Title Društvene inovacije u Republici Hrvatskoj
Title (english) Social innovations in the Republic of Croatia
Author Renato Fazlić
Mentor Marija Ivaniš (mentor)
Granter University of Rijeka Faculty of Tourism and Hospitality Management Opatija
Defense date and country 2019-07-24, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline SOCIAL SCIENCES Economics
Abstract Socijalno, odnosno društveno poduzetništvo je termin koji se intenzivnije počeo
spominjati posljednjih desetak godina, iako se već desetljećima pojavljuje u raznim oblicima
i kontekstima koji su vezani uz primjenu tržišnih mehanizma u cilju postizanja socijalnih
ciljeva. Predmet istraživanja ovog završnog rada predstavlja društveno poduzetništvo koje
se u suvremenom svijetu nameće kao vrlo specifičan poslovni oblik, koji je prvenstveno
vođen ostvarenjem određenih društvenih misija i
... More stvaranjem pozitivnih društvenih učinaka,
a uz primjenu tržišnog poslovanja. Tumačenjem obilježja i utjecaja socijalnih poduzeća u
svijetu (s naglaskom na Europsku Uniju), te analizom socijalnog poduzeća u Hrvatskoj, u
radu se nastoji prikazati sve veća relevantnost i zastupljenost društvenog poduzetništva u
suvremenom društvu. Cilj završnog rada jest shvatiti i predstaviti srž društvenog
poduzetništva, njegovu važnost u svijetu, te prikazati njegov utjecaj u Hrvatskoj, odnosno
razumjeti na koji način pridonosi socijalnoj koheziji, borbi protiv siromaštva, povećanom
zapošljavanju, te unapređenju kvalitete života kroz poslovanje za društvenu dobit.
Bez obzira na nepostojanje zajedničkog konsenzusa oko jedinstvene definicije
društvenog poduzetništva, može se zaključiti kako društveno poduzetništvo predstavlja
primjenu poduzetničkih načela, kao što su: inovativnost, razumno preuzimanje rizika,
samouvjerenost, uporan rad, jasno postavljanje ciljeva, i odgovornost u društvenom sektoru
s ciljem unapređenja kvalitete življenja, te da ona istodobno teži ostvarivanju i financijske i
društvene vrijednosti, kao i takvo predstavlja umjetnost simultanog ostvarivanja financijskih
i društvenih povrata na investicije. Socijalno poduzetništvo u Republici Hrvatskoj
predstavlja relativno nov pojam, a najveći razlog tome jest društveno-ekonomski sustav u
kojem se država nalazila drugi niz godina, a tu su još ratovi, nerazvijenost, itd. Potencijal
socijalnog poduzetništva u Hrvatskoj je , kao i svugdje u svijetu, velik, ali da bi se omogućio
njegov razvoj potrebno je osvrnuti se na rješavanje nekih bitnih elemenata kako bi kasnije
mogao imati pozitivan utjecaj na društvo i gospodarstvo cijele zemlje. Less
Abstract (english) Social or social entrepreneurship is a term that has become more intense in the past
ten years, although it has been appearing for decades in various forms and contexts related
to the application of market mechanisms in order to achieve social goals. The subject of the
research of this final work is social entrepreneurship, which in the modern world is imposed
as a very specific business form, which is primarily guided by the realization of certain social
missions and the creation
... More of positive social effects, and with the application of market
business. By interpreting the characteristics and impacts of social enterprises in the world
(with emphasis on the European Union) and by analyzing the social enterprise in Croatia,
the paper seeks to show the growing relevance and representation of social entrepreneurship
in modern society. The aim of the final work is to understand and present the core of social
entrepreneurship, its importance in the world, and to show its impact in Croatia, and to
understand how it contributes to social cohesion, the fight against poverty, increased
employment and the improvement of the quality of life through business for social benefits.
Regardless of the lack of a common consensus on a single definition of social
entrepreneurship, one can conclude that social entrepreneurship is the application of
entrepreneurial principles such as: innovation, reasonable risk taking, self-reliance,
persevering work, clear goals set, and social responsibility in order to improve quality of
life, and at the same time it strives to achieve both financial and social value, and this is the
art of simultaneous realization of financial and social return on investment. Social
entrepreneurship in the Republic of Croatia is a relatively new term, and the main reason is
the socio-economic system in which the state was located for the next several years, and
there are still wars, underdevelopment, etc. The potential of social entrepreneurship in
Croatia is as well as everywhere in the world, but to enable it to develop it, it is necessary to
look at some important elements to be able to later have a positive impact on society and the
economy of the whole country. Less
socijalno poduzetništvo
društveno poduzetništvo
Europska unija
Republika Hrvatska
socijalna kohezija
poduzetnička načela
Keywords (english)
social entrepreneurship
social entrepreneur
European Union
Republic of Croatia
social cohesion
entrepreneurial principles
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:191:066493
Study programme Title: Business Economics in Tourism and Hospitalit; moduls: Entrepreneurship in Tourism and Hospitality, Tourism Management, Hospitality Management, International Tourism and Hospitality Management, Event and Leisure Management; specializations in: Entrepreneurship in Tourism and Hospitality, Tourism Management, Hospitality Management,, International Tourism and Hospitality Managemen, Event and Leisure Management Course: Entrepreneurship in Tourism and Hospitality Study programme type: university Study level: undergraduate Academic / professional title: sveučilišni/a prvostupnik/prvostupnica (baccalaureus/baccalaurea) ekonomije (sveučilišni/a prvostupnik/prvostupnica (baccalaureus/baccalaurea) ekonomije)
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Created on 2020-03-18 11:00:44