Title Coca-Cola kao brend: oglašivačke strategije u 21. stoljeću
Title (english) Coca-Cola as a Brand: Advertising Strategies in the 21st century
Author Silvija Glatki
Mentor Božo Skoko (mentor)
Committee member Božo Skoko (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Hrvoje Jakopović (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Marina Mučalo (član povjerenstva)
Granter University of Zagreb The Faculty of Political Science Zagreb
Defense date and country 2019-09-17, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline SOCIAL SCIENCES Information and Communication Sciences Journalism
Abstract Kao jedan od najpoznatijih i najomiljenijih brendova svijeta, Coca-Cola je postala česta tema istraživanja brojnih autora. Literature na ovu temu ne nedostaje. Autori se slažu kako je ova tema pravi fenomen i da je Coca-Cola ostvarila izniman uspjeh u području marketinga osvojivši tržišta diljem svijeta. Danas predstavlja bezalkoholno piće broj jedan, a u trenutku nastanka deklarira se kao čaroban tonik čiji je jedan od ključnih sastojaka kokain.
Strateški osmišljene reklame, kampanje i
... More slogani zadržavaju vjerne kupce ovog proizvoda. Puno se vremena, truda i sredstava ulaže u marketing i promociju brenda svakodnevno, a sve se to itekako isplati. Važnu ulogu imaju čelnici Kompanije koji su zaslužni za uspjeh kojeg ostvaruje, a mjerljivi su u vidu materijalne i nematerijalne imovine. Čini se da Coca-Cola ima najkreativnije reklame koje šire sreću, povezanost i raznolikost. Tim potezima tvrtka nema direktan fokus na samoj prodaji, već je cilj doprijeti do srca publike i time proširiti svoj udio na tržištu. Kompanija tako postaje tzv. holiday brand, jer Božić počinje tek kada se pojavi svima poznata reklama Coca-Cole, s Djedom Božićnjakom, koja se iz godine u godinu nadograđuje. Osim toga, veliku ulogu igra i u svijetu sporta pa tako postaje sponzor Olimpijskih igara davne 1928. godine te nastavlja s tradicijom sponzoriranja sportskih događaja i danas.
Neizostavan dio Coca-Cole priče je svakako i njena konkurencija. Od samih početaka brojne tvrtke nastojale su iskopirati sastojke ovog crnog napitka, ali moglo bi se reći da njeni supstituti i dalje nisu ravni originalnoj recepturi. Uz bok Coca-Cole pojavljuje se Pepsi Company koja u startu kreće s masovnim oglašavanjem, pokušavajući zauzeti tron u svijetu soft pića, ali joj to i dalje ne uspijeva. Tzv. Soda Wars dio je ovog rada gdje je fokus upravo na strategijama spomenuta dva marketinška diva s ciljem osvajanja masovnog broja konzumenata i velikog udjela na tržištima te osvajanje novih. Less
Abstract (english) As one of the most famous and most popular brands in the world, Coca-Cola has become a frequent topic of research by numerous authors. Literature on this subject is not lacking. The authors agree that this theme is a real phenomenon and Coca-Cola has achieved remarkable success in the field of marketing by winning markets around the world. Today it is the number one of the non-alcoholic drinks. At the time of its emergence, it is declared as a magical tonic and one of the key ingredients
... More was cocaine.
Strategically designed advertisements, campaigns, and slogans keep faithful customers of this product. There is a lot of time, effort and resources investing every day in marketing and promotion of the brand, and it's all worth it. Leaders of the Company have an important role to play in achieving their success that is measurable in the form of tangible and intangible assets. Coca-Cola seems to have the most creative ads that extend happiness, connectivity and diversity. With these efforts, the company has no direct focus on the sale itself, but the goal is to reach the heart of the people and thereby expand its market share. The Company thus becomes the so-called Holiday brand, because Christmas begins only when, all the well-known Coca-Cola commercials with Santa Claus comes up year after year. In addition, The Coca-Cola Company plays a major role in the sports world and thus becomes the sponsor of the Olympic Games in 1928. and continues with the tradition of sponsoring sports events today.
The inevitable part of the Coca-Cola story is certainly its competition. Since the very beginnings, a large number of companies tried to copy the ingredients of this black drink, but it could be said that her substitutes are yet so close to the original recipe. Alongside Coca-Cola, the Pepsi Company is emerging with mass advertising, trying to get to the top of the tron of soft drinks, but still fails. So called Soda Wars is part of this paper where the focus is on the strategies of earlier mentioned two marketing giants, with the goal of conquering a massive number of consumers and a large market share and also winning new ones. Less
oglašivačke strategije
Keywords (english)
advertising strategy
Pepsi Company
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:114:785373
Study programme Title: Journalism Study programme type: university Study level: graduate Academic / professional title: magistar/magistra novinarstva (magistar/magistra novinarstva)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
Access conditions Open access
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Created on 2019-10-29 11:47:33