Title Nesuđeni junaci u distopijskom filmu i mijene reprezentacije pravednosti
Title (english) Unlikely Heroes in Dystopian Film and the Changing Modes of Representing Justice
Author Filip Magdalenić
Mentor Zlatan Krajina (mentor)
Committee member Zlatan Krajina (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Sanjin Dragojević (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Milica Vučković (član povjerenstva)
Granter University of Zagreb The Faculty of Political Science (Department of Journalism and Media Production) Zagreb
Defense date and country 2017-09-29, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline SOCIAL SCIENCES Information and Communication Sciences Journalism
Abstract Junaci su ljudi kojima se pripisuje najveći doprinos u društvenim sukobima i promjenama. Junaci se slave kroz cijelu povijest i pridaje im se velika važnost, stoga je relevantno analizirati prikaz takvih osoba.
Svaki društveni sukob ima specifične uvjete i nepravde, ali svaki "uzdigne" neku osobu u junaka. Za svrhu rada, analizirana su tri filmska junaka iz filmova "V for Vendetta", "District 9" i "The Big Lebowski".
U radu se analizira junake u svijetu prožetom nejednakim pristupom
... More resursima, krizama i sukobima, te nepravde s kojima se sukobljavaju. Naglasak je na distopijskom okruženju i na nepravdama koje su prikazane.
Ključni pojmovi rada su junaci, distopija i pravda.
Heroj ili junak je pojam kojim se naziva čovjeka koji demonstrira kvalitete poput izvanredne hrabrosti ili plemenitosti, ili koji je ostvario izvanredna postignuća. Osim klasičnih branitelja i ratnih junaka, za junake se često smatraju i reformatori, istraživači, sportaši i slično. Budući da je junak neslužbena titula, čest je slučaj da nečiji heroj ne predstavlja heroja drugima, te čak može predstaviti antiheroja.
Distopija je oblik društva koji je smatrano kao nepovoljno, okrutno i zastrašujuće. Utopija se uglavnom manifestira kao društvo u izrazito negativnim ekonomskim, ekološkim, političkim i društvenim uvjetima. Distopija bi bila suprotnost Utopiji.
Pravda je jedan od najvažnijih moralnih i političkih koncepata. Pravda je u bliskom odnosu sa zakonima pojedinog društva, točnije, svaka kultura i društvo imaju svoj koncept pravde. Pravda je intelektualni i moralni konstrukt, te kao takva nije apsolutna ili nepromjenjiva, te je često opravdanje ili uzrok sukoba.
Temeljna znanstvena metoda korištena u izradi rada je analiza narativa.
Rad je podijeljen u četiri poglavlja. U prvom poglavlju "Pojmovi" ukratko objašnjavam pojmove junaka, distopije i pravde. U daljnjim poglavljima analiziram filmove, njihove junake i koncept pravde u njima.
U filmovi su junaci definirani kroz sukob, napore i požrtvovnost, te može reći da nije ugodno biti junak, no unatoč tome, filmska junaštva su česta tematika i inspiracija.
Iz filmova se zaključuje da su junaci neizostavni dio društva, te da svako vrijeme i mjesto zahtjeva i stvara svog junaka. Less
Abstract (english) Heroes are people attributed for great contribution in social conflicts and changes. Heroes are glorified throughout history and great importance is attributed to them, so it is important to analyze representation of such persons.
Every social conflict has specific conditions and injustices, but each "elevates" certain person to a hero title. For the purpose of the work, three movie heroes from "V for Vendetta", "District 9" and "The Big Lebowski" have been analyzed.
In work
... More analyzes heroes in the world perceived by unequal access to resources, crises and conflicts, and the injustices they face. The emphasis is on the distrophic environment and the injustices that are depicted.
The key terms of work are heroes, dystopia and justice.
Hero is a term by which people who demonstrates qualities such as extraordinary courage or nobility, or who has achieved remarkable achievements are called. Apart from classical protectors and war heroes, heroes are often considered reformers, researchers, athletes, and the like. Since the hero is an unofficial title, it is common for one's hero not to represent heroes to others or even an anti-hero.
Dystopia is a form of society that is considered unfavorable, cruel and frightening. Utopia is generally manifested as a society in extremely negative economic, ecological, political and social conditions. Dystopia would be the opposite of Utopia.
Justice is one of the most important moral and political concepts. Justice is closely related to the laws of a particular society, more precisely, every culture and society have their own concept of justice. Justice is an intellectual and moral construct, and as such is not absolute or unchangeable, and is often a justification or a cause of conflict.
The basic scientific method used in the work is narrative analysis.
The work is divided into four chapters. In the first chapter, "Concepts", I briefly explain the terms of heroes, dystopia and justice. In the following chapters I analyze the movies, their heroes, and the concept of justice in them.
In the movies, heroes are defined through conflict, effort and sacrifice, and it could be said that it is not a pleasurable to be a hero, but in spite of this, movie heroes are a frequent theme and inspiration.
From the movies it is concluded that heroes are an indispensable part of society, and that every time and place demands and creates its hero. Less
narativna analiza
Keywords (english)
narrative analysis
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:114:002235
Study programme Title: Journalism Study programme type: university Study level: graduate Academic / professional title: magistar/magistra novinarstva (magistar/magistra novinarstva)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
Access conditions Closed access
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Created on 2017-11-02 12:14:10