Abstract | Vodik se kao sirovina i energent koristi u raznim industrijama. Ipak, njegov značaj raste s procesom dekarbonizacije gdje je vodik prepoznat kao energetski vektor obnovljivima izvorima energije. Vodik, iako izuzetno obećavajući kao čist izvor energije, suočava se s jednim značajnim izazovom: njegova gustoća u prirodnom, plinovitom stanju je izrazito niska. Ova niska gustoća predstavlja ključni problem kada je riječ o skladištenju i transportu vodika, posebno u usporedbi s konvencionalnim fosilnim gorivima koja imaju znatno veću energetsku gustoću po jedinici volumena. Da bi vodik bio konkurentan u energetskom sektoru, neophodno je njegovo komprimiranje.
Jedna od obećavajućih metoda kompresije je upotreba elektrokemijskih kompresora vodika (EHC), koji se ističu zbog tihog rada bez vibracija, modularnosti, nedostatka pokretnih dijelova i visoke učinkovitosti u odnosu na mehaničke kompresore. Uz to što elektrokemijski kompresor ima dobru perspektivu u vidu kompresije vodika, može služiti i kao pročišćivač vodika što proširuje spektar aplikacije. U ovom radu dizajnirano je jedno konstrukcijsko rješenje eksperimentalnog elektrokemijskog kompresora s pratećom eksperimentalnom stazom koja uključuje potrebne mjerne instrumente za praćenje rada elektrokemijskog kompresora tijekom pogona pri različitim radnim uvjetima. Također, kratko je opisano idejno rješenje ovlaživača i odvlaživača kao sastavne komponente sustava EHC-a. |
Abstract (english) | Hydrogen is used as a raw material and energy source in various industries. Futhermore, its importance is growing with the process of decarbonization, where hydrogen is recognized as an energy vector for renewable energy sources. Although extremely promising as a clean energy source, hydrogen faces a significant challenge: its density in its natural, gaseous state is extremely low. This low density presents a key problem in terms of hydrogen storage and transportation, especially compared to conventional fossil fuels, which have a significantly higher energy density per unit volume. To make hydrogen competitive in the energy sector, its compression is necessary.
One of the promising methods of compression is the use of electrochemical hydrogen compressors (EHC), which stand out due to their quiet, vibration-free operation, modularity, lack of moving parts, and high efficiency compared to mechanical compressors. In addition to the good prospects of the electrochemical compressor in terms of hydrogen compression, it can also serve as a hydrogen purifier, expanding its range of applications. In this work, a design solution for an experimental electrochemical compressor with an accompanying experimental track, including the necessary measuring instruments for monitoring the operation of the electrochemical compressor during operation under various working conditions, is designed. Understanding how to control or optimize various operating parameters in an electrochemical hydrogen compressor can provide a foundation for further improving its efficiency, reducing costs, and broadening its applications. Additionally, a conceptual design of a humidifier and dehumidifier as integral components of the EHC is briefly described. |