-09-11, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline SOCIAL SCIENCES Political Science
Abstract U posljednjih trideset godina svjedočimo rastu popularnosti queer teorije i sve većoj političkoj relevantnosti pokreta za prava LGBTIQ*+ osoba te s njim povezanih tema. U isto vrijeme, kao posljedica financijske krize 2008. godine, odvija se rehabilitacija marksističke misli koja je 90-ih evakuirana s političkog i akademskog reljefa uslijed urušavanja realsocijalističkih režima. Na marginama obje teorije i pokreta počinje se facilitirati dijalog između marksizma i queera s ciljem produciranja sinteze koja bi queer iskustva direktno utkala u tendencije kapitalističkog načina proizvodnje te ponudila novu viziju queer i klasne emancipacije. Iako se ovi procesi mogu doimati nebitnima, oni se odvijaju u periodu kada se ljevicu s jedne strane optužuje za odustajanje od borbe koja je univerzalna tj. klasne borbe i pomicanja prema fragmentiranim, politički impotentnim i često ezoteričnim liberalnim politikama identiteta s druge strane. Upravo zbog toga, dijalog između marksizma i queera postaje politološki relevantan kao optika za analizu širih gibanja na političkoj ljevici. U prva tri poglavlja rad stoga nastoji prikazati teorijsko – političku prošlost ove dvije pozicije kako bi se bolje razumio aktualni društveno – politički trenutak. Rad, nadalje, pruža historijsko - materijalističku analizu razvoja različitih seksualnih identiteta. U zadnja se dva poglavlja prikazuju različiti načini na koje kapitalizam koristi queer iskustva, tijela i živote za svoje ekonomske i političke ciljeve, a uz to se otvara pitanje odnosa queer marksizma prema Foucaultu i njegovih doprinosa ovom pristupu. S obzirom na to da se radi o pristupu koji je u samoj svojoj srži angažiran i kritičan, u zaključku se analiziraju potencijali upotrebe ovog pravca u političkoj borbi.
Abstract (english) In the last thirty years, we have witnessed the growing popularity of queer theory paralleled with increasing political relevance of the LGBTIQ*+ movement and issues related to it. At the same time, as a result of the financial crisis of 2008, the rehabilitation of Marxist thought, which was evacuated from the political and academic topography in the 90s due to the collapse of socialist regimes, is taking place. On the margins of both theories and movements, a dialogue between Marxism and queer begins to be facilitated with the aim of producing a synthesis that would directly weave queer experiences into the tendencies of the capitalist mode of production and offer a new vision of both queer and class emancipation. Although these processes may seem unimportant, they take place in a period when the left is accused on the one hand of abandoning the struggle that is universal, i.e., the class struggle, and moving towards fragmented, politically impotent, and often esoteric liberal identity politics on the other hand. This is precisely why the dialogue between Marxism and queer becomes politically relevant as a lens for analysing broader trends on the political left. The first three chapters of the paper therefore try to present the theoretical and political past of these two positions to better understand the current socio-political moment. The paper also provides a historical materialistic analysis of the development of different sexual identities. The last two chapters show the different ways in which capitalism uses queer experiences, bodies, and lives for its economic and political goals, and raises the question of the relationship of queer Marxism to Foucault and his contributions to this approach. Given that it is an approach that is engaged and critical in its very core, the potential of using this direction in the political struggle is analysed in the conclusion.
Keywords (english)
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:114:576392
Study programme Title: Political Science Study programme type: university Study level: graduate Academic / professional title: magistar/magistra politologije (magistar/magistra politologije)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
Access conditions Open access
Terms of use
Created on 2023-09-27 09:09:05