Title Osobni brend - studija slučaja Maje Šuput
Title (english) Personal Brand - case study of Maja Šuput
Author Luka Škabić
Mentor Hrvoje Jakopović (mentor)
Mentor Božo Skoko (mentor)
Committee member Smiljana Leinert-Novosel (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Domagoj Bebić (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Hrvoje Jakopović (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Božo Skoko (član povjerenstva)
Granter University of Zagreb The Faculty of Political Science Zagreb
Defense date and country 2023-12-22, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline SOCIAL SCIENCES Political Science
Abstract Brend menadžment područje je društvenih znanosti i struka čija je uloga planirati, organizirati, plasirati i održati brend određenog proizvoda ili usluge što dulje i uspješnije na tržištu. Pojavom novih medija i razvojem modrene tehnologije pojavljuju se brojni izazovi suvremenog društva koji neminovno utječu na spomenuto područje. Iz tog se razloga nameće unaprjeđenje postojećeg oblika brendiranja funkcijama odnosa s javnošću i menadžmenta. Cilj rada je istražiti i prikazati ulogu osobnog
... More brendiranja, njegove alate i ulogu samopromocije u svrhu ostvarenja konkurentske prednosti i uspjeha na tržištu s pozicije slavne osobe. Paralelno s time rad obrađuje teorijsku podlogu brend menadžmenta, odnosa s javnošću i međuzavisnog utjecaja odnosa s javnošću i promocije na stvaranje identiteta i imidža osobe s osvrtom na odabran primjer pjevačice i zabavljačice Maje Šuput.
Istraživački dio rada odnosi se na analiziranje brenda, persone Maje Šuput na javnoj sceni Republike Hrvatske proučavajući percepciju javnosti o njezinom brendu. Istraživanje je podijeljeno i provedeno u dva dijela, koristeći metodu telefonske ankete provedeno je istraživanje na reprezentativnom uzorku opće populacije od 600 ispitanika te je izrađena studija slučaja na temu pjevačičinog osobnog brenda. Prikazani rezultati potvrđuju potvrdu prilagodbe suvremenim trendovima, novim poslovima i funkcijama osobnog brendiranja u svrhu jačanja brenda, njegove održivosti i postizanja uspjeha na tržištu.
Radom se daje doprinos razumijevanju osobnog brenda na primjeru pjevačice Maje Šuput, prikazujući pritom utjecaj PR i marketing alata kao i menadžerskih vještina kojima se ona koristi u svrhu ostvarenja profesionalnog uspjeha. Less
Abstract (english) Brand management is a field of social sciences and a profession whose role is to plan, organize, market and maintain the brand of a specific product or service as long and successfully as possible on the market. With the emergence of new media and the development of modern technology, numerous challenges of modern society appear that constantly affect the mentioned area. For this reason, the improvement of the existing form of branding with public relations and management functions is
... More suggested. The aim of the paper is to investigate and present the role of personal branding, its tools and the role of self-promotion in order to achieve competitive advantage and success in the market from the position of a celebrity. In parallel, the paper deals with the theoretical basis of brand management, public relations and the interdependent influence of public relations and promotion on the creation of a person's identity and image with reference to the selected example of the singer and entertainer Maja Šuput.
The research part of the work refers to analyzing the brand, the persona of Maja Šuput on the public scene of the Republic of Croatia, studying the public's perception of her brand. The research was divided and conducted in two parts, using the telephone survey method, research was conducted on a representative sample of the general population of 600 respondents, and a case study was made on the subject of the singer's personal brand. The presented results confirm the confirmation of adaptation to contemporary trends, new jobs and functions of personal branding for the purpose of strengthening the brand, its vitality and achieving success on the market.
The work contributes to the understanding of personal brand on the example of singer Maja Šuput, while showing the influence of PR and marketing tools as well as the managerial skills she uses to achieve professional success. Less
brend menadžment
osobni brend
Maja Šuput
Keywords (english)
brand management
personal brand
Maja Šuput
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:114:692707
Study programme Title: Public Relations Study programme type: university Study level: postgraduate specialist Academic / professional title: sveučilišni/a specijalist/ specijalistica iz odnosa s javnošću (sveučilišni/a specijalist/ specijalistica iz odnosa s javnošću)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
Access conditions Open access Embargo expiration date: 2024-06-22
Terms of use
Created on 2024-02-23 10:11:05