Title Političke ideologije u trilogiji "Vitez tame"
Title (english) Political ideologies in "The Dark Knight" trilogy
Author Ivan Marić
Mentor Marijana Grbeša-Zenzerović (mentor)
Committee member Marijana Grbeša-Zenzerović (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Božo Skoko (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Hrvoje Jakopović (član povjerenstva)
Granter University of Zagreb The Faculty of Political Science Zagreb
Defense date and country 2024-09-19, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline SOCIAL SCIENCES Information and Communication Sciences
Abstract Metodom multimodalne kritičke analize diskursa analiziralo se kako se u diskursu likova iz trilogije Vitez tame redatelja Christophera Nolana prikazuju određene ideologije. Sam uvod rada govori o popularnoj kritici superherojskih filmova kao nečeg ispraznog i lišenog narativa te se nasuprot tome postavlja trilogija Vitez tame koja sadrži kompleksan narativ koji i više od desetljeća nakon svog kraja nastavlja zaokupljati maštu znanstvenika iz raznih disciplina. Teorijski okvir polazi od samog
... More pojma "ideologije" i donosi pregled najvažnijih ideologija 20. i 21. stoljeća - liberalizma, konzervativizma, socijalizma, nacionalizma, fašizma, feminizma i ekologizma te metaideologija kao što su populizam, monizam i pluralizam. Slijedi dio o političkoj fikciji i međusobnom utjecaju koji politika i popularna kultura imaju jedno na drugo, a potom se ulazi u sam lik Batmana te se daje pregled dosadašnje literature i doprinosa znanstvene zajednice proučavanju ovog superheroja, analizira se kojem žanru pripada trilogija Viteza tame i daje se kratki sadržaj svih triju filmova ("Batman: Početak", "Vitez tame" i "Vitez tame: Povratak") kako bi se čitatelju omogućilo što jasnije razumijevanje rezultata istraživanja. Koristeći metodu multimodalne kritičke analize diskursa, zaključuje se da je u diskursu Ra's Al Ghula i Talije Al Ghul prisutna obilježja religijskog fundamentalizma (vjerovanje u jednu apsolutnu istinu, korištenje terorističkih metoda kako bi se vratio "prirodni poredak stvari"); u diskursu Jokera prisutan je pak anarhizam te je u i u njegovim postupcima kao samoproklamiranog agenta kaosa vidljivo da je on anarhistički terorist, a u diskursu koji koristi Bane vidimo lijevi populizam, posebice u korištenju praznih označitelja kao što su "kontrola", "narod", "puk", "oslobođenje" i drugih te u njegovim postupcima kojima želi vratiti kontrolu "poštenom narodu" i oteti ga "korumpiranoj eliti" koju predstavljaju bogati i moćni. Sam lik Brucea Waynea posebno je kompleksan te se razmatra je li on slika Georgea W. Busha koji je također kršio građanske slobode u svrhu zaštite građana; je li Batman fašist, je li on pak republikanski princ kako ga vidi Niccolò Machiavelli ili je pak Batman zaštitnik statusa quo odnosno angloameričkog liberalizma te je li on paternalistički konzervativac koji koristi svoju moć i bogatstvo kako bi se brinuo za građane koji su mu podređeni i sl. Naposljetku se zaključuje da je Bruce Wayne odnosno Batman moderni heroj u postmodernom dobu, heroj koji je "lišen ideologije" u svom djelovanju. Zaključak se vraća na uvod i kritiku Martina Scorsesea koji superherojske filmove vidi kao lišene narativa te se zaključuje da i oni, kao što je pokazano na primjeru filmova iz ove trilogije, zaslužuju našu punu pozornost i to ne samo kao gledatelja, već i kao znanstvenika. Rad stavlja naglasak i na potrebu istraživanja politički implicitnih filmova kao filmova koji su naizgled lišeni politike, a ustvari predstavljaju plodno tlo za istraživače iz raznih znanstvenih disciplina, posebice politologije. Less
Abstract (english) Using the method of multimodal critical discourse analysis, the discourse of characters from Christopher Nolan's The Dark Knight trilogy is examined to explore how certain ideologies are portrayed. The introduction of the paper addresses popular criticism of superhero films as something superficial and devoid of narrative, contrasting this with The Dark Knight trilogy, which contains a complex narrative that, even more than a decade after its conclusion, continues to captivate the
... More imagination of scholars from various disciplines. The theoretical framework begins with the concept of "ideology" itself and provides an overview of the most important ideologies of the 20th and 21st centuries—liberalism, conservatism, socialism, nationalism, fascism, feminism, and ecologism, as well as meta-ideologies like populism, monism, and pluralism. The paper then explores political fiction and the mutual influence between politics and popular culture before diving into the character of Batman. It reviews the existing literature and contributions from the academic community on this superhero, analyzes the genre of The Dark Knight trilogy, and provides a brief summary of all three films (Batman Begins, The Dark Knight, and The Dark Knight Rises) to ensure the reader fully understands the research findings. Using multimodal critical discourse analysis, the study concludes that the discourse of Ra's Al Ghul and Talia Al Ghul contains elements of religious fundamentalism (belief in one absolute truth, the use of terrorist methods to restore the "natural order of things"). The Joker's discourse, on the other hand, reflects anarchism, with his actions as a self-proclaimed agent of chaos clearly marking him as an anarchist terrorist. In Bane's discourse, we see left-wing populism, particularly in his use of empty signifiers such as "control," "the people," "liberation," and others. His actions aim to return control to the "honest people" and wrest it from the "corrupt elite," represented by the wealthy and powerful. The character of Bruce Wayne is particularly complex. The paper explores whether he is a reflection of George W. Bush, who also violated civil liberties in the name of protecting citizens; whether Batman is a fascist, a republican prince as envisioned by Niccolò Machiavelli, or the protector of the status quo and Anglo-American liberalism; and whether he is a paternalistic conservative who uses his power and wealth to care for citizens who are subordinate to him. Ultimately, the study concludes that Bruce Wayne, or Batman, is a modern hero in a postmodern era, a hero who is "free of ideology" in his actions. The conclusion returns to the introduction and critiques Martin Scorsese's view of superhero films as devoid of narrative, asserting that such films, as demonstrated by this trilogy, deserve our full attention - not only as viewers but also as scholars. The paper emphasizes the need to study politically implicit films—films that appear to be devoid of politics but actually represent fertile ground for researchers from various scientific disciplines, especially political science. Less
Christopher Nolan
superherojski filmovi
multimodalna kritička analiza diskursa
Vitez tame populizam
religijski fundamentalizam
Niccolo Machiavelli
Geoge W. Bush
Occupy Wall Street
11. rujna 2001.
Keywords (english)
Christopher Nolan
superhero movies
multimodal critical discourse analysis
The Dark Knight
religious fundamentalism
Niccolo Machiavelli
George W. Bush
Occupy Wall Street
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:114:096037
Study programme Title: Journalism Study programme type: university Study level: graduate Academic / professional title: magistar/magistra novinarstva (magistar/magistra novinarstva)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
Access conditions Open access
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Created on 2024-10-14 07:12:43