Abstract | Turizam se u Hrvatskoj razvija vrlo velikom brzinom i sa sobom donosi mnoge mogućnosti
poput otvaranja novih radnih mjesta, razvoja kompletne infrastrukture destinacije te ekonomski
rast same destinacije. No, treba uzeti u obzir i da turizam za sobom ostavlja i velike negativne
posljedice. Najčešće predispozicije za razvoj turizma određene destinacije su upravo njezine
prirodne ljepote, odnosno, prirodni resursi. U ovom diplomskom radu istraživati će se
destinacija, odnosno grad Cres, sa svojih dvadeset i šest otočnih naselja. Glavni cilj istraživanja
provedenog na primjeru destinacije Cres je analizirati sam otok Cres u pogledima održivosti,
odnosno ustanoviti upravlja li se turističkim resursima na održiv način kako bi se u budućnosti
Cres nastavio kontinuirano razvijati. Glavni prihodi na otoku Cresu dolaze od turizma, no na
otoku nije sve podređeno turizmu dok se daljnji razvoj očituje u dokumentu, odnosno planu
razvoja cresko – lošinjskog otočja do 2027. godine. U planu razvoja, ostvarenju vizije
pridonijelo bi razvijeno otočje s održivim gospodarstvom i poželjnim okruženjem za rad,
pametno i zeleno otočje te kvaliteta života lokalnog stanovništva, osobito za djecu i mlade jer
su oni budućnost otoka. Zaključno s navedenim, daljnji razvitak održivog razvoja otoka Cresa
očituje se u sve većem angažmanu lokalnog stanovništva sudjelovanjem u donošenju strateških
planova koji su usredotočeni na upravljanje turističkim resursima na održiv način. Održivim
turističkim razvojem otoka smatra se spajanje turista sa tradicijom otoka, uz uravnoteženo
korištenje turističkih resursa da bi zadovoljili gospodarski i društveni rast. |
Abstract (english) | Tourism in Croatia is developing at a very high speed and brings with it many opportunities
such as the creation of new jobs, the development of the complete infrastructure of the
destination and the economic growth of the destination itself. However, it should also be
considered that tourism leaves behind negative consequences. The most common prepositions
for the development of tourism of a certain destination are precisely in its natural beauty and
natural resources. This thesis will explore the destination, namely the city of Cres, with its
twenty-six island settlements. The main goal of the research carried out on the example of the
destination Cres is to analyze the island of Cres itself in terms of sustainability, that is, to
establish whether tourist resources are managed in a sustainable way so that Cres continues to
develop continuously in the future. The main income on the island Cres comes from tourism,
but not everything on the island is subordinated to tourism, while further development is
reflected in the document, that is, the development plan for the Cres - Lošinj archipelago until
2027. In the development plan, a vision for developed island is in sustainable economy and a
desirable working environment, a smart and green island and the quality of life of the local
population, especially for children and young people, because they are the future of the island.
In conclusion, the further development of the sustainable development of the island of Cres is
manifested in the increasing engagement of the local population by participating in the adoption
of strategic plans that are focused on the management of tourist resources in a sustainable
manner. The sustainable tourism development of the island is considered to be a connection
between the tourist and tradition of island, with balanced use of tourist resources so of tourists
with locals and their traditional culture, with optimal utilization of tourist resources, with
satisfied economic and social growth. |