Abstract | U ovom završnom radu glavna tema je analiza enogastronomske ponude Slavonije i Baranje u funkciji razvoja ruralnog turizma tog područja. Ovaj završni rad obuhvaća analizu područja 5 slavonskih županija, a to su: Osječko-baranjska, Vukovarsko-srijemska, Brodsko-posavska, Požeško-slavonska i dijelovi Virovitičko-podravske županije. Rad donosi pregled slavonske i baranjske kuhinje, koja zbog svoje duge tradicije postaje primamljiv motiv koji privlači turiste u ovu regiju. Osim enogastronomske ponude, rad donosi i pregled glavnih turističkih atrakcija, kao što su prirodne ljepote, gradovi, kulturna nematerijalna baština, pregled smještajnih objekata ruralnog turizma. Navedeni su brojni primjeri dobre prakse, od ponude kvalitetnih restorana s autohtonom hranom, preko vinarija s nagrađivanim vinima, do smještajnih objekata u ruralnom turizmu. Fokus ovog rada stavljen je na turističku ponudu Slavonije i Baranje koja utječe na razvoj ruralnog turizma kao jedne od vrsta selektivnih oblika turizma. Ruralni turizam ima neke specifičnosti, kao što su boravak u prirodi, njegovanje i sudjelovanje u starim zanatima i seoskim poslovima, konzumacija lokalne i domaće autohtone hrane. Upravo zbog tih specifičnosti, i zbog bogate kulture i tradicije na području Slavonije i Baranje, ruralni turizma ima potencijal biti glavna vrsta turizma na ovom području. Koliki potencijal ruralni turizam ima, dokazuju i rezultati studentskog istraživanja također prikazanih u radu. Na kraju je donesen zaključak nastao prilikom izrade rada. |
Abstract (english) | Within this final thesis, the main subject is the analysis of the enogastronomic capability, that Slavonia and Baranja, within the function of development or rural tourism, has to offer. It encapsulates the analysis of 5 Slavonic counties, which are: Osječko-baranjska county, Vukovarsko-srijemska county, Brodsko-posavska county, Požeško-slavonska county, also including parts of Virovitičko-podravska county. The thesis brings forth a broad view of the cousine of Slavonia and Baranja, which, because of it's tradition, becomes an appealing motive, that draws in tourists to this region. Aside from the enogastronomic offers, the thesis also delivers and overview of the main tourist attractions, such as scenic beauties of nature, cities, and cultural heritage and an overview of rural tourism accommodations. Many examples of good practice have been brought forth, from fine restaurants with a menu of a vast assortment of authentic cuisine, to quality wineries with many an acclaimed wine and also rural accommodations. The focus of this thesis is on the touristic offers of Slavonia and Baranja, which influences the development of rural tourism as one of the selective forms of tourism. Rural tourism has it's specific characteristics. Staying in nature, taking part and relishing in the old crafts and rural trades, and appreciating authentic foods. It is precisely because of these specific characteristics and the rich culture and tradition in the area of Slavonia and Baranja, that rural tourism has the utmost potential, to become a main kind of tourism in this area. The magnitude of potential that rural tourism has, is proved by the results of student research, which can also be seen in the thesis. In the end, the conclusion has been included, which was formed during the making of this thesis. |
Study programme | Title: Business Administration in Tourism and Hospitality Management; moduls: Entrepreneurship in Tourism and Hospitality, Tourism Management, Hospitality Management, International Tourism and Hospitality Management, Event and Leisure Management; specializations in: Entrepreneurship in Tourism and Hospitality, Tourism Management, Hospitality Management, International Tourism and Hospitality Management, Event and Leisure Management, Entrepreneurship in Tourism and Hospitality; Tourism Management; Hospitality Management; International Tourism and Hospitality Management Course: Hospitality Management Study programme type: university Study level: undergraduate Academic / professional title: sveučilišni/a prvostupnik/prvostupnica (baccalaureus/baccalaurea) ekonomije (sveučilišni/a prvostupnik/prvostupnica (baccalaureus/baccalaurea) ekonomije) |