Abstract | U ovom diplomskom radu analizirana je hrvatska flota brodova za mali prionbalni ribolov. Izračunat je godišnji ugljični otisak hrvatske flote brodova duljine do 12 metara. Na primjeru jednog broda provedene su analize cjeloživotnih emisija (eng. Life Cycle Assesment, LCA) i analize cjeloživotnih troškova (eng. Life Cycle Cost Assesment, LCCA) za životni vijek od 30 godina. Razmatrane su varijante poput potpuno električnog broda, hibridno električnog, pogona na ukapljeni plin (eng. Liquified Natural Gas, LNG), biodizel i broda s pogonom na metanol. Predložena rješenja zatim su uspoređena s referentnim dizelskim pogonom. U svrhu boljeg uvida u predložena rješenja, provedene su i analize povrata investicija te analiza osjetljivosti na promjene cijena energenata. Ugljični porez po trenutnom zakonu obuhvaća samo brodove preko 5000 bruto registarskih tona. S obzirom da se brod promatra kroz period od 30 godina u kojem može doći do promjene zakona, provedena je i LCCA analiza u slučaju uvođenja ugljične poreza. Rezultati LCCA pokazuju da je cjenovno dizelski brod najpovoljniji, ali druga rješenja relativno malo odstupaju. LCA pokazuje da je potpuno električni brod ekološki najprihvatljivije alternativno rješenje s 57 % manje emisija od dizelskog u periodu 30 godina, uz tek 3 % veće troškove. Unatoč tome, zbog velikih godišnjih operativnih troškova, i eventualnog problema masa i smještaje baterije, metanolski pogon se ističe kao najprikladniji. Uzrokuje 36 % manje emisija od dizela za 5 % veće cjeloživotne troškove, s dobrim profilom godišnjih troškova. Rezultati dobiveni iz provedenih analiza trebali bi biti samo smjernica za daljnje osnivanje brodskog energetskog sustava, s detaljnijim uvidom u konstrukciju i formu broda, režime plovidbe i lučke infrastrukture. |
Abstract (english) | In this thesis, the Croatian fleet of small coastal fishing vessels was analysed. The annual carbon footprint of the Croatian fleet of vessels up to 12 meters in length was calculated. Using the example of one vessel, Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) and Life Cycle Cost Assessment (LCCA) were conducted for a lifespan of 30 years. The solutions considered were a fully electric vessel, a hybrid electric vessel, a vessel powered by Liquefied Natural Gas (LNG), biodiesel, and a vessel powered by methanol. The proposed solutions were then compared with the reference diesel engine. For a better understanding of the proposed solutions, investment return analyses and sensitivity analyses on fuel price changes were also conducted. According to current law, the carbon tax only covers ships over 5000 gross tonnage. Considering that the vessel is observed over a period of 30 years, during which the law may change, an LCCA analysis was also conducted in the case of the introduction of a carbon tax. The LCCA results show that the diesel vessel is the most cost-effective, but the other solutions deviate relatively little. The LCA indicates that a fully electric vessel is the most environmentally friendly alternative solution, with 57% fewer emissions than diesel over a period of 30 years, with only 3% higher costs. Despite this, due to high annual costs and potential issues with the weight and placement of the battery, methanol propulsion stands out as the most suitable. It causes 36% fewer emissions than diesel for 5% higher lifetime costs, with a good annual cost profile. The results obtained from the conducted analyses should serve as a guideline for the further establishment of the vessel's energy system, with a more detailed insight into the construction and form of the vessel, sailing regimes, and port infrastructure. |