Abstract | U sklopu ovog završnog rada bilo je potrebno umjeriti etalonski termometar s 2 platinska
otpornička osjetnika spojena na zajednički otpornički most, metodom usporedbe. Izabrane
temperaturne točke na kojima će se provesti umjeravanje su: -40 °C, -20 °C, 0 °C, 25 °C,
50 °C, 100 °C, 150 °C, 300 °C i 400 °C. Na svakoj od tih temperatura, po redu, jedan pa
drugi, umjeravani i etalonski termometar bio je postavljen u zonu kontrolirane temperature.
Kao zone kontrolirane temperature korištene su: etanolska kupka, vodena kupka, uljna kupka
i termometrijska peć, ovisno o temperaturi umjeravanja. U ovom radu objašnjen je cijeli
proces umjeravanja. Da bi se proces mogao shvatiti, prvo je detaljno objašnjena teorija koja
stoji iza cijelog procesa, a nakon toga se moglo preći na eksperimentalni dio. Nadalje, što se
tiče eksperimentalnog dijela, dan je opis mjerne linije i svih njenih komponenata korištenih u
laboratoriju. Na kraju je procijenjena nesigurnost u svim umjernim točkama te su prikazani
pripadni budžeti nesigurnosti, da bi konačno mogli biti obrađeni i prikazani rezultati
umjeravanja, koji su bili cilj ovog rada.Cijeli proces umjeravanja je proveden u Laboratoriju
za procesna mjerenja na FSB-u. |
Abstract (english) | As part of this work, it was necessary to calibrate the standard thermometer with 2 platinum
resistance sensors connected to a common resistance bridge, using the comparison method.
The calibration was performed in the following temperature points: -40 °C, -20 °C, 0 °C,
25 °C, 50 °C, 100 °C, 150 °C, 300 °C, and 400 °C. At each of these temperatures, one after
the other, thermometers under calibration were inserted into the controlled temperature zone,
together with the reference thermometer. The zones of controlled temperatures were ethanol
bath, water bath, oil bath, and thermometric furnace, depending on the calibration
temperature. This work explains the entire calibration process. In order to understand the
process, the theory behind it was first explained in detail, and after that it was possible to
move on to the experimental part. Furthermore, as far as the experimental part is concerned, a
description of the measuring line and all its components found in the laboratory is given. At
the end, the measurement uncertainty was estimated and the uncertainty budget is presented,
so that the measurement results, which were the final goal of this work, could finally be
analysed and presented. The entire measurement process was carried out in the Laboratory for
Process Measurements at FSB. |