Title Koncepcija i strategija razvoja turizma grada Pazina
Title (english) Concept and tourism development strategy of the city of Pazin
Author Monika Šućurović
Mentor Christian Stipanović (mentor)
Granter University of Rijeka Faculty of Tourism and Hospitality Management Opatija
Defense date and country 2020-09-18, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline SOCIAL SCIENCES Economics
Abstract U ovom završnom radu istražuje se, analizira te objašnjava koncepcija i
strategija razvoja turizma grada Pazina. Pri tome, posebno se naglašava ruralni
turizam Pazina te promatranje jedinstvenih i prepoznatljivih proizvoda, usluga i
događaja u sklopu ruralnog turizma grada Pazina koje ovu destinaciju razlikuju od
drugih. Prilikom pisanja rada od pomoći su bile znanstvene metode istraživanja poput
metode sinteze, metode analize, metode deskripcije, eksplikativne metode, metode
dokazivanja i metode kompilacije. Turizam Pazina može se povezati osim s ruralnim i
agroturizmom i sa avanturističkim i održivim turizmom. No, osim na razvoj turizma,
krucijalno je koncentirati se na modeliranje interne okoline, točnije, razvijanje kadrova
u smislu cjeloživotnog učenja, unaprjeđivanja vještina i kreativnog inoviranja ponude u
svrhu stvaranja kohezije navedenih i nastupanja na konkurentnom tržištu sa najjačim
oružanjem – znanjem i stvaranje najviše razine konkurentske prednosti - inovacije.
Velike prednosti Pazina prepoznatljive su i kroz trend održivog razvoja, gdje Pazin
pozornost pridaje ponajviše povratku u ono vrijeme kad je ključan čimbenik za
preživljanje bila poljoprivreda od čega pravi sasvim specifičnu gastronomsku i
enološku ponudu, a i razne manifestacije i događanja. U smjeru ruralnog turizma,
Pazin već ima naturalne predispozicije, a i one vezane uz ugostiteljsku ponudu i
ponudu smještaja. Ovaj će završni rad detaljnije istražiti postojeću ponudu turizma
usredotočivši se na grad Pazin te na temelju analize ponude i potražnje predstaviti
moguće koncepcije i strategije razvoja turizma u svrhu smanjenja rizika i povećanja
konkurentnosti na brzo mijenjajućem i visoko kompetitivnom turističkom tržištu.U
krajnosti, cilj je istaknuti snage i prilike ovog bajkovitog, srednjovjekovnog grada te
navesti konkretne strategije kojima se može pozicionirati i u odnosu na konkurenciju,
zasjati na regionalnom tržištu i biti jedan od najposjećenijih gradova Istre.
Abstract (english) This final paper explores, analyzes and explains the conception and tourism
development strategy of the city Pazin. Therefore, a special emphasis is put on rural
tourism of the city of Pazin aswell as observing the unique and recognizable products,
services and events in the context of rural tourism of Pazin which distinguishes this
destination from other ones. During the process of writing this final paper, the scientific
methods that were of help are method of analysis, method of synthesis, description
method, explanation method, method of proofing and compilation method. Tourism of
Pazin can be linked to not only rural and agritourism but also adventure and
sustainable tourism. But, apart from the development of tourism, it is crucial to
concentrate on modeling of the internal environment, to be more precise, developing
staff in terms of lifelong learning, improving skills and creative innovation of tourism
offer in order to create cohesion and appear in a competitive market with the strongest
weapons - knowledge and create the highest level of competitiveness advantages -
innovations. The great advantages of Pazin are recognizable through the trend of
sustainable development, where Pazin pays attention mostly to the time when the key
factor for survival was agriculture, which makes a very specific gastronomic and
enological offer, as well as various manifestations and events. In the direction of rural
tourism, Pazin already has many natural predispositions, as well as those related to
the hospitality offer and accommodation offer. This final paper will explore the existing
tourism offer in more detail, focusing on the city of Pazin and based on supply and
demand analysis present the possible concepts and strategies for tourism
development to reduce risk and increase competitiveness in a rapidly changing and
highly competitive tourism market. Ultimately, the goal is to highlight the strengths and
opportunities of this fairytale, medieval city and list specific strategies that can position
and, according to the competition, make Pazin shine on the regional market and
become one of the most visited cities in Istria.
koncepcija razvoja
specifični oblici turizma
ruralni turizam
grad Pazin
Keywords (english)
concept of tourism development
specific types and forms of tourism
rural tourism
city of Pazin
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:191:209760
Study programme Title: Business Economics in Tourism and Hospitality; moduls: Entrepreneurship in Tourism and Hospitality, Tourism Management, Hospitality Management, International Tourism and Hospitality Management, Event and Leisure Management; specializations in: Entrepreneurship in Tourism and Hospitality, Tourism Management, Hospitality Management, International Tourism and Hospitality Management,, Event and Leisure Management, OPATIJA Course: Tourism Management Study programme type: university Study level: undergraduate Academic / professional title: sveučilišni/a prvostupnik/prvostupnica (baccalaureus/baccalaurea) ekonomije (sveučilišni/a prvostupnik/prvostupnica (baccalaureus/baccalaurea) ekonomije)
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Created on 2021-04-06 13:18:44