Abstract | Kulturni turizam je za razliku od ostalih vrsta turizma, izrazito složen. Možemo reći da je to zato što kulturni turizma podrazumijeva široki spektar aktivnosti, od posjeta kulturno-povijesnim spomenicima, obilaska muzeja i galerija, sudjelovanje na koncertima, sve do upoznavanja kulture i običaja. Kako i kada se počeo razvijati kulturni turizam još točno nije definirano zbog nekoliko faktora. Jednim od tih faktora smatra se to da svako putovanje zapravo može biti kulturno zato što osoba kada putuje usputno upoznaje i kulturu područja na koje putuje. Zašto se turisti iz različitih kultura ponašaju na različite načine možemo najbolje objasniti kroz rezidualnu kulturu. Uz kulturni turizam javljaju se i druge vrste turizma. Tu možemo spomenuti etnički, povijesni, ekološki, rekreativni i poslovni turizam. Sam kulturni turizam djeli se na pojedine vrste, a neke od njih su gastronomski, religijski, književni, naslijeđeni itd. Razvoj kulturnog turizma podieljen je na pozitivne i negativne učinke. Iako negativnih utjecaja ima nešto više i dalje postoji dovoljno velik broj pozitivnih utjecaja. Kao primjer razvoja u ovom radu imamo Krapinsko- zagorsku županiju. Ova županija jedna je prvih koja je krenula u razvoj turizma izgradnjom vlastitog brenda, stavila si je razvoj na prvo mjesto i to sve s ciljem da Zagorje napravi savršenom turističkom destinacijom. Kako bi se što bolje promovirali, županija je izradila zahvalnice, posjetnice, vrećice, turističke karte itd. Slogan koji je zaokružio cijelu priču glasi: „Bajka na dlanu“, a cijeli projekat sufinanciralo je Ministartsvo turizma. |
Abstract (english) | Cultural tourism, unlike other types of tourism, is extremely complex. We can say that this is because cultural tourism includes a wide range of activities, from visiting cultural and historical monuments, visiting museums and galleries, participating in concerts, all the way to learning about culture and customs. How and when cultural tourism began to develop has not yet been precisely defined due to several factors. One of these factors is considered to be that every trip can actually be cultural because when a person travels, he also gets to know the culture of the area he is traveling to. Why tourists from different cultures behave in different ways can best be explained through residual culture. In addition to cultural tourism, there are other types of tourism. Here we can mention ethnic, historical, ecological, recreational and business tourism. Cultural tourism itself is divided into certain types, and some of them are gastronomic, religious, literary, heritage, etc. The development of cultural tourism is divided into positive and negative effects. Although there are slightly more negative influences, there is still a sufficiently large number of positive influences. As an example of development in this work, we have Krapina-Zagorje County. This county is one of the first to start developing tourism by building its own brand, it has put development first and all with the aim of making Zagorje a perfect tourist destination. In order to promote themselves as well as possible, they produced various thank-you cards, business cards, bags, tourist maps, etc. The slogan that rounded off the whole story is: "Fairytale in the palm of your hand", and the entire project was co-financed by the Ministry of Tourism. |
Study programme | Title: Business Economics in Tourism and Hospitality; moduls: Entrepreneurship in Tourism and Hospitality, Tourism Management, Hospitality Management, International Tourism and Hospitality Management, Event and Leisure Management; specializations in: Entrepreneurship in Tourism and Hospitality, Tourism Management, Hospitality Management, International Tourism and Hospitality Management, Event and Leisure Management, Tourism Management; Hospitality Management; International Tourism and Hospitality Management; Event and Leisure Management, Menadžment u hotelijerstvu; Hospitality Management Course: Tourism Management Study programme type: university Study level: undergraduate Academic / professional title: sveučilišni/a prvostupnik/prvostupnica (baccalaureus/baccalaurea) ekonomije (sveučilišni/a prvostupnik/prvostupnica (baccalaureus/baccalaurea) ekonomije) |