Abstract | Potrebe za električnom energijom u razvijenom svijetu rastu svake godine te se shodno tome nameće potreba za izgradnjom dodatnih energetskih postrojenja. Slučaj Republike Hrvatske i njenog elektro-energetskog sustava nije izuzetak u tom slučaju. Tako se 2016. javnosti predstavio projekt izgradnje kombi-kogeneracijske plinske elektrane na Perućkom jezeru u blizini već postojeće Hidroelektrane Peruća. Projekt je predstavljen kao strateška investicija u zapuštenu Dalmatinsku Zagoru, energetsko osamostaljivanje Hrvatske i Dalmacije te kao nužna potreba u ljetnim mjesecima kada je turistička sezona na vrhuncu, a potrebe za električnom energijom višestruko veće nego tijekom ostatka godine. Odmah po predstavljanju projekta u javnosti se pojavila polemika oko pitanja izgradnje termoelektrane na najvećem bazenu pitke vode u Republici Hrvatskoj. Rad predstavlja energetsku iskorištenost rijeke Cetine, dostupne tehničke podatke o novoj elektrani, problem gašenja plinskih elektrana u Europi; analizira utjecaj rada elektrane na okoliš i ljude te propituje ekonomsku smislenost projekta. Paralelno s izgradnjom termoelektrane predviđena je i izgradnja plinovoda Dugopolje-Peruća te dalekovoda napona 440kV Peruća-Konjsko. Uz ta dva projekta bez kojih termoelektrana nije izvediva predstavljen je i projekt izgradnje reverzibilne hidroelektrane na Peruči gdje bi gornja akumulacija bila na dinarskoj visoravni Ravno Vrdovo. Analizom cijena plina, cijene električne energije iz uvoza, dostupnih podataka o onečišćenju, manjkavosti nekih prikazanih podataka, postojećim energetskim postrojenjima na Cetini, položajima vodocrpilišta, Studije o utjecaju na okoliš dobivamo realnu sliku o tome postoje li potreba za novim velikim postrojenjima u elektro-energetskom sustavu Republike Hrvatske. |
Abstract (english) | The demand for electricity in the developed world is increasing every year, and consequently
the need for the construction of additional power plants is imposed. The case of the Republic
of Croatia and its electricity system is no exception in this case. Thus, in 2016, the project for
the construction of a combined-cogeneration gas power plant on lake Peruća near the already
existing Hydroelectric power plant Peruća was presented to the public. The project was
presented as a strategic investment in the neglected Dalmatian Zagora, energy independence of
Croatia and Dalmatia, and as a necessary necessity in the summer months when the tourist
season is at its peak and electricity needs are many times higher than during the rest of the year.
Immediately after the presentation of the project, controversy arose over the issue of the
construction of a thermal power plant at the largest drinking water pool in the Republic of
Croatia. The paper presents the energy efficiency of the Cetina River, the available technical
data on the new power plant, the problem of shutting down gas power plants in Europe; analyses
the impact of the power plant operation on the environment and people and questions the
economic relevance of the project. Parallel to the construction of the thermal power plant, the
construction of the Dugopolje-Peruća gas pipeline and the 440kV Peruća-Konjsko transmission
line is envisaged. In addition to these two projects without which the thermal power plant is not
feasible, a project for the construction of a reversible hydroelectric power plant on Peruća was
presented, where the upper reservoir would be on the Dinaric plateau Ravno Vrdovo. By
analyzing gas prices, electricity prices from imports, available pollution data, lack of some of
the data presented, existing energy plants at Cetina, water supply sites, environmental impact
study we get a realistic picture of whether there is a need for new large power plants electroenergy system of the Republic of Croatia. |