Scientific paper - Original scientific paper
Review of Energy Consumption by the Fish Farming and Processing Industry in Croatia and the Potential for Zero-Emissions Aquaculture
Energies, 15 (2022), 21; 8197.

Bujas, Tena; Koričan, Marija; Vukić, Manuela; Soldo, Vladimir; Vladimir, Nikola; Fan, Ailong

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Bujas, T., Koričan, M., Vukić, M., Soldo, V., Vladimir, N. & Fan, A. (2022). Review of Energy Consumption by the Fish Farming and Processing Industry in Croatia and the Potential for Zero-Emissions Aquaculture. Energies, 15. (21). doi: 10.3390/en15218197

Bujas, Tena, et al. "Review of Energy Consumption by the Fish Farming and Processing Industry in Croatia and the Potential for Zero-Emissions Aquaculture." Energies, vol. 15, no. 21, 2022.

Bujas, Tena, Marija Koričan, Manuela Vukić, Vladimir Soldo, Nikola Vladimir and Ailong Fan. "Review of Energy Consumption by the Fish Farming and Processing Industry in Croatia and the Potential for Zero-Emissions Aquaculture." Energies 15, no. 21 (2022).

Bujas, T., et al. (2022) 'Review of Energy Consumption by the Fish Farming and Processing Industry in Croatia and the Potential for Zero-Emissions Aquaculture', Energies, 15(21). doi: 10.3390/en15218197

Bujas T, Koričan M, Vukić M, Soldo V, Vladimir N, Fan A. Review of Energy Consumption by the Fish Farming and Processing Industry in Croatia and the Potential for Zero-Emissions Aquaculture. Energies [Internet]. 2022 November 03 [cited 2024 September 12];15(21). doi: 10.3390/en15218197

T. Bujas, M. Koričan, M. Vukić, V. Soldo, N. Vladimir and A. Fan, "Review of Energy Consumption by the Fish Farming and Processing Industry in Croatia and the Potential for Zero-Emissions Aquaculture", Energies, vol. 15, no. 21, November 2022. [Online]. Available at: [Accessed: 12 September 2024]