Abstract | U modernoj košarci za razliku od prijašnjih godina javlja se pojam odnosno stil igre koji se naziva ' small ball'. Glavna karakteristika navedenog stila igre je da se žrtvuje visinu, fizičku snagu i napad/obranu na poziciji centra u korist postave manjih igrača s kojima se dobija brzina, agilnost i povećanje postizanja koševa (često s linije za tri poena). Stoga se u ovom radu
obrađuje najvažniji segment suvremene košarkaške igre odnosno košarkaški šut. Tema ovoga rada je konstruirati pomagalo za pravilno izvođenje cijelog seta pokreta da bi šut bio ispravan te također i uspješan. Rad započinje sa biomehanikom košaraškog šuta gdje su pojašnjeni najvažniji segmenti tijela koji utječu na isti. U početnim poglavljima obrađena je analiza razlike uspješnih i neuspješnih šuteva te također postavljen kinematički model ruke u dodiru s loptom. Iz navedenih istraživanja dobiveni su zaključci koji će koristiti u daljnjoj konstrukcijskoj razradi. Nadalje napravljena je analiza tržišta u kojoj su izdvojeni neki od patenata te proizvoda koji trenutno igrači koriste. Analiom tržišta se ustanovljuje da ima jako puno smjerova na kojima može biti naglasak u konstruiranju vlastitog proizvoda. U konstrukcijskoj razradi se prvo uzimaju u obzir glavne potrebne karakteristike ispravne forme šutiranja kao što su položaj gornjeg dijela tijela, pozicija lakta, kut izbačaja i drugih. Nakon toga razmatraju se postojeća rješenja i izdvaja se na temelju ocjenjivanja najbolja kombinacija istih. Krajnji ishod ovog rada rezultira napravom kojom igraču neće biti uskraćena mobilnost te izvođenje višestrukih vježbi tokom korištenja naprave dok će uz to biti osiguran uspravan položaj gornjeg dijela tijela, točna pozicija lakta te na kraju samo praćenje šuterske ruke. Pomagalo je zamišljeno da se lako rastavlja te da ga sam korisnik može sastaviti i rastaviti te podešavati kuteve izbačaja ovisno o
vlastitim preferencijama u tolerancijama pravilnog kuta izbačaja. |
Abstract (english) | In modern basketball, in contrast to previous years, there is a concept or a style of play called 'small ball'. The main characteristic of this game style is to sacrifice height, physical strength and attack/defense in the center position in favor of a lineup of smaller players with whom you get speed, agility and increased scoring (often from the three-point line). therefore, this paper deals with the most important segment of the contemporary basketball game, that is, the
basketball shot. The topic of this paper is to design an aid for the correct execution of the entire set of movements so that the shot is correct and also successful. The thesis begins with the biomechanics of the basketball shot, where the most important body segments that affect the shot are explained. In the initial chapters, the analysis of the difference between successful and unsuccessful shots was processed, as well as the kinematic model of the hand in contact with the ball. From the aforementioned research, conclusions were obtained that will be used in further structural elaboration. furthermore, a market analysis was made, in which some of the patents and products currently used by players were singled out. Analyzing the market, it is established that there are many directions that can be emphasized in constructing your own product. In the construction work, the main characteristics of the required correct form of play are first taken into account, such as the position of the upper body, the position of the elbow, the angle of release and others. After that, the existing solutions are considered and an attempt is made to single out the best combination of them based on the evaluation. The end result of this thesis results in the fact that the player will not be deprived of mobility and the performance of multiple exercises while using the device, while in addition, the upright position of the upper body, the correct position of the elbow and, finally, only the tracking of the shooting hands will be ensured. The aid is designed to be easily disassembled by the player and so that the user can assemble and disassemble it himself and adjust the launch angles depending on his own preferences within the tolerance range of the correct launch angle. |
Study programme | Title: Mechanical Engineering; specializations in: Design, Process and Energy Engineering, Production Engineering, Engineering Modelling and Computer Simulation, Marine Engineering, Industrial Engineering and Management, Materials Engineering, Mechatronics and Robotics, Autonomous Systems Course: Design Study programme type: university Study level: graduate Academic / professional title: magistar/magistra inženjer/inženjerka strojarstva (magistar/magistra inženjer/inženjerka strojarstva) |