Abstract | Važnost pozitivnog imidža u organizacijskom poslovanju prepoznata je još sredinom prošlog stoljeća. No, hvatajući korak s novim trendovima u komuniciranju i razmjeni informacija, danas je pozitivan imidž više nego ikad postao izazov za odnose s javnošću. Poseban doprinos tomu dao je razvoj interneta s čime je omogućeno još veće prodiranje u svijest javnosti te utjecanje na način na koji će javnost doživljavati, između ostalog, i same organizacije. Stoga se postavlja pitanje koliko se zapravo imidž organizacije koji prevladava kod njezine ciljane javnosti („offline“ imidž) podudara s imidžom organizacije koji prevladava u medijskim izvještavanjima (online imidž)?
Rad se bavi definiranjem značenja imidža, s posebnim naglaskom na ulogu emocija, identiteta i reputacije u procesu njegova razvoja. Razmatra metode i instrumente u mjerenju imidža te definira čimbenike masovnih medija i interneta koji mogu utjecati na percepciju javnosti o određenim događajima i pojavama. Istraživanje je provedeno korištenjem kombinacije dvije metode na primjeru Studentskog centra u Zagrebu (SC). Analiza sadržaja 236 članaka unutar razdoblja od godine dana te anketa provedena među 145 studenata koji koriste usluge SC-a pokazuju kako online i „offline“ imidž ne moraju nužno uvjetovati jedno drugo te u ovom slučaju nisu jednaki. Također, podaci pokazuju kako studenti mišljenje o SC-u kreiraju ponajprije na temelju vlastitih iskustava, a u manjoj mjeri na temelju medijskih izvještavanja, te smatraju da su dovoljno dobro upoznati s cjelokupnim djelovanjem SC-a. Ponajviše su zadovoljni uslugama koje SC pruža, dok je pri tome najveće zadovoljstvo uslugom smještaja u studentskim domovima. S druge strane, rezultati analize sadržaja pokazali su kako se o SC-u izvještava pretežno neutralno, no gotovo uvijek površno i o aktualnim temama, od kojih je najzastupljenija smještaj u studentskim domovima. Pored toga, izvještavanje odlikuje neravnopravan prikaz svih strana koje sudjeluju o temama o kojima je riječ. |
Abstract (english) | The importance of a positive image in an organizational business has been recognized in the middle of the last century. However, in the attempt to follow new trends in communication and information exchange, maintenance of today's positive image has more than ever become a challenge for public relations. This fact has been additionally supported by the process of the Internet development as well, which has allowed even greater insight into public consciousness, as well as it has affected the way in which the public perceives, among other things, the organization itself. Therefore, the question arises, does the organizational image which prevails among its target audience (online image) coincide with the organizational image which prevails in the media reports (online image), and to what extent?
The paper deals with the definition of image, placing special emphasis on the role of emotions, identity, and reputation in the process of its development. It considers methods and instruments in the image measurement, as well as it defines characteristics and role of the Internet and the mass media, which can affect public perception of certain events and occurrences. The research was conducted in the Student Centre in Zagreb (SC), using combination of two different methods. The analysis of the content of 236 articles within the one year period and the survey conducted among 145 students who use SC services show that online and “offline” image do not necessarily condition each other and, in this case, are not the same. What is more, the data show that students' perception of the SC is created primarily based on their own experiences, and to a lesser extent on the media reports, as well as they believe that they are well informed with the overall SC activity. They are satisfied with the services provided by the SC, and feel most pleased with the accommodation service in the dormitories. On the other hand, the content analysis results have shown that the SC reports are presented mostly in a neutral way, and are almost always superficial about the actual themes, most of which refer to the accommodation in dormitories. Finally, reporting is characterized by an unequal representation of all the parties involved in the topics concerned. |