Title Ekonometrijska analiza tržišta nekretnina
Title (english) Econometric analysis of real estate market
Author Lucia Klarić
Mentor Tea Baldigara (mentor)
Mentor Jelena Mušanović (komentor)
Granter University of Rijeka Faculty of Tourism and Hospitality Management (Management) (Department of Management) Opatija
Defense date and country 2024-09-18, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline SOCIAL SCIENCES Economics Business Mathematics and Statistics
Abstract U posljednjem desetljeću, građevinski sektor u Hrvatskoj prošao je kroz niz izazova koji su ostavili dubok trag na gospodarska kretanja zemlje. U tom kontekstu, ekonometrijska analiza tržišta nekretnina, građevinskih radova i građevinskih dozvola postaje ključna za razumijevanje dinamike ovog sektora. Recesija koja je pogodila Hrvatsku ostavila je duboke posljedice na gospodarstvo, a građevinski sektor bio je među najviše pogođenim. Pad realnih plaća, rast nezaposlenosti i slabljenje domaće
... More potražnje samo su neki od ključnih pokazatelja koji su obilježili ovo razdoblje. Građevinski radovi su kontinuirano opadali od sredine 2008. godine pa sve do srpnja 2014., što je jasno pokazalo negativan utjecaj recesije na ovu industriju. Unatoč dugotrajnom padu aktivnosti, druga polovica 2020. godine donijela je neočekivani porast cijena građevinskog materijala i proizvoda. Poremećaji u opskrbnom lancu i nedostatak materijala doveli su do obustave projekata, uključujući i obnovu potresom pogođenih područja. Nedostatak radne snage postao je izraženiji, s procjenom da je za obnovu potrebno oko 10.000 dodatnih građevinara, što je potaknulo uvoz radne snage iz susjednih i azijskih zemalja. Ulazak u novu fazu pandemije bolesti COVID-19 dodatno je usporio aktivnosti u građevinskom sektoru, ističući potrebu za preciznom analizom tržišta nekretnina i građevinskih dozvola. Izdavanje građevinskih dozvola postalo je ključni pokazatelj dinamike kretanja građevinske djelatnosti, budućih radova i strukture investicija. Uzimajući u obzir ulogu građevinskog sektora u gospodarskoj strukturi Hrvatske, jasno je da će budući trendovi uvelike biti uvjetovani kretanjima u drugim sektorima, posebno u turizmu i industriji. Uz to, ulaganje u nekretnine može biti privlačna opcija, pogotovo ako se nekretnine iznajmljuju turistima, pružajući dodatni izvor prihoda i podržavajući oporavak građevinskog sektora. Kroz analizu odobrenih projekata i stvarne izvedbe građevinskih radova, ekonometrijska analiza postaje ključni alat za predviđanje ponašanja tržišta nekretnina i planiranje budućih investicija. Rezultati analize omogućavaju dublji uvid u povezanost između odobrenih projekata i stvarne izvedbe radova, pružajući temelj za informirane odluke u dinamičnom okruženju građevinskog sektora. Nakon provedenog procesa prognoziranja, izvršena je evaluacija efikasnosti prognostičkih modela, u svrhu utvrđivanja točnosti, te prediktivne sposobnosti modela u odnosu na stvarne podatke te kako bi se identificirale eventualne slabosti koje bi mogle biti predmet daljnje optimizacije. Less
Abstract (english) In the last decade, the construction sector in Croatia has faced a series of challenges that have left a deep mark on the country's economic trends. In this context, an econometric analysis of the real estate market, construction works, and building permits becomes crucial for understanding the dynamics of this sector. The recession that hit Croatia left profound effects on the economy, and the construction sector was among the hardest hit. A decline in real wages, rising unemployment, and
... More weakening domestic demand are just some of the key indicators that marked this period. Construction works continuously declined from mid-2008 until July 2014, clearly showing the negative impact of the recession on this industry. Despite the prolonged decline in activity, the second half of 2020 brought an unexpected increase in the prices of construction materials and products. Supply chain disruptions and material shortages led to project suspensions, including the reconstruction of earthquake-affected areas. The labor shortage became more pronounced, with estimates suggesting that around 10,000 additional construction workers were needed for the reconstruction, prompting the import of labor from neighboring and Asian countries. Entering a new phase of the COVID-19 pandemic further slowed activities in the construction sector, highlighting the need for precise analysis of the real estate market and building permits. Issuance of building permits became a key indicator of the dynamics of construction activity, future works, and investment structures. Considering the role of the construction sector in the economic structure of Croatia, it is clear that future trends will be largely conditioned by developments in other sectors, particularly tourism and industry. In addition, investing in real estate can be an attractive option, especially if properties are rented to tourists, providing an additional source of income and supporting the recovery of the construction sector. Through the analysis of approved projects and actual construction work, econometric analysis becomes a key tool for predicting real estate market behavior and planning future investments. The results of the analysis provide deeper insight into the relationship between approved projects and the actual execution of works, providing a foundation for informed decision-making in the dynamic environment of the construction sector. After the forecasting process was carried out, an evaluation of the efficiency of the forecasting models was conducted to determine the accuracy and predictive capabilities of the models in relation to actual data, as well as to identify any weaknesses that could be subject to further optimization. Less
Modeli regresijske analize
modeli na bazi analize vremenskih serija prognoziranje
tržište nekretnina
Keywords (english)
Regression analysis models
time series analysis-based models
real estate market.
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:191:814781
Study programme Title: Hospitality Management Study programme type: university Study level: graduate Academic / professional title: magistar/magistra ekonomije (magistar/magistra ekonomije)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
Access conditions Open access
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Created on 2024-09-12 16:48:46