Title Radna stanica za savijanje poklopca motora automobila
Title (english) Workstation for bending edges of car bonnet
Author Bruno Cimerman
Mentor Stanko Škec (mentor)
Granter University of Zagreb Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and Naval Architecture Zagreb
Defense date and country 2023-01, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline TECHNICAL SCIENCES Mechanical Engineering General Mechanical Engineering (Construction)
Abstract Proizvodnja karoserije automobila danas je većinom automatizirana, gdje se proizvodne operacije izvode fizički odvojene jedna od druge na radnim stanicama. U ovom radu opisan je razvoj jedne od tih radnih stanica na kojoj se savijaju rubovi poklopca motora za novi model automobila. Savijanje izvode roboti dok je glavna funkcija radne stanice prihvat i pozicioniranje poklopca motora kako bi se dobila preciznost i ponovljivost procesa. Također, objašnjeni su pojmovi i elementi koji se često koriste u proizvodnji karoserije poput referenci koja služi za pozicioniranje obratka. Opisana je i radna stanica prethodnog modela koja se nalazi na istoj liniji sa svim njenim nedostacima među kojima se ističe njeno komplicirano održavanje. U pregledu patenata i tržišta pronađeni su uređaji koji se mogu iskoristiti za prihvat i pozicioniranje poklopca motora, poput pneumatskih i električnih stegi, linearnih cilindara te vodilica za dobivanje preciznih pokreta. Zatim su izneseni svi tehnički zahtjevi i ograničenja od strane klijenta pa se mogao definirati smjer razvoja radne stanice. Definiralo se da će se koristiti pneumatska energija za dobivanje pokreta, pa su se uređaji poput električnih stegi mogli odbaciti. S obzirom na definirani smjer razvoja radne stanice, napravljena je funkcijska dekompozicija radne stanice gdje su prikazane sve funkcije i podfunkcije koja stanica mora imati. Pomoću uređaja iz pregleda patenata i tržišta napravljena je morfološka matrica za sve funkcije iz funkcijske dekompozicije. Morfološka matrica je podijeljena u dvije tablice gdje se prva odnosi na rješenja funkcija po kojima se razlikuju koncepti, dok se u drugoj nalaze rješenja funkcija koja su već definirana od strane klijenta ili nisu ključna za ovaj rad pa će se postaviti izravno u konstrukcijsku razradu. Zatim se provela evaluacija koncepata po kriterijima iz tehničkih zahtjeva radne stanice te se odabrao koncept koji odlazi u konstrukcijsku razradu. U konstrukcijskoj razradi odabrani su prikladni uređaji za pomicanje elemenata (pneumatske stege i pneumatski cilindri) s obzirom na njihovu potrebnu silu i napravljen je proračun za kritične elemente.
Abstract (english) Nowadays, the car body production is mostly automated. Production operations are performed on workstations which are physically separated from each other. This paper describes the development of the workstation for bonnet crimping of a new car model. Crimping is performed by robots, while the main function of the workstation is to grasp and to position the bonnet. This ensures precision and repeatability of the process. Furthermore, terms and elements which are often used in bodywork production are explained, such as references used for positioning the workpiece. The workstation for the previous car model, which is located on the same line, is also described. Its biggest shortcoming is complicated maintenance. A variety of devices were found in the review of patents and the market. Those devices can be used for grasping and positioning of the bonnet, such as pneumatic and electric clamps, linear cylinders and guides for obtaining precise movements. Then, the client’s technical requirements and limitations were presented to define the direction of the workstation development. It has been defined that pneumatic energy will be used to obtain motion, so devices such as electric clamps could be discarded. Regarding the defined direction of the workstation development, a functional decomposition of the workstation was created. All functions and subfunctions that a workstation must have are shown in functional decomposition. Using the devices from patent and market review, a morphological matrix was created for all the functions from the functional decomposition. The morphological matrix has been divided into two tables. The first table refers to the solutions of the functions by which the concepts differ. The second table contains solutions of the functions that have already been defined by the client or that are not essential for this paper. Therefore, the solutions of functions in the second table are directly placed in design detailing. Then, the concepts have been evaluated according to the criteria from technical requirements of the workstation and the concept which goes into design detailing was selected. In design detailing, suitable devices for moving the elements (pneumatic clamps and pneumatic cylinders) have been selected regarding their required force. Finally, calculations for critical elements have been made.
radna stanica
poklopac motora
razvoj proizvoda
pneumatska stega
Keywords (english)
product development
pneumatic clamp
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:235:502888
Study programme Title: Mechanical Engineering; specializations in: Design, Process and Energy Engineering, Production Engineering, Engineering Modelling and Computer Simulation, Marine Engineering, Industrial Engineering and Management, Materials Engineering, Mechatronics and Robotics, Autonomous Systems Course: Design Study programme type: university Study level: graduate Academic / professional title: magistar/magistra inženjer/inženjerka strojarstva (magistar/magistra inženjer/inženjerka strojarstva)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
Access conditions Embargoed access Embargo expiration date: 2028-01-25
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Created on 2023-01-20 16:53:35