Title Promocija putem Instagrama: studija slučaja svjetski poznatih influencera
Title (english) Instagram Promotion: The Case Study of World-Famous Influencers
Author Daniela Dolinar
Mentor Domagoj Bebić (mentor)
Committee member Domagoj Bebić (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Hrvoje Jakopović (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Smiljana Leinert-Novosel (član povjerenstva)
Granter University of Zagreb The Faculty of Political Science (Department of Strategic Communication) Zagreb
Defense date and country 2019-07-05, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline SOCIAL SCIENCES Information and Communication Sciences Journalism
Abstract Diplomski rad Promocija putem Instagrama: studija slučaja svjetski poznatih Influencera pisan je s ciljem dobivanja percepcije kako Influenceri koriste društvene mreže u svrhu samopromocije ili promocije brenda, te kako sadržaj objavljen na Instagramu Influencera utječe na angažman korisnika
Kroz analizu sadržaja odabranih Influencerica, cilj je bio spoznati na koji način @elladvornik @camillacoelho @hudabeauty koriste Instagram kao platformu društvenih medija, kako ostvaruju interakciju s
... More publikom, koje alate koriste u objavljivanju putem ove platforme. Istraživanje provedeno na uzorku od ukupno 542 Instagram objave u periodu od 1. siječnja do 30. travnja ne može prikazati u potpunosti način na koji Influenceri općenito koriste Instagram u svrhu samopromocije ili promocije brenda, te kako objavljeni sadržaj utječe na angažman korisnika, ali daje nam percepciju o važnosti Influencera u novim oblicima marketinga.
Rezultati analize sadržaja na temelju Instagram objava pokazali su da Influencerice koriste različite metode stvaranja i održavanja odnosa s korisnicima, budući da su brojevi pratitelja odabranih Influencerica veliki, možemo zaključiti da dobro poznaju svoju publiku i znaju kako prilagoditi sadržaj svojim sljedbenicima. Analizom je potvrđena pretpostavka kako Influencerice koriste Instagram u svrhu samopromocije i promocije brenda, te kako koriste različite alate koje Instagram nudi (komentari, skale, ankete) kako bi potaknule angažman korisnika, odnosno sljedbenika na svojim profilima. Influenceci, ili utjecatelji, ulažu mnogo truda, financijskih ulaganja, te vremena u kreiranje sadržaja prilagođenog zahtjevima korisnika. Ella Dvornik je ujedno i primjer „rasta“ Influencera, odnosno odličan primjer kako Influenceri ne nestaju sa scene nakon određene dobi, već svoju komunikaciju prilagođavaju publici, koja raste s njima, u njenom slučaju nakon što je postala majka, njene objave usmjerene su i prema majčinstvu, proizvodima i savjetima prilagođenim toj tematici. Influenceri su sve traženiji suradnici u marketingu i dobri su promotori, odnosno kanal kojim brendovi šalju željene informacije ciljanim publikama. Obzirom na sve brže promjene možemo očekivati da će postati još traženiji i da će se njihova komunikacija prilagoditi novim zahtjevima korisnika. Less
Abstract (english) This thesis titled Instagram Promotion: a case study of world-famous Influencers has been written to gain the perception that Influencers use social networks for the purpose of self-promotion or promotion of the brand, and how the content posted on Instagram influences the engagement of the user Through the analysis of the content of the selected Influencers, the goal was to find out how @camillacoelho @hudabeauty and @elladvornik uses the Instagram as a social media platform, how they
... More interact with the audience, which tools they use to publish through this platform. A survey of a total of 542 Instagram posts from January 1 to April 30 can not show the full extent that Influencers generally use Instagram for self-promotion or promotion of the brand, and how published content affects the user's engagement but gives us the perception of the importance of Influencer in new forms of marketing. The content analysis results based on the Instagram posts have shown that Influencers uses different methods of creating and maintaining customer relationships, as the number of followers of the selected Influencer is great, we can conclude that they are well acquainted with their audience and know how to adapt content to their followers. The analysis confirmed the hypothesis that Influencers uses Instagram for the purpose of self-promotion and promotion of the brand, and uses the various tools that Instagram offers (comments, scales, surveys) to stimulate user engagement on their profiles. Influences invest a lot of effort, financial investment, and time to create content adapt to the needs of users. Ella Dvornik is also an example of the "growth" of the Influencer, or an excellent example of how Influencers do not disappear from the scene after a certain age, but adapt their communication to the public, which grows with them. In her case after becoming a mother, her posts are also directed towards motherhood, products and advice adapted to this theme. Influencers are more and more recognized as associates in marketing and are good promoters. They are channel through which brands send information to targeted audiences. Given the ever-changing changes we can expect to become even more demanding and that their communication will be adapt to the new demands of users. Less
društvene mreže
društveni mediji
Influencer marketing
Keywords (english)
Social Networking
Social Media
Influencer Marketing
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:114:660680
Study programme Title: Journalism Study programme type: university Study level: graduate Academic / professional title: magistar/magistra novinarstva (magistar/magistra novinarstva)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
Access conditions Closed access
Terms of use
Created on 2019-11-12 14:32:18