Title Medijsko predstavljanje malih modnih poduzetnika
Title (english) Media Representation of Fashion Entrepreneurs
Author Jelena Huđek
Mentor Boris Beck (mentor)
Committee member Boris Beck (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Tena Perišin (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Dunja Majstorović Jedovnicki (član povjerenstva)
Granter University of Zagreb The Faculty of Political Science Zagreb
Defense date and country 2023-09-12, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline SOCIAL SCIENCES Political Science
Abstract U današnje doba ljudi su sve više zainteresirani za otvaranje vlastitog biznisa nego zapošljavanje u državnim kompanijama, a ova misao dovela je do koncepta poduzetništva. Poduzetnici su poznati po svojim kreativnim vještinama, inovativnim idejama i novim izumima. Poduzetništvo u modi jednako je kao i poduzetništvo u bilo kojem drugom području. Ono nije više ograničeno na samostalne trgovine već ima mogućnost iskoristiti društvene medije za oglašavanje te prodaju online putem. Kako bi se
... More uspješno predstavili publici, modni poduzetnici koriste razne oblike medija, a platforme društvenih medija postale su temelj marketinške strategije većine modnih kuća. Instagram te modni influenceri postali su vitalan alat za modne dizajnere. Društveni mediji u samo nekoliko sekundi dopiru do velikog broja ljudi i novih kupaca te daju priliku za povećanje prometa modnih dizajnera. Praktični dio rada obuhvaća dva istraživanja. Prvo istraživanje provedeno je kroz polustrukturirani intervju sa šest modnih poduzetnika iz Hrvatske, a pitanja su postavljena iz domene oglašavanja, važnosti medija i modnih tjedana, važnosti prodaje preko interneta, problematike „brze“ mode te konkurencije na tržištu. Drugim istraživanjem provedena je analiza internetskih modnih portala kojim se nastojalo utvrditi zastupljenost hrvatskih modnih dizajnera na portalima. Rezultati istraživanja pokazuju kako modni poduzetnici u Hrvatskoj svoj brand oglašavaju putem oglasa na društvenim mrežama, surađuju s influencerima, modnim portalima i aktivni su na modnim događanjima. Analiza sadržaja na tri modna portala Journal, Fashion.hr i Zadovoljna.hr pokazuje slabu zastupljenost modnih poduzetnika u medijima. Radom se također utvrdilo da je modno oglašavanjem putem društvenih mreža gotovo u potpunosti zamijenilo klasične oblike oglašavanja. Modni dizajneri sve više se okreću modernom oglašavanju koje im donosi veće prihode. Bez obzira na spomenuto, navedena istraživanja i analize pokazuju slabu suradnju između modnih poduzetnika i medija. Modni poduzetnici zaslužuju puno više pažnje u medijima te veću podršku od strane vodećih modnih portala u Hrvatskoj. Less
Abstract (english) Nowadays, people are more interested in opening their own business than in employment in state-owned companies, and this thought led to the concept of entrepreneurship. Entrepreneurs are known for their creative skills, innovative ideas and new inventions. Entrepreneurship in fashion is just like entrepreneurship in any other field. It is no longer limited to independent stores, but has the possibility to use social media for advertising and online sales. In order to successfully
... More present themselves to the public, fashion entrepreneurs use various forms of media, and social media platforms have become the basis of the marketing strategy of most fashion houses. Instagram and fashion influencers have become a vital tool for designers. Social media reaches a large number of people and new customers in just a few seconds and gives an opportunity to increase the traffic of fashion designers. The practical part of the work includes two studies. The first research was conducted through a semi-structured interview with six fashion entrepreneurs from Croatia, and questions were asked from the domain of advertising, the importance of media and fashion weeks, the importance of online sales, the issue of so-called fast fashion and competition on the market. The second research was an analysis of online fashion portals, which sought to determine the representation of Croatian fashion designers on the portals. The research results show that fashion entrepreneurs in Croatia advertise their brand through ads on social networks, collaborate with influencers, fashion portals and are active at fashion events. Analysis of the content on the three fashion portals Journal, Fashion.hr and Zadovoljna.hr shows a weak representation of fashion entrepreneurs in the media. The research also established that fashion advertising through social networks has almost completely replaced classic forms of advertising. Fashion designers are increasingly turning to modern advertising, which brings them higher incomes. Regardless of the aforementioned, the aforementioned research and analysis show weak cooperation between fashion entrepreneurs and the media. Fashion entrepreneurs deserve more attention in the media and more support from the leading fashion portals in Croatia. Less
modni poduzetnik
modni dizajner
društveni mediji
modni portali
Keywords (english)
fashion entrepreneur
fashion designer
social media
fashion portals
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:114:891760
Study programme Title: Journalism Study programme type: university Study level: graduate Academic / professional title: magistar/magistra novinarstva (magistar/magistra novinarstva)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
Access conditions Open access
Terms of use
Created on 2023-10-05 12:51:41