Abstract | Tema i zadatak ovog rada je konstrukcijski oblikovati dohvatnik u formi traktorskog priključka koji bi služio izvlačenju i utovaru manjih trupaca s tla na prikolicu. Također kako se danas sve više popularizira izrada sječkanog drva od takvih manjih trupaca i otpadnih grana, jedan ovakav dohvatnik znatno bi olakšao posao tim poduzećima i radnicima. U slučaju financijske isplativosti postoji mogućnost da jedan klijent manjeg poduzeća preuzme ovaj projekt u ruke realizacije. Na početku rada napravljen je uvodni pregled granika, te prikaz analize tržišta koja sadržava slične dohvatnike na tržištu, njihovih svojstava i karakteristika. Provedena je njihova usporedba kako bi se što bolje mogao odrediti smjer formiranja koncepata vlastitog rješenja. Prikazana su 3 koncepta te je na temelju evaluacije koncepata i uz obrazloženje odabira, odabrano jedno konceptualno rješenje koje će se razrađivati. Zatim slijedi proračun samih dijelova dohvatnika koji je podijeljen u nekoliko dijelova ovisno s obzirom na funkciju koju pojedini mehanizam ima u sklopu. Prilikom proračuna vodilo se računa o faktorima sigurnosti vezanima uz čvrstoću, stabilnost, ali i samu sigurnost operatera tijekom rada. Prilikom oblikovanja konstrukcije vodilo se najviše računa o tome da izrada dohvatnika bude što jeftinija, a izrada što jednostavnija odnosno u skladu s mogućnostima manjeg poduzeća.
Osim proračuna potrebno je napraviti i tehničku dokumentaciju prilikom čega je korišten programski paket Solidworks, a na kraju samog rada prikazan je i 3D model konačnog rješenja. |
Abstract (english) | The topic and task of this paper is to structurally design a crane in the form of a tractor attachment that would be used to pull out and load smaller logs from the ground onto a trailer. Also, as the production of chopped wood from such smaller logs and waste branches is becoming more and more popular today, a crane like this would make the work of these companies and workers much easier. In the case of financial profitability, there is a possibility that a client of a smaller company will take over this project in the hands of realization. At the beginning of the work, an introductory overview of the boundaries was made, as well as a presentation of the market analysis, which contains similar cranes on the market, their properties and characteristics. Their comparison was carried out in order to better determine the direction of the concept formation. 3 concepts were presented, and based on the evaluation of the concepts and with the explanation of the selection, one conceptual solution was chosen to be elaborated. Then follows the calculation of the parts of the crane itself, which is divided into several parts depending on the function that each mechanism has in the assembly. During the calculations, safety factors related to strength, stability, but also the operator's safety during work were taken into account. During the design of the construction, the greatest care was taken to ensure that the production of the crane is as cheap as possible, and the production is as simple as possible, i.e. in accordance with the possibilities of a smaller company.
In addition to the calculations, it is also necessary to create technical documentation, during which the Solidworks software package was used, and at the end of the work itself, a 3D model of the final solution was presented. |