Title Hercegovina kao turistički brend
Title (english) Herzegovina as a Tourist Brand
Author Josip Bartulić
Mentor Božo Skoko (mentor)
Committee member Božo Skoko (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Marijana Grbeša-Zenzerović (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Hrvoje Jakopović (član povjerenstva)
Granter University of Zagreb The Faculty of Political Science (Department of Strategic Communication) Zagreb
Defense date and country 2018-07-03, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline SOCIAL SCIENCES Information and Communication Sciences Journalism
Abstract Ovaj diplomski rad prikazuje mogućnost brendiranja Hercegovine kao turističke destinacije. Istraživanju ovog pitanja pristupilo se kako bi se prikazao što čini bogati hercegovački identitet, te koji su to oblici turizma dobro iskorišteni, te po čemu ova regija, uz dobru strategiju, može biti još poznatija. Dio istraživanja odnosio se na promociju, kao jedan od važnih elemenata u stvaranju prepoznatljivog brenda. Istraživanje je obuhvatilo turističku ponudu tijekom ljetnih i zimskih mjeseci, a
... More također prikazani su i ostali oblici turizma u Hercegovini, i mogućnost njihova razvoja, odnosno privlačenja krajnjih korisnika - turista. Metode koje su u radu korištene su desk metoda, metoda analize medijskih tekstova te anketa. Anketnim istraživanjem došlo se do konkretnih podataka o korištenju i razvoju turističkog potencijala. Hercegovina je u turističkom smislu najpoznatija po Međugorju, odnosno po vjerskom turizmu. Ova regija ima velike mogućnosti i za razvoj ostalih oblika turizma. Jadransko more otvara velike mogućnosti za razvoj ljetnog turizma, dok snjegovite zime i nekoliko skijališta privlače turiste u Hercegovinu i za vrijeme zimskih mjeseci. Isto tako bogata kulturno-povijesna baština, tradicija i gastronomija, razna prirodna bogatstva uvjeti su koji pružaju mogućnost razvoja nekih drugih oblika turizma. Ulaganjem u razvoj kulturnih i sportskih sadržaja, manifestacija te raznih sadržaja za mlade i sl. Hercegovina može postati prepoznatljiva turistička destinacija, koja će svake godine privlačiti nove, ali i stare turiste. Ono što igra veliku ulogu u je promocija svega nabrojanog, koja u današnjem svijetu ima veliki značaj i mogućnost privlačenja turista. Potrebno je analizirati sadašnju situaciju, stvoriti kvalitetnu strategiju s jasno razrađenim koracima te postavljenim ciljem, te uključiti stručne osobe iz raznih oblasti koje su nužne kako bi se ostvario zadani cilj. Less
Abstract (english) This graduate thesis presents the possibility of branding Hercegovina as a tourist destination. The researching of this issue has begun in order to show what constitutes a rich Herzegovinian identity and, also, which forms of tourism are used well, due to the fact that this region may become even more familiar, if a good strategy is used. Part of the research involved promotion, as one of the important elements in creating a recognizable brand. The research covered the tourist offer during
... More the summer and winter months, along with other forms of tourism, with a goal of attracting of the end users – tourists. The methods that were used in this graduate thesis are the desk method, the method of analysis of media texts and the surveys. The survey research has provided the concrete data on the use and development of tourism potential. Herzegovina is the most popular in the terms of tourism by Medjugorje, i.e. by religious tourism. This region has a great potential for development of other forms of tourism as well. The Adriatic Sea opens up great opportunities for the development of summer tourism, while snowy winter and several ski resorts attract tourists to Herzegovina during the winter months. Also, the cultural and historical heritage, tradition and gastronomy, as well as the various natural resources present conditions that provide the possibility of developing some other forms of tourism. By investing in the development of cultural and sports facilities, events and manifestations of various contents for young people etc., Herzegovina can become the recognizable tourist destination, which will attract old and new tourists every year. That what plays the major role is the promotion of everything listed above, which in the present world has great significance and the ability to attract tourists. It is necessary to analyze the current situation, to create a detailed strategy with clearly defined steps and goals; it is also necessary to include experts from different areas, in order to achieve the set goals. Less
Keywords (english)
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:114:767454
Study programme Title: Journalism Study programme type: university Study level: graduate Academic / professional title: magistar/magistra novinarstva (magistar/magistra novinarstva)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
Access conditions Closed access
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Created on 2018-12-03 12:17:01