Title Uloga društvturističknih mreža u jačanju brenda destinacije
Title (english) Role of Social Networks in Building a Destination Brend
Author Irena Kolesarić
Mentor Lidija Bagarić (mentor)
Granter University of Rijeka Faculty of Tourism and Hospitality Management Opatija
Defense date and country 2021-09-21, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline SOCIAL SCIENCES Economics
Abstract Internet marketing nalazi svoju široku primjenu u turizmu što potvrđuje činjenica da sve više turista koristi prednosti interneta kako bi istražili turističku destinaciju, prikupili informacije o njoj te ju usporedili s konkurentskim destinacijama. Pri tome, iznimno su popularne društvene mreže koje služe za okupljanje osoba istih zajedničkih interesa. Rezultati istraživanja su pokazali da ispitanici svakodnevno koriste društvene mreže stoga ne čudi činjenica da za njima posežu tijekom biranja
... More destinacije u koju će otputovati. Pojedine platforme služe korisnicima za aktivnu komunikaciju stvarajući virtualne zajednice. Danas se u najpopularnije društvene mreže ubraja Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, TikTok, Youtube, Snapchat, Pinterest, TripAdvisor, LinkedIn i dr., a njihov broj korisnika neprestano raste na globalnoj razini. Facebook se ističe kao društvena mreža s najviše aktivnih korisnika, Instagram je svoju popularnost postigao na temelju atraktivnog vizualnog sadržaja, Youtube predstavlja najpoznatiju platformu za dijeljenje videozapisa, dok TripAdvisor pruža najbolju pomoć tijekom planiranja i rezerviranja turističkog sadržaja. Pojedine mreže su detaljnije obrađene u nastavku rad.
Turisti se okreću društvenim mrežama jer ih smatraju vjerodostojnijim u odnosu na tradicionalne načine oglašavanja. Kao što je općepoznata izreka „slika govori više od tisuću riječi“, tako vizualni sadržaj s društvenih mreža ostavlja dublji trag i duže ostaje u svijesti potrošača što utječe na prepoznatljivost destinacije. Recenzije turistima pružaju subjektivna pozitivna ili negativna iskustva koja im pomažu prilikom konačnog odabira destinacije. Poduzeća, u današnjem konkurentnom svijetu, moraju uložiti velike napore kako bi opstala na tržištu te se uzdigla u odnosu na konkurente. Društvene mreže mogu potaknuti buđenju interesa za brend kod potrošača, između ostalog pomoći i u izgradnji njihovog povjerenja što rezultira dobrom razvoju brenda. Kako bi se maksimizirao poslovni uspjeh, svako poduzeće mora uzeti u obzir brojne mogućnosti i prednosti koje im pružaju društvene mreže prilikom kreiranja marketinške kampanje. Zbog stalnih promjena u poslovnom okruženju, poduzeća moraju biti inovativna, kreativna te uložiti malo više truda kako bi se uspješno prilagodila novonastalim trendovima i željama korisnika. O kako marketinške aktivnosti utječu na potrošača i jačanje brenda destinacije na tržištu je detaljno objašnjeno u nastavku rada. Less
Abstract (english) Internet marketing finds its wide use in tourism, which is confirmed by the fact that more and more tourists are using the benefits of the internet to explore the tourist destination, gather all the required information and compare it with other competitive destinations. According to that, social networks that serve to bring together people of the same common interests are extremely popular nowdays. The results of the survey have show that the respondents are using social networks daily, so
... More it is not suprising that it seems to be the main search tool for the designated destination. Some users use the platform for active communication which is creating virtual societys. Today the most important social networks are Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, TikTok, Youtube, Snapchat, Pinterest, TripAdvisor, LinkedIn and others. The amount of users is rising every single day on a global scale. Facebook stands out as the platform with the most active users, Instagram achieved his popularity based on attractive visual content, Youtube represents the most famous platform for video sharing material, while TripAdvisor provides the best help while planning and booking tourist content. Some of the networks are described more in depth later on in this study.
Tourists turn to social networks because they find them more credible compared to traditional ways of advertising. Just as the well-known quote says "a picture speaks more than a thousand words", so the visual content from social networks goes deeper and stays longer in the minds of the consumers, which affects the recognizability of the destination. Reviews offer subjective positive or negative experiences that might help other users with the final decision of the travel destination. Companies, in todays competitive world need to invest a lot of effort to substain and ascend from the competition in today's competitors market. Social media can encourage the consumer's interests for the brand, as well help to build their trust which results in the brand development. To maximize buisness success, every company needs to take countless possibilities and advantages that are given by social networking to create a marketing campaign. Becuase of the constant changes in the buisness surroundings, companies need to be inovative, creative and be able to successfully adjust to the newly developed trends alongside the wishes of the consumers. In the continuation of the paper it is explained how marketing activities affect the consumer and therefore strenghten the destination brand on the market. Less
internet marketing
društvene mreže
turistička destinacija
Keywords (english)
internet marketing
social media
tourist destination
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:191:123231
Study programme Title: Marketing in tourism Study programme type: university Study level: graduate Academic / professional title: magistar/magistra ekonomije (magistar/magistra ekonomije)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
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Created on 2022-07-28 06:50:25