Title Uloga strukovnih udruga u razvoju profesije odnosa s javnošću na primjeru Hrvatske
Title (english) The role of professional associations in the development of the public relations profession on the example of Croatia
Author Ema Vuković
Mentor Božo Skoko (mentor)
Committee member Boris Beck (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Hrvoje Jakopović (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Božo Skoko (član povjerenstva)
Granter University of Zagreb The Faculty of Political Science (Department of Journalism and Media Production) Zagreb
Defense date and country 2016-09-19, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline SOCIAL SCIENCES Information and Communication Sciences Journalism
Abstract Postojanje strukovnih udruga za svaki struku važno je radi doprinosa koje imaju ili koji bi trebale imati na razvoj te profesije. Dosada u Hrvatskoj nije provedeno nijedno istraživanje koje bi se odnosilo na ulogu koju strukovne udruge za odnose s javnošću imaju na razvoj profesije odnosa s javnošću u Hrvatskoj. U skladu s time, važno je istražiti doprinose li strukovne udruge razvoju profesije odnosa s javnošću, na koji način i koliko su pritom uspješne. U radu su predstavljene strukovne
... More udruge iz regije, poput Slovenskog društva za odnose s javnostima, Udruženja za odnose s javnostima PRiba iz Bosne i Hercegovine te Društva za odnose s javnošću Srbije. Srodne strukovne udruge iz regije uspoređene su s radom i djelovanjem jedine strukovne udruge za odnose s javnošću u Hrvatskoj – Hrvatske udruge za odnose s javnošću. S obzirom na premoć strane literature koja sadrži primjere strukovnih udruga za odnose s javnošću u svijetu, provedeno je kvantitativno istraživanje u obliku ankete poslane u formi online upitnika članovima Hrvatske udruge za odnose s javnošću. Cilj provedenog istraživanja bio je saznati koja je uloga hrvatske strukovne udruge za odnose s javnošću na razvoj same profesije odnosa s javnošću u Hrvatskoj. Rezultati su pokazali da iako odnosi s javnošću u Hrvatskoj i dalje nisu razvijeni kao u primjerice zapadnim zemljama, ispitanici prepoznaju napredak u rastu, razvoju i prepoznatljivosti profesije odnosa s javnošću u Hrvatskoj. S druge strane, ispitanici su podijeljeni u mišljenju vezanom uz utjecaja koji Hrvatska udruga za odnose s javnošću ima kako na same profesionalce za odnose s javnošću, tako i na razvoj profesije odnosa s javnošću, ali i na percepciju šire javnosti o ovoj profesiji. Također, rezultati istraživanja pokazali su kako se Hrvatska udruga za odnose s javnošću trudi pratiti trendove srodnih međunarodnih strukovnih udruga, dok u usporedbi sa strukovnim udrugama iz regije, Hrvatsku udrugu za odnose s javnošću možemo smjestiti u sredinu po razvoju, kvaliteti i ulozi udruge na razvoj profesije odnosa s javnošću. Less
Abstract (english) For every profession, the existence of professional associations is important because of the impact that they have or that they should have in the development of certain profession. So far, in Croatia, until now, no research has been conducted related to the role that professional associations for public relations have on the development of the profession of public relations in Croatia. Accordingly, it is important to investigate whether professional associations contribute to the
... More development of the profession of public relations, in which way and how much are they successful in that. This paper presents professional associations from the region, such as the Slovenian Society for Public Relations, the Association for public relations associations from Bosnia and Herzegovina and the Association of Public Relations of Serbia. Related professional associations from the region were compared with the work and activities of the only professional association for public relations in Croatia - Croatian Association for Public Relations. Given the predominance of foreign literature containing examples of professional associations for public relations in the world, a quantitative research in the form of a survey that was sent in the form of an online questionnaire to members of the Croatian Association for Public Relations was conducted. The aim of the study was to find out what is the role of Croatian professional association for public relations in the development of the profession of public relations in Croatia. The results showed that although public relations in Croatia are still not developed as in Western countries, for example, respondents recognize the progress in the growth, development and recognition of the profession of public relations in Croatia. On the other hand, the respondents were divided in opinion related to the impact that the Croatian Association for Public Relations has at the professionals for public relations, and the development of the profession of public relations, but also at the perception of the general public about this profession. Also, the survey results showed that the Croatian Association for Public Relations is trying to follow trends related to international professional associations, while in comparison with professional associations from the region, the Croatian Association of Public Relations can be placed in the middle, regarding the level of the development, the quality and the role of the professional association in the development the profession of public relations. Less
odnosi s javnošću
strukovne udruge
Hrvatska udruga za odnose s javnošću
Keywords (english)
public relations
professional associations
Croatian Association for Public Relations
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:114:218525
Study programme Title: Journalism Study programme type: university Study level: graduate Academic / professional title: magistar/magistra novinarstva (magistar/magistra novinarstva)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
Access conditions Open access
Terms of use
Created on 2016-11-18 11:33:25