Title Motivacija za rad, čimbenik uspješnosti u zdravstvu
Title (english) Work motivation, the factor of success in health care
Author Miroslav Ostojić
Mentor Slobodan Ivanović (mentor)
Granter University of Rijeka Faculty of Tourism and Hospitality Management Opatija
Defense date and country 2020-06-30, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline SOCIAL SCIENCES Economics
Abstract Koristeći sve naučeno znanje tijekom studija, kao i konzultacije i stručno vođenje prof.dr.sc.
Slobodana Ivanovića, koji je moj mentor na ovom Završnom radu, obrađujem temu
Izričaj <<MOTIVACIJA>> označava razloge i poticaje svakog pojedinca ili grupe na
poduzimanje aktivnosti i spremnost za povećano i učinkovitije djelovanje na nekom
konkretnom području rada ili života s ciljem postizanja zadovoljenja nekih specifičnih potreba
ili nečega što osobi nedostaje u danom trenutku.
Različite teorije – navode više vrsta motivacija, od onih nematerijalnih do konkretnih
materijalnih motivacija. Rastom i razvojem osobe, razvijaju se i mijenjaju njene vrijednosti,
aspiracije i potrebe, pa tako ne da su motivacije različite kod raznih ljudi, nego se vremenom i
mijenjaju (Bahtijarević-Šiber, 1999.).
Prema Bubleu, motivacija se definira kao svaki utjecaj koji izaziva, usmjerava i odražava svako
ciljno ponašanje ljudi. Obično potrebe čovjeka uzrokuju ponašanje, a nije rijetkost da potrebe
budu rezultat ponašanja.
Prema Marušiću (2006g.) zadovoljstvo na poslu može se definirati kao mentalni stav svakog
čovjeka prema radnoj okolini, prema njegovom poslu, prema nadređenima, prema obitelji,
emocijama s posebnim naglaskom na ljubav i prema vlastitom tijelu i zdravlju, što se sve
zajedno reflektira na stil rada i učinkovitost u obavljanju posla.
Začetnik teorije motivacije uvjetovane zadovoljavanjem potreba ljudi točno određenim
redoslijedom u hijerarhijskoj piramidi.
Suvremeni menadžment razvio je niz teorija i metoda motivacije i tako obogatio ovo područje
poslovnog interesa, kako pojedinaca zaposlenika, tako voditelja / menadžera i na kraju vlasnika
Za gospodarsko područje zdravstva, mnogo je razloga za konstataciju, kako u mnogome
zaostaje upravo na području razvoja motivacijskih metoda, pa samim time zaostaje u
kreativnosti i proaktivnosti zaposlenika, što za rezultat ima nemotiviranost i smanjenu
učinkovitost ove gospodarske grane. Moglo bi se reći, kako to vrijedi za stručne medicinske
zaposlenike, upravu i posebno za administrativno i drugo osoblje iz ne-medicinskih poslova.
Abstract (english) Using all knowledge learned throught education, also consultation and professional guidance
from Prof. dr. sc. Slobodana Ivanovića, which is my mentor on this undergraduate thesis, in
which I am processing theme: „Motivation for work, factor of success in health sector „.
Word „Motivation „ marks reasons and boosts every individual or group on doing activities and
readiness for higher and more effective impact on certain field of work or in life with goal of
succeeding completion certain specific needs or something that in that moment person misses.
Different theories are listing more types of motivation, from non-materialistic to certain
materialistic motivations.With growth and improvement of person are growing and improving
persons value, aspirations and needs, so persons Motivation are not different, but they are
changing through the time (Bahtijarević-Šiber, 1999.)
Recording to Bubleu, Motivation is defined like every impact which causes, directs and keeps
targeted behavior. Usually needs of person are causing behavior of person, but it is not rare case
that needs are being resulted by behavior.
Recording to Marušić (2006.) satisfaction on business can be defined like mental state of every
person to his working environment, to his job, to his superiors, to his family, to his emotions
with special emphasis on love to his own body, as well as to his health, and all of these factors
together are being reflected on style of work and effectiveness of doing job.
Father of motivation theory conditioned with satisfying people's needs with specific order in
hierarchical pyramid.
Modern management developed series of theories and methods and on that way enriched this
field of business interest both the individual worker and director/manager and on the end owner
of company.
For economic area of health sector, there are many reasons for ascertainment that falls short
exactly on developing motivation methods, so based on that it also falls short in creativity, as
well as in proactivity of employees, which is resulting with demotovation and reduced
efficiency in this economic field. We could say that this also goes for professional medical
workers, bureau and especially for administrative employees and other non-medical employees.
Keywords (english)
self motivation
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:191:328877
Study programme Title: Business Economics in Tourism and Hospitality; moduls: Entrepreneurship in Tourism and Hospitality, Tourism Management, Hospitality Management, International Tourism and Hospitality Management, Event and Leisure Management; specializations in: Entrepreneurship in Tourism and Hospitality, Tourism Management, Hospitality Management, International Tourism and Hospitality Management,, Event and Leisure Management, OPATIJA Course: Hospitality Management Study programme type: university Study level: undergraduate Academic / professional title: sveučilišni/a prvostupnik/prvostupnica (baccalaureus/baccalaurea) ekonomije (sveučilišni/a prvostupnik/prvostupnica (baccalaureus/baccalaurea) ekonomije)
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Created on 2021-03-29 12:50:09