Abstract | Uloga i važnost kralježnice u ljudskom tijelu iznimno su velike, stoga ne čudi velik broj mogućih uzroka poremećaja kralježnice, od kojih su najčešći oni biomehaničke prirode. Broj uzroka poremećaja povećava se suvremenim sjedilačkim načinom života, uz manjak aktivnosti i nepravilno izvođenje pokreta. Obzirom na svoju funkciju u tijelu, održavanje funkcionalnosti i općenito zdravlja kralježnice od velikog je značaja. Samim time poremećaji kralježnice mogu dovesti do enormne boli i općenito narušenog zdravlja čovjeka. Povratak funckionalnosti, nakon poremećaja, poželjan je kroz neoperativne i neinvazivne postupke, od kojih je jedan dekompresijska terapija kralježnice. Ona je dokazana kao jedna od najučinkovitijih neinvazivnih terapija za velik broj poremećaja kralježnice. Cilj rada je razvijanje sustava za dekompresijsku terapiju kralježnice, koji sam po sebi ima svrhu te je njegovo konstruiranje opravdano, ukoliko se njime može postići ispravno provođenje spomenute terapije.
Nakon uvoda, gdje je prikazan problem i cilj rada, opisana je kralježnica kroz njenu anatomiju i biomehaniku, čime se postiže lakše razumjevanje uzroka problema, njihovo uklanjanje i princip funckioniranja dekompresijske terapije.
Nakon upoznavanja sa problematikom i ciljevima te uvođenjem u tematiku, jednostavno se definiraju problemi, zahtjevi i ciljevi konstruiranja, na temelju čega je analizirano tržište i konkurentni proizvodi. Iz svega obrađenog, napokon se izvode i smjernice za razvoj proizvoda koje daju prve obrise izgleda uređaja. Uvidom u smjernice, generirani su i vrednovani koncepti.
Konačno, vrednovanjem koncepata spoznaje se najbolji koncept na temelju kojega se razvija konačno rješenje. Nedostatci i mane odabranog koncepta, zamjenjeni su rješenjima iz drugih koncepata koja su bolje zadovoljila kriterije vrednovaja. Konstrukcijska razrada konačnog rješenja prožeta je prikazom 3D modela, gdje se jasno prikazuje princip rada i njegove prednosti. Rješenje ostvaruje prednosti nad konkurentnim uređajima kroz jednostavno korištenje, izradu i održavanje, kroz sigurnu i kontroliranu okolinu postugnutu mjerenjima parametara terapije te antropometrijski prilagodljiv prihvat pacijenta. |
Abstract (english) | The role and importance of the spine in the human body is extremely large, so it is not surprising that there are a large number of possible causes of spine disorders, the most common of which are biomechanical in nature. The number of causes of disorders increases with the modern sedentary lifestyle, along with a lack of activity and improper execution of movements. Considering its function in the body, maintaining the functionality and overall health of the spine is of great importance. As a result, spinal disorders can lead to enormous pain and generally impaired human health. The return of functionality, after a disorder, is desirable through non-operative and non-invasive procedures, one of which is spinal decompression therapy. It has been proven to be one of the most effective non-invasive therapies for a large number of spine disorders. The goal of the thesis is to develop a system for spinal decompression therapy, which has a purpose in itself, and its construction is justified, if it can be used to achieve the correct implementation of the mentioned therapy.
After the introduction, where the problem and the goal of the thesis are presented, the spine is described through its anatomy and biomechanics, which facilitates the understanding of the causes of problems, their elimination and the way decompression therapy works.
After familiarization with the issues, goals and introduction to the topic, the problems, requirements and goals of construction are simply defined, on the basis of which the market and competitive products are analyzed. From everything processed, the guidelines for product development are finally derived, which give the first outlines of the appearance of the device. By looking at the guidelines, concepts were generated and evaluated.
Finally, by evaluating the concepts, the best concept is identified, on the basis of which the final solution is developed. The shortcomings of the selected concept were replaced by solutions from other concepts that better met the evaluation criteria. The constructional elaboration of the final solution is permeated with the presentation of a 3D model, where the working principle and its advantages are clearly presented. The solution achieves advantages over competing devices through simple use, manufacturing and maintenance, through a safe and controlled environment achieved by measuring therapy parameters and anthropometrically adaptable patient reception. |
Study programme | Title: Mechanical Engineering; specializations in: Design, Process and Energy Engineering, Production Engineering, Engineering Modelling and Computer Simulation, Marine Engineering, Industrial Engineering and Management, Materials Engineering, Mechatronics and Robotics, Autonomous Systems Course: Design Study programme type: university Study level: graduate Academic / professional title: magistar/magistra inženjer/inženjerka strojarstva (magistar/magistra inženjer/inženjerka strojarstva) |