Title Modeliranje strukture i svojstava nodularnog lijeva neuronskim mrežama
Title (english) Modeling the structure and properties of nodular cast iron using neural networks
Author Irena Žmak
Mentor Tomislav Filetin (mentor)
Committee member Dubravko Majetić (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Tomislav Filetin (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Faruk Unkić (član povjerenstva)
Granter University of Zagreb Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and Naval Architecture Zagreb
Defense date and country 2009-01-08, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline TECHNICAL SCIENCES Mechanical Engineering
Universal decimal classification (UDC ) 669 - Metallurgy 004 - Computer science and technology. Computing. Data processing
Abstract Dosadašnja su istraživanja pokazala da se umjetne neuronske mreže mogu uspješno primijeniti u predviđanju različitih svojstava materijala. Cilj ovog doktorskog rada je istraživanje mogućnosti primjene neuronskih mreža u predviđanju mehaničkih svojstava i mikrostrukture nodularnog lijeva. Prikupljeni su eksperimentalni podaci o 147 taljevina nodularnog lijeva. Svaka je taljevina ispitana toplinskom analizom, a spektralnom je analizom utvrđen kemijski sastav. Ispitana su mehanička svojstva: vlačna čvrstoća, konvencionalna granica razvlačenja, istezljivost i tvrdoća. Analizom mikrostrukture utvrđena je nodularnost grafita i broj grafitnih nodula po jedinici površine, te udio ferita i perlita u metalnoj osnovi. Neuronske su mreže oblikovane, primijenjene i simulirane programskim paketom Neural Network Toolbox od Matlaba 7.0. Korištene su neuronske mreže s povratnim rasprostiranjem pogreške. U cilju sprečavanja pretreniranosti mreže, odnosno unaprijeđenja generalizacije, korištena je metoda ranog zaustavljanja. Kako bi konvergencija k minimalnoj pogrešci bila brža, upotrijebljen je Levenberg – Marquardtov algoritam. Pogreška neuronske mreže praćena je preko normaliziranog korijena srednje kvadratne pogreške, koeficijenata korelacije i determinacije, te srednje vrijednosti relativne pogreške. Mehanička svojstva i mikrostruktura nodularnog lijeva predviđani su na temelju relevantnih toplinskih parametara s krivulje hlađenja taljevine. Za model neuronske mreže utvrđen je najpovoljniji način normiranja ulaznih i izlaznih podataka, te najpovoljniji nagib aktivacijske funkcije skrivenih neurona. Određena je najpovoljnija kombinacija ulaznih toplinskih parametara. Najsličnije taljevine prema izmjerenim toplinskim parametrima izabrane su za testiranje mreže. Svaki mikrostrukturni parametar i mehaničko svojstvo predviđani su posebnim neuronskim mrežama i za svaku je mrežu određen najpovoljniji broj skrivenih neurona. Obzirom na ukupan broj uzoraka i rasipanja vrijednosti svojstava, neuronskim su mrežama postignuti relativno zadovoljavajući rezultati predviđanja svojstva i mikrostrukture. Pogreške generalizacije neuronske mreže bile su manje kod predviđanja mikrostrukture, posebno mikrostrukture metalne osnove. Veće pogreške zabilježene su pri predviđanju mehaničkih svojstava, naročito istezljivosti.
Abstract (english) The present research has shown that artificial neural networks can be successfully applied in predicting different material properties. The scope of this dissertation is to investigate the possibilities of applying neural networks in predicting mechanical properties and microstructure of ductile cast iron. Experimental data were collected for 147 ductile cast iron melts. Melts were analysed by thermal analysis, whereas spectral analysis was used to determine the chemical composition. Following mechanical properties were determined: tensile strength, yield strength, elongation, and hardness. Percent nodularity, nodule count per unit area, ferrite and pearlite content were determined by microstructural analysis. The Matlab's Neural Network Toolbox was used as a tool for the design, implementation, and simulation of neural networks. Backpropagation method of teaching artificial neural networks was used. In order to prevent overfitting, or for improving generalisation, early stopping technique was applied. Levenberg – Marquardt algorithm was used to train the networks faster. Network performance functions were: normalised root mean square error, correlation coefficient and coefficient of determination, and mean relative absolute error. Mechanical properties and microstructure were predicted based on relevant thermal parameters from the cooling curve. The best way to normalise input and output data was determined, as well as the best slope of hidden neurone activation function. The set of thermal parameters for the input data set was analysed. The most similar melts considering thermal analysis were chosen for neural network testing. Each neural network was to predict one property, and for each network the most adequate number of hidden neurones was determined. Considering the total number of collected ductile cast iron data, as well as their distributions, the results of applying neural networks in predicting properties and microstructure were relatively satisfactory. Generalisation errors were lower when predicting microstructure, especially ferrite content. Higher generalisation errors were recorded in predicting mechanical properties, especially elongation.
nodularni lijev
toplinska analiza
mehanička svojstva
umjetne neuronske mreže
algoritam povratnog rasprostiranja pogreške
Keywords (english)
nodular cast iron
thermal analysis
mechanical properties
artificial neural networks
error back – propagation algorithm
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:235:864362
Study programme Title: Mechanical Engineering and Naval Architecture Study programme type: university Study level: postgraduate Academic / professional title: doktor/doktorica znanosti, područje tehničkih znanosti (doktor/doktorica znanosti, područje tehničkih znanosti)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
Access conditions Open access
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Created on 2021-02-01 13:03:19