Title Percepcija patrijarhata u hrvatskom društvu: gledišta studentica Fakulteta političkih znanosti
Title (english) Perception of patriarchate in Croatian society: view of female students at the Faculty of Political Science
Author Iva Butković
Mentor Gordana Vilović (mentor)
Committee member Gordana Vilović (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Dražen Lalić (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Zlatan Krajina (član povjerenstva)
Granter University of Zagreb The Faculty of Political Science Zagreb
Defense date and country 2017-09-19, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline SOCIAL SCIENCES Information and Communication Sciences Journalism
Abstract S obzirom na to da su dosadašnja istraživanja na temu ravnopravnosti spolova na razini Hrvatske pokazala kako su žene u neravnopravnom položaju u odnosu na muškarce, najviše u obitelji, obrazovanju, na tržištu rada i politici, svrha istraživanja bila je ispitati na koji način o ovoj problematici razmišljaju mlade visokoobrazovane žene u Hrvatskoj, kao i sudjeluju li one same u očuvanju tradicionalnih patrijarhalnih vrijednosti u hrvatskom društvu 21. stoljeća.
Cilj istraživanja bio je utvrditi
... More stavove, iskustva i preferencije mladih visokoobrazovanih žena koje će danas-sutra odgajati svoju djecu i na njih prenositi stečene vrijednosti, kao i ispitati utječe li na njihove stavove, iskustva i preferencije sredina iz koje dolaze te okruženje u kojem su odgajane.
Istraživanje je provedeno kvantitativnom metodom ankete, a rezultati su prikupljeni sistemom "olovka i papir". U istraživanju su sudjelovale 72 studentice novinarstva s Fakulteta političkih znanosti, od kojih 44 studentice preddiplomskog studija i 28 studentica diplomskog studija.
Rezultati istraživanja pokazali su da studentice Fakulteta političkih znanosti, unatoč pokazanom poznavanju teme istraživanja te svjesnosti o neravnopravnom položaju žena u hrvatskom društvu, imaju usađene patrijarhalne stavove, od kojih su najočitiji oni koji se vežu uz obitelj i obiteljske odnose. Dobiveni rezultati pokazali su kako je okruženje u kojem su studentice odgajane tijekom svog odrastanja utjecalo na oblikovanje njihovih sadašnjih stavova. Kod studentica koje su odrasle u manjim sredinama, odnosno onih koje dolaze sa sela i iz manjih gradova, uočeni su značajniji patrijarhalni stavovi, nego što je to slučaj kod studentica koje dolaze iz većih sredina. Također se pokazalo kako studentice viših godina studija imaju značajnije patrijarhalne stavove od studentica s preddiplomskog studija.
Rezultati istraživanja upućuju na to kako, unatoč činjenici da živimo u 21. stoljeću gdje vladaju suvremena pravila koja nalažu ravnopravnost spolova te zabranjuju diskriminaciju bilo koje vrste, još uvijek mlade obrazovane žene duboko u sebi gaje patrijarhalne vrijednosti kojima ih je naučilo društvo. Iako se rezultati istraživanja ne mogu poopćiti na cijelu populaciju, već isključivo na studentice novinarstva s Fakulteta političkih znanosti, ovi podaci ukazuju na zabrinutost, jer ako je istraživanje provedeno na jedom od najotvorenijih i najliberalnijih
fakulteta u zemlji polučilo ovakve rezultate, pitanje je kakva je tek ukupna slika stavova mladih visokoobrazovanih Hrvatica. Less
Abstract (english) Given that previous researches on gender equality at the level of Croatia has shown that women are in an unequal position compared to men, mostly in family, education, labor market and politics, the purpose of the research was to examine how young and highly educated women in Croatia think about this issue and how they themselves participate in the preservation of traditional patriarchal values in the Croatian society of the 21st century.
The aim of the research was to determine the
... More attitudes, experiences and preferences of young, highly educated women who will raise and transfer gained values on their children one day, as well as examine whether their attitudes, experiences and preferences are influened by the environment they come from and the environment in which they are raised.
For this research was used quantitative survey method, and the results were collected by a "pencil and paper" system. The study included 72 female journalism students of the Faculty of Political Science, of which 44 undergraduate and 28 graduate students.
The results of the research have shown that the students of the Faculty of Political Science, despite the proven knowledge of the research topic and the awareness of the unequal position of women in Croatian society, have patriarchal attitudes, the most obvious of them being connected with family and family relations. The obtained results showed that the environment in which the students were raised during their growing up influenced on shaping their current attitudes. Within students who have grown up in smaller communities, ie those coming from villages and small towns, significant patriarchal attitudes have been observed, compared with case where students coming from larger communities. It has also been shown that graduate students have significant patriarchal attitudes relate undergraduate students.
Findings suggest that, despite the fact that we live in the 21st century where contemporary rules preavail, which require gender equality and prohibit discrimination of any kind, young educated women still deeply nurse patriarchal values that they have taught by society. Although the research results can not be extended to the entire population, but exclusively to journalism students of Faculty of Political Science, these data point to concern, because if the research that was conducted on one of the most open and most liberal universities in the country has shown these kind of results, the question is what is the total picture of values of high educated young Croatian women. Less
patrijarhalno društvo
ravnopravnost spolova
Keywords (english)
patriarchal society
gender equality
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:114:976286
Study programme Title: Journalism Study programme type: university Study level: graduate Academic / professional title: magistar/magistra novinarstva (magistar/magistra novinarstva)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
Access conditions Closed access
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Created on 2017-10-19 13:08:29