Abstract | Živimo u vremenu brzih promjena i razvoja gdje je težnja za napretkom u svim poljima ljudskog djelovanja, pa tako i u industriji, sve izraženija. Svakodnevno se provode istraživanja i testiranja u proizvodnji s ciljem pronalaska što kvalitetnijeg i isplativijeg rješenja te se javlja potreba za međusobnim funkcioniranjem različitih postupaka prerade. Aditivna proizvodnja zasigurno je jedan od primjera naglog razvoja u industriji te svojim širokim rasponom mogućnosti poboljšava i druge postupke prerade.
U ovom radu opisana je primjena aditivnih postupaka na preradu kompozitnih tvorevina te klasičnu preradu polimernih tvorevina.
U prvom dijelu rada opisana je aditivna proizvodnja, njen razvoj, podjela postupaka aditivne proizvodnje te su ukratko objašnjene razlike između pojedinih postupaka. Nadalje su detaljnije razrađeni aditivni postupak taložnog očvršćivanja i postupak Polyjet koji se najčešće primjenjuju u izradi kalupa za preradu kompozita i preradu polimernih tvorevina. Opisani su kompozitni materijali te postupci proizvodnje kompozita gdje je naglasak na ručnom laminiranju i podtlačnom oblikovanju za koje se kalupi izrađuju aditivnim postupcima. Također su obrađeni klasični postupci prerade polimernih tvorevina te prikazana mogućnost izrade kalupa i jezgri aditivnom proizvodnjom.
Eksperimentalni dio prikazuje spoj aditivne proizvodnje i prerade kompozitnih polimernih tvorevina. Na 3D pisačima za taložno očvršćivanje i postupak Polyjet načinjeno je nekoliko kalupa za proizvodnju oblika za usis zraka na vozilima (eng. NACA duct) postupcima ručnog laminiranja i podtlačnog oblikovanja te su tvorevine prerađene navedenim postupcima. Dana je usporedba svojstava u ovisnosti o postupku aditivne proizvodnje, obliku kalupa, postupku prerade kompozita te materijalima kojima je tvorevina izrađena. |
Abstract (english) | We live in a time of rapid changes and development, where the desire for progress in all fields of human activity, including industry, is increasingly pronounced. Research and testing in manufacturing are carried out every day with the aim of finding the highest quality and most cost-effective solution, and there is a need for the mutual functioning of different processing procedures. Additive manufacturing is certainly one of the examples of rapid development in the industry, and with its wide range of possibilities, it improves other processing procedures as well.
This paper describes the application of additive manufacturing in composite production and in the classic processing of polymer products.
In the first part of the paper, additive manufacturing is described, its development, the classification of additive manufacturing procedures, and the differences between individual procedures are briefly explained. Furthermore, the additive processes fused deposition modeling and the Polyjet, which are most often used in the production of th moulds for the processing of composites and the processing of polymer products, are elaborated in more detail. Composite materials and composite production processes are described, where the emphasis is on hand lay-up and vacuum bagging, for which moulds are made by additive manufacturing. The classic procedures for the processing of polymer products were also covered, and the possibility of making moulds and cores through additive manufacturing was shown.
The experimental part shows the combination of additive manufacturing and processing of composite polymer products. Several moulds for the production of forms for air intake on vehicles (NACA duct) were printed on 3D printers for fused deposition modeling and the Polyjet process, using hand lay-up and vacuum bagging processes, and the products were made using the mentioned processes. A comparison of the properties is given depending on the additive manufacturing process, the form of the mould, the composite manufacturing process and the materials used to make the product. |