Abstract | Ovaj rad proučava turbulentne odnose NR Kine i Ujedinjenih naroda i njihovih mirovnih operacija koji su se u svom međusobnom djelovanju susreli s raznim oblicima suradnje, počevši od kineskog odbijanja bilo kakve suradnje s UN-om pa sve do maksimalnog kineskog angažmana počevši od 90-ih godina dvadesetog stoljeća pa sve do danas. Rad se temelji na prikazu organizacije Ujedinjenih naroda i ukazivanju na važnost Organizacije u današnjem svijetu koji je izložen svakojakim prijetnjama koje mogu uzrokovati destabilizaciju mira i sigurnosti i uzrokovati promjene u međunarodnom poretku. Ponajviše se nastoji ukazati na prikaz glavnih odrednica UN-a i njegovih mehanizama kojima se koriste u sprječavanju sukoba. Prikazuju se i činjenice putem kojih mirovne misije postižu stabilizaciju na terenu nakon što su mirovnjaci raspoređeni na terenu te kako se štite civili i koje ostale zadaće provode mirovnjaci. Nakon što je prikazan razvoj mirovnih operacija i pružanje definicije ključnih mehanizama UN-a u zaštiti mira i sigurnosti te u sprječavanju humanitarnih katastrofa slijedi dio koji pojašnjava razvoj odnosa NR Kine i UN-a. Ovdje se prvenstveno govori o uvjetima i događajima koji su utjecali na zategnute odnose NR Kine i UN-a te se ističu prvobitni stavovi NR Kine o Organizaciji. Nakon što su pružene činjenice koje govore o pozitivnom preokretu u odnosima NR Kine i UN-a gdje je veliku ulogu odigrao nekadašnji vođa NR Kine Deng Xiaoping koji je udario temelje za daljnji razvoj kineske vanjske politike jer je ostavio prostor za buduću prilagodbu kineske vanjske politike što je iskoristio kineski predsjednik Xi Jinping i prilagodio temelje sadašnjim turbulentnim okolnostima u svijetu te o sudjelovanju NR Kine u mirovnim misijama UN-a, ističe se prikaz početka kineskog sudjelovanja u aktivnostima UN-a koje su bile skromne, ali značajne u to doba. Poslije toga prikazuje se uloga NR Kine u organizaciji UN-a gdje se ističe kineska uloga u tijelima UN-a i njezino aktivno sudjelovanje na raznim sastancima i događajima u UN-u gdje je NR Kina nastojala maksimalno sudjelovati, imajući u vidu manjak vlastitog iskustva i znanja. Nadalje, kako je NR Kina jačala u svom međunarodnom djelovanju, tako su se mijenjali i načini njezina djelovanja pa tako NR Kina nastoji biti viđena u svijetu kao država koja je ozbiljan partner u zaštiti mira i sigurnosti što je nastojala pokazivati i dokazivati svojim sudjelovanjima u mirovnim operacijama UN-a na području Afrike i ostvarivanjem zadataka koje je Kina ispunjavala svojim angažmanom. Pored toga, ističe se posebna kineska uloga u mirovnim operacijama, humanitarni angažman i povezivanje s lokalnim stanovništvom bez nametanja ikakvih novih vrijednosti. Na takav način NR Kina nastoji biti most koji povezuje sigurnost, mir, stabilnost s državama koje su u razvoju i državama koje mogu ponuditi svoj angažman u jačanju pozitivnih vrijednosti za održavanje stabilnost, mira i sigurnosti. |
Abstract (english) | This paper studies the turbulent relations between the People's Republic of China and the United Nations and their peacekeeping operations, which in their interaction encountered various forms of cooperation, starting from China's refusal of any cooperation with the UN, until the maximum Chinese involvement starting in the 90s. until today. The paper is based on the presentation of the United Nations organization and the importance of the Organization in today's world, which is exposed to all kinds of threats that can cause destabilization of peace and security and cause changes in the international order. The main aim is to show the main guidelines of the UN and its mechanisms that are used to prevent conflicts, the facts through which peacekeeping missions achieve stabilization on the ground after the peacekeepers are deployed and how civilians are protected and what other tasks are carried out. After presenting the development of peacekeeping operations and providing a definition of the UN's key mechanisms in protecting peace and security and preventing humanitarian disasters, there follows a section that clarifies the development of relations between the People's Republic of China and the UN. Here, the conditions and events that influenced the strained relations between the People's Republic of China and the UN are discussed, and the original views of the People's Republic of China on the Organization are emphasized. After the facts were provided that speak of a positive turn in the relations between the People's Republic of China and the UN, where the former leader of the People's Republic of China Deng Xiaoping played a major role, which laid the foundations for the further development of China's foreign policy because it left space for the future adjustment of China's foreign policy what was used by the Chinese President Xi Jinping and adapted the foundations to the current turbulent circumstances in the world, and about the participation of the People's Republic of China in UN peacekeeping missions, the presentation of the beginning of Chinese participation in UN activities, which were modest but significant at that time, stands out. After that, the role of the People's Republic of China in the organization of the UN is presented, where China's role in the UN bodies is emphasized and its active participation in various meetings and events in the UN where the People's Republic of China tried to participate as much as possible, bearing in mind the lack of its own experience and knowledges. Furthermore, as the People's Republic of China strengthened in its international activity, so did the ways of its activities change, so the People's Republic of China strives to be seen in the world as a country that is a serious partner in the protection of peace and security, which it tried to show and prove with its participation in peace operations of the UN in the area of Africa and the realization of the tasks that China was fulfilling with its engagement. In addition, China's special role in peacekeeping operations, humanitarian engagement and connection with the local population without imposing any new values is highlighted. In this way, the People's Republic of China strives to be a bridge that connects security, peace, and stability with countries that are developing and countries that can offer their engagement in strengthening positive values for maintaining stability, peace, and security. |