Title Optimiziranje prodaje hotelskoga proizvoda kroz online turističke agencije
Title (english) Sales optimization of a hotel product through online travel agencies
Author Patricia Kovačić
Mentor Lidija Bagarić (mentor)
Granter University of Rijeka Faculty of Tourism and Hospitality Management Opatija
Defense date and country 2019-07-23, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline SOCIAL SCIENCES Economics
Abstract Kako bi ugostiteljsku objekti, najprije hoteli, mogli uspješno poslovati na duge staze,
potrebna im je suradnja s online turističkim agencijama. To su agencije koje se od
klasičnih turističkih agencija razlikuju po lokaciji. OTA kanali su turističke agencije
bazirane na internetu, a nude usluge smještaja kao primarne usluge. Turističke
agencije ovakve vrste počele su se razvijati 90-ih godina s prvom online turističkom
agencijom Travelocity. Tako se razvio današnji div u ovo vrsti
... More poslovanja, Expedia.
Druga vodeća online turistička agencija danas je definitivno svima poznati
Booking.com. koji je razvijen u Nizozemskoj od strane Geert- Jan Bruinsma.
OTA su danas neizbježni dio poslovanja te su hoteli jednostavno primoreni surađivati
s njima. Za hotele ove agencije znače prihod, ali i velike izdatke. U počecima su OTA
kanai uzimali vrlo malu proviziju koja je bila 5% , no popularnošću koju su stekle ta
provizija se postupno povećavala, te danas skače do 35%.
Iako je provizij vrlo visoka, OTA hotelima donose i mnogo dobra. Jedna od vrlo važnih
činjenica je da OTA kanali ulažu velike svote novaca u marketing, stoga hoteli koji su
izloženi na tim stranicama dobivaju dobar marketing . Da bi se to ostvarilo,
menadžemti tih hotela moraju razuijeti da se hotel mora angažirati na OTA kanalima.
Kada se kaže angažirati u OTA kanalima, misli se na sustavno održavanje profila svaki
dan, upravljanje cijenama za koje je zadužen reavenue management i sl.
Recenzije koje gosti ostavljaju na ovim platformama uvelike imaju utjecaj na odabir
hotela od strane drugih ljudi, tj potencijalnih gostiju. Mnogi hoteli se danas ulažu velike
trudove u stvaranje što boljeg doživljaja za goste kako bi ostavili na kraju dobru
recenziju i dobar glas drugim ljudima ( WOM ). U hotelima se također počinje formirati
odjel koji je zadužen isključivo za guest experince. To se najčešće odražava kroz
animaciju, ali i guest relations service. GR service je napredna verzija concierga jer se
uz davanje svih potrebnih informacija gostima usredotočava i da se gost tijekom cijelog
boravka osjeća kao kod kuće te da ukoliko i dođe do neekog nezadovoljstva, to bude
riješeno u što kraćem roku. GR service je također odjel zadužen za upravljanje
recenzijama, odgovaranje na komentare koje gosti ostave na vodećim OTA kanalima.
Za hotelijere je vrlo važno da za ovakvu vrstu poslovanja aktivno koriste CRM –
Customer Relationship Management, zatim Online Reputation Management i naravno
načinima kako pospješiti prodaju ( privlačan profil, odabir OTA kanala, kreiranja paketa
usluga karakterističnih za OTA kanal i za profil korisnika nekog OTA kanala i sl. ).
Primjer dobre prakse je resort sv. Martin na Muri koji se nalazi u Međimurju.
Menadžment ovog resorta shvaća ulogu OTA kanala te se kroz marketing i prodaju i
odjel upravljanja prihodima pokušava što više utjecati na OTA kanale i iskoristiti ih na
najbolji mogući način. Resort je 2018. Godine osvojio nagradu za izvrsnost od strane
Booking.com-a. Less
Abstract (english) For the hospitality facilities, especially hotels, to successfully run on the long runs, they
need cooperation with Online Travel Agencies. These are agencies that differ from the
classic tourist agencies primarily by location. OTA channels are web-based travel
agencies that offer accommodation services as primary services. Travel agencies of
this kind began to develop in the 90s with the first online travel agency Travelocity.
From the Travelocity agency developed today's giant
... More in this kind of business, Expedia.
The second leader of the online travel agencies today is the most famous
Although the commission is very high, OTA Channels bring to hotels a lot of positive
things too. One of the very important facts is that OTA channels are investing a lot of
money in marketing, so the hotels that are exposed to these sites are also getting good
marketing. To make this happen to be exposed more frequently), hotel managers must
understand that they must engage in the take-offs. When it comes to engaging in
channels, it is thought of maintaining the profile every day, to get the prices changed
by revenue management and keeping profile ‘’fresh’’ with high-quality pictures and
Reviews that guests leave on these platforms greatly affect the choice of hotel by other
people, i.e. potential guests. Many hotels today are investing heavily in creating a
better guest experience so the guests at the end leave a good review and good voice
to other people (WOM – Word of Mouth). The hotels are also starting to form a
department that is dedicated on creating better guest experiences. This is most often
reflected through hotel entertainment, but also by Guest Relations service. GR service
is an advanced version of the concierge because it provides all the necessary
information to the guests, but also makes the guest feels at home throughout the entire
stay. This department has to be effective especially if there is some dissatisfaction
because dissatisfactions need to be solved in the shortest possible time. The GR
service is also responsible for managing reviews, answering comments that guests
leave on leading OTA channels. For hoteliers, this kind of business is very important,
so they need to get acquainted with CRM - Customer Relationship Management, then
Online Reputation Management and other ways to boost sales (attractive profile, OTA
channel selection, OTA channel service packs OTA user profiles channel, etc.).
An example of good practice is the resort sv. Martin na Muri located in Međimurje. The
management of this resort understands the role of the OTA channels, and through the
marketing and sales and revenue management department, it tries to influence the
OTA channels more effectively and exploit them in the best possible wa Less
hotelsko poslovanje
Online turističke agencije (OTA)
upravljanje odnosima s klijentima (CRM)
Keywords (english)
hotel business
Online Travel Agencies (OTA)
Customer Relationship Management (CRM)
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:191:410053
Study programme Title: Business Administration in Tourism and Hospitality Management; moduls: Entrepreneurship in Tourism and Hospitality, Tourism Management, Hospitality Management, International Tourism and Hospitality Management, Event and Leisure Management; specializations in: Entrepreneurship in Tourism and Hospitality, Tourism Management, Hospitality Management, International Tourism and Hospitality Management, Event and Leisure Management Course: Hospitality Management Study programme type: university Study level: undergraduate Academic / professional title: sveučilišni/a prvostupnik/prvostupnica (baccalaureus/baccalaurea) ekonomije (sveučilišni/a prvostupnik/prvostupnica (baccalaureus/baccalaurea) ekonomije)
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Created on 2020-04-01 09:59:49