Title Drugost u seriji "Star Wars: The Clone Wars"
Title (english) Otherness in the TV series Star Wars: The Clone Wars
Author Tonka Vuković
Mentor Dina Vozab (mentor)
Committee member Dina Vozab (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Petra Kovačević (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Igor Kanižaj (član povjerenstva)
Granter University of Zagreb The Faculty of Political Science Zagreb
Defense date and country 2023-09-22, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline SOCIAL SCIENCES Information and Communication Sciences Journalism
Abstract Osnovni cilj istraživanja je analiza pojma Drugosti u kontekstu svemira Ratova zvijezda s posebnim naglaskom na njegovu manifestaciju u animiranoj seriji "Ratovi zvijezda: Ratovi klonova". Istraživanjem se težilo razumjeti kako se predstavljaju "nezapadnjačke" kulture u seriji i kako takav prikaz podržava zapadnjačko poimanje Drugosti, te kako se elementi ovih kultura izjednačavaju s konceptom vanzemaljskog. U istraživanju je obrađen pojam Drugosti i njegova povezanost s formacijom identiteta.
... More Također, istražena je i polarizacija između Zapada i Istoka te se samo istraživanje dotiče i ideje orijentalizma u zapadnjačkom predstavljanju tuđih kultura. Analizom se istraživalo kako su nezapadnjačke kulture često predstavljene kao Drugo u svijetu Ratova zvijezda, a isto tako se raspravlja o rasizmu, stereotipima i političkoj korektnosti u prikazima različitih identiteta. Narativna analiza se fokusira na seriju "Ratovi zvijezda: Ratovi klonova" i istražuje kako se u njoj predstavljaju nezapadnjačke kulture te kako su ti elementi povezani s konceptom Drugosti. Kroz narativnu analizu, analizirani su vizualni, tekstualni i auditivni elementi serije kako bi dobili dublje razumijevanje reprezentacije nezapadnjačkih kultura i njihovog izjednačavanja s idejom vanzemaljskog. Rezultati istraživanja ukazuju na to da unutar svijeta Ratova zvijezda postoji često marginaliziranje nezapadnjačkih elemenata te da se Drugo često predstavlja kao zlikovce ili marginalizirane likove. Analiza također sugerira da zapadnjački svijet ostaje dominantan, dok su nezapadnjački elementi često povezivani s vanzemaljskim entitetima. Istraživanje zaključujemo da je reprezentacija Drugosti važna, posebno u sadržaju namijenjenom djeci, jer može oblikovati percepciju svijeta i drugih kultura. Također, ističe se važnost inkluzivnosti i preispitivanja tradicionalnih zapadnjačkih percepcija. Iako je istraživanje bilo usmjereno na određene aspekte, predlažemo da bi buduća istraživanja trebala šire analizirati različite aspekte Drugosti u svijetu Ratova zvijezda, koristeći različite metode analize kako bi se dobila sveobuhvatnija slika. Less
Abstract (english) The main goal of this research is to analyze the concept of Otherness in the context of the Star Wars universe, with a special emphasis on its manifestation in the animated series "Star Wars: The Clone Wars." The research aimed to understand how non-Western cultures are portrayed in the series and how such representation supports the Western understanding of Otherness, as well as how the elements of these cultures are equated with the concept of the alien. The research encompasses an
... More exploration of the notion of Otherness and its connection to identity formation. Additionally, it delves into the polarization between the West and the East, touching upon the concept of Orientalism in the Western representation of foreign cultures. The analysis investigates how non-Western cultures are often presented as the "other" in the Star Wars universe, while also discussing racism, stereotypes, and political correctness in the portrayal of various identities. The narrative analysis is focused on the series "Star Wars: The Clone Wars" and examines how non-Western cultures are represented within it and how these elements are tied to the concept of Otherness. Through narrative analysis, visual, textual, and auditory elements of the series are examined to gain a deeper understanding of the representation of non-Western cultures and their association with the concept of the alien. The research results indicate that within the Star Wars universe, there is often marginalization of non-Western elements, and the Other is frequently depicted as villains or marginalized characters. The analysis also suggests that the Western world remains dominant, while non-Western elements are often linked with alien entities. The research concludes that the representation of Otherness is important, especially in content aimed at children, as it can shape perceptions of the world and other cultures. Additionally, the research highlights the significance of inclusivity and reevaluating traditional Western perceptions. While the research focused on specific aspects, it suggests that future studies should comprehensively analyze various aspects of Otherness in the Star Wars universe using different analytical methods to achieve a more substantial picture. Less
Ratovi zvijezda
Ratovi zvijezda: Ratovi klonova
narativna analiza
nezapadnjačke kulture
Keywords (english)
Star Wars
Star Wars: The Clone Wars
narrative analysis
non-western cultures
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:114:394177
Study programme Title: Journalism Study programme type: university Study level: graduate Academic / professional title: magistar/magistra novinarstva (magistar/magistra novinarstva)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
Access conditions Open access
Terms of use
Created on 2023-11-30 13:47:28