Title Role of sport in sustainable tourism development of Croatia
Title (croatian) Uloga sporta u održivom razvoju turizma Hrvatske
Author Josip Slunjski
Mentor Brigita Bosnar-Valković (mentor)
Granter University of Rijeka Faculty of Tourism and Hospitality Management Opatija
Defense date and country 2018-07-16, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline SOCIAL SCIENCES Economics
Abstract Sustainable tourism development pertains to all forms of development and management
of tourist activities that respect the environment, protect for a long-term the natural and
cultural resources, and are socially and economically acceptable and equitable. Due to
the growing interest of tourists to spend their vacation unconventional, dynamic and
exciting, sports tourism is experiencing its expansion. There is an increasing role of sport
and tourism in the global economy related to economic and social contributions as well
as its potential for growth. With its advantageous location and natural attractions, Croatia
has always been an important tourist destination. Like in several other Mediterranean
destinations, Croatian tourism is focused on "sun and sea", geographically concentrated
along the coast, which generates congestion costs and feeds regional imbalances. The
development of various types of special interest tourism such as sports tourism is seen
as a possible solution to this problem, especially because sport plays a very important
role at various levels in the Croatian society. Sports tourism is becoming increasingly
important in Croatia to sustain opportunities in the months that lack sea and sun tourists,
it is contributes to overall attractiveness, quality and competitiveness of tourism, and
generates additional value in tourism, manifested through direct and indirect economic
effects. In creating the identity of the renowned tourist destination, Croatia must define
new sustainable developing concepts in order to achieve the improvement of its tourist
produce and make it recognizable in the world tourist market. Depending on the type of
resources in a particular region, with further development of sports tourism, Croatia could
come closer to the realization of its long-term goals – reducing seasonality, increasing
revenue and diversification of the offer, without negative effects and pressures of an
increase in demand during the summer months. New trends in the offer of European
markets must be embraced because only by creating an original offer can an advantage
be gained over the competition. Given its large natural resources, the tradition of
developing different sport activities and an already established image as a country of
sports, Croatia can expect significant development of tourism products based on sports
and recreation activities.
Abstract (english) Održivi razvoj turizma odnosi se na sve oblike razvoja i upravljanja turističkim
aktivnostima koje uvažavaju okoliš, dugoročno štite prirodne i kulturne resurse te su
društveno i ekonomski prihvatljive. Sve je veći interes turista za nekonvencionalnim,
dinamičnim i uzbudljivim godišnjim odmorom, pa stoga sportski turizam doživljava svoju
ekspanziju. Uloga sporta i turizma u globalnoj ekonomiji sve je veća, a ogleda se u
ekonomskim i socijalnim doprinosima, kao i na potencijalu za rast. Zbog svog povoljnog
položaja i prirodnih posebnosti, Hrvatska je oduvijek bila važno turističko odredište.
Slično kao i u drugim mediteranskim destinacijama, hrvatski turizam usmjeren je na
"sunce i more", zemljopisno je koncentriran uz obalu, što utječe na neuravnotežen
regionalni razvoj. Razvoj posebnih vrsta turizma kao što je primjerice sportski turizam
moglo bi biti rješenje ovog problema, posebice zato što sport ima vrlo važnu ulogu u
hrvatskom društvu. Kako bi se turistička ponuda obogatila i omogućila i izvan ljetnih
mjeseci, sportski turizam postaje sve važniji u Hrvatskoj. Ovaj oblik turizma pridonosi
ukupnoj atraktivnosti, kvaliteti i konkurentnosti turizma, te generira dodatnu vrijednost
koja se očituje izravnim i neizravnim ekonomskim učincima. U stvaranju identiteta
renomiranog turističkog odredišta, Hrvatska mora definirati nove koncepte održivog
razvoja kako bi se turistički proizvodi poboljšali i bili prepoznati na svjetskom turističkom
tržištu. Ovisno o vrsti resursa u određenoj regiji, s daljnjim razvojem sportskog turizma
Hrvatska bi se mogla približiti ostvarenju svojih dugoročnih ciljeva - smanjenju sezonske
razine, povećanju prihoda i raznolikosti ponude bez negativnih učinaka i pritisaka
povećane potražnje tijekom ljetnih mjeseci. Treba prihvatiti nove trendove europskog
tržišta, jer se samo stvaranjem izvorne ponude može steći prednost pred konkurencijom.
S obzirom na prirodne resurse, tradiciju razvijanja različitih sportskih aktivnosti i već
uspostavljenu sliku sportske države, Hrvatska može očekivati značajan održivi razvoj
turizma temeljem sportskih i rekreacijskih aktivnosti.
sustainable tourism development
Keywords (english)
održivi razvoj turizma
Language english
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:191:647863
Study programme Title: Business Administration in Tourism and Hospitality Management; moduls: Entrepreneurship in Tourism and Hospitality, Tourism Management, Hospitality Management, International Tourism and Hospitality Management, Event and Leisure Management; specializations in: Entrepreneurship in Tourism and Hospitality, Tourism Management, Hospitality Management, International Tourism and Hospitality Management, Event and Leisure Management Course: Entrepreneurship in Tourism and Hospitality Study programme type: university Study level: undergraduate Academic / professional title: sveučilišni/a prvostupnik/prvostupnica (baccalaureus/baccalaurea) ekonomije (sveučilišni/a prvostupnik/prvostupnica (baccalaureus/baccalaurea) ekonomije)
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Created on 2019-03-13 13:57:42