Abstract | Kvantiteta je u novinarskom svijetu često važnija od kvalitete, a zarada i profit nerijetko su ispred etičkih kodeksa i vrijednosti. Medijski djelatnici u svom izvještavanju često pribjegavaju senzacionalizmu i kršenju privatnosti pojedinaca. Posebno je problem kada to rade djeci i maloljetnicima koji su najranjivija skupina u društvu. Upravo im ta skupina može donijeti veliku zaradu jer tragične vijesti o njoj bude emocije čitatelja vrlo lako. Postoji niz međunarodnih i pravnih akata koji propisuju kako treba izvještavati o toj skupini. Treba biti vrlo oprezan pri pisanju o njima jer svaka nepotrebno otkrivena informacija može se odraziti na dijete u budućnosti, a time novinari krše pravo na privatnost djeteta. Ponekad je, pak, teško odrediti je li veće pravo na privatnost ili javni interes. Preporučuje se da mediji razviju i vlastite mehanizme samoregulacije da bi spriječili loše prakse. Posebno je teško izvještavati o djeci koja su žrtve obiteljskog nasilja. Cilj istraživanja unutar ovoga rada jest proučiti kako su dva hrvatska portala – Večernji.hr i 24sata.hr izvještavali o tragičnom slučaju djevojčice Nikoll Dedić koja je preminula od posljedica zlostavljanja od strane svoje majke. Ovaj je slučaj bio iznimno medijski pokriven. Provedena je kvantitativna analiza sadržaja kojom se htjelo otkriti jesu li mediji temi pristupili senzacionalistički, jesu li otkrivali privatne detalje vezane uz djevojčicu te koje su bile glavne teme medijskih tekstova. Rezultati istraživanja pokazali su pozitivan pomak u odnosu na prethodna istraživanja. Naime, o detaljima života Nikoll te detaljima njezine smrti mediji su pisali u petini tekstova, a njezino se lice na naslovnici pojavilo u nešto manje od 10 posto slučajeva. Naslovi u kojima su prisutne emocije te preuveličavanja su u manjku, a mediji su fokus stavljali na hrvatski sustav za socijalnu skrb te time poticali promjenu na bolje. Ovakva i slična istraživanja važna su da bi ukazivala na propuste medijskih djelatnika i medijskih kuća pri izvještavanju o teškim temama koje uključuju djecu. Za promjenu je potrebno osvijestiti problem, educirati se te poštovati propise. |
Abstract (english) | In journalism, quality is often more important than quantity, and profit is frequently given precedence over ethical values and principles. In their reports, journalists often resort to sensationalism and an invasion of an individual's privacy. It becomes an even larger issue when the subject of the aformentioned acts are underage children – the society's most vulnerable members. This group can increase the newspaper publishers' profits, since tragic news stories involving children easily arouse the readers' emotions. A number of international acts had bern designed with the aim of regulating the media reports on the group. Caution is required when writing a report on underage children, since any unnecessarily disclosed information can impact the children in the future; by doing this, journalists breach their privacy. However, in some instances it is difficult to appoint what is more important: the right to privacy or the public interest. It is recommended that the media develop their own self-regulation mechanisms in order to avoid unethical practices. Reporting on children who are victims of domestic abuse can be especially difficult. The aim of the research carried out for this thesis is to investigate how two Croatian news websites, Večernji.hr and 24sata.hr, had reported on the tragic case of Nikoll Dedić, a child who had died as a result of abuse by her mother. The case had received wide media coverage. A quantitative analysis of the media content was conducted in order to ascertain whether or not the media had approached the topic sensationally or revealed the girl's private information, and to determine the main topics of the news articles. The research results showed a positive shift compared to previous research. To specify, a fifth of the news articles had covered the details of Nikoll's life and death, and her face had appeared on a newspaper front cover in slightly less than ten per cent of cases. A minority of headlines had contained emotional cues and exaggeration, and the media had turned the spotlight on the Croatian social welfare system, thus having encouraged the system to change for the better. Great importance is attached to such and similar research, as they point out journalists' and newspaper publishers' oversights when reporting on such complex issues that involve children. In order to make a change, it is necessary to raise awareness of the issue, educate oneself and respect the law. |