Title Emotional Appeal in Tourism Advertising
Title (croatian) Emocionalni apel u oglašavanju u turizmu
Author Branimir Radoš
Mentor Brigita Bosnar-Valković (mentor)
Granter University of Rijeka Faculty of Tourism and Hospitality Management Opatija
Defense date and country 2016-09-01, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline SOCIAL SCIENCES Economics
Abstract When tourists visit a certain destination they purchase the experience as a product. Tourists visiting the destination purchase the mixture of goods, services and ideas, all of which together forms the experience of the visit. The job of advertising is to sell products and services. It is the process of understanding, reaching and persuading people. In order to reach people with their message, advertisers must get to know what moves them both rationally and emotionally. Consumerism has emerged as part of a historical process that has created mass markets, industrialization, and cultural attitudes that ensure that rising incomes are used to purchase an ever-growing output. This advancement in productivity reflected on all industries. Even though the production of technologically advanced products shortened the time necessary to fulfill certain tasks, the time spared could now be invested in other tasks, thus multiplying productivity across the market. Segmentation, as well as advances in communication, brought consumers to power. With every segment of every industry competing fiercely, the modern consumers have the privilege to choose the best of the best in accordance with their needs, desires and purchasing power. Having an insight into decision making process of tourists enables advertisers in tourism to deliver their promotional content in the right time, place and form. Every human has wants and needs. Some are biological and arise from conditions such as hunger, thirst and physical discomfort. Others are psychological which arise from various states of tension such as the need for acknowledgement, belonging and respect. In its most basic form, motivation is the need or desire to do something. Whether that need is biological, social or emotional, motivation is what gets people to act. Emotions play an important role in how we think and behave. Emotion is the integrated response of both body and mind to a stimulus of some sort. Emotions involve physiological arousal, expressive behaviors and conscious experience.
It is proven that emotional experience obtained during the non-spoken communication is even more important in interpersonal communication than cognitive persuasion. The level of a person's attention depends on the person's level of involvement. It is concluded that brand choice is likely to be influenced by the emotional content in advertising, especially when the consumer is exposed repeatedly. The Push and Pull factors are motivational variables specifically defined for the decision making process in tourism. The language of tourism often romanticizes and exaggerates when trying to picture the experience of visiting because the experience itself is the biggest benefit that destinations have to offer. Persuasion is the type of communication used in order to make the other side realize your point of view and accept it as its own. The print advertisements analyzed and compared at the end of this paper are used internationally in newspapers, magazines and internet to promote Australia and Croatia to the world. Emotional reactions experienced during the consumption of advertisements are very important because of their positive effects on brand awareness, recall, memory and ultimately, the decision making process of a customer. People tend to memorize or suppress intense emotional experiences. This explains why emotional appeal is very important in advertising.
Abstract (croatian) Kada turisti posjećuju određene destinacije oni kupuju iskustvo kao proizvod. Turisti koji posjećuju destinacije kupuju raznu robu, usluge i ideje, što zajednički tvori iskustvo posjeta. Posao oglašavanja je prvenstveno prodaja roba i usluga. To je proces razumijevanja, dopiranja do ljudi i uvjeravanja ljudi. Da bi doprijeli do ljudi reklamnim porukama, oglašivači moraju doznati što pokreće ljude racionalno i emocionalno kako bi to saznanje iskoristili prilikom kreiranja svojih oglasa. Konzumerizam je nastao kao dio povijesnog procesa koji je stvorio masovna tržišta, industrijalizaciju i kulturne stavove kojima se osigurao rast prihoda posljedično korištenih za kupnju sve većeg broja proizvoda i usluga. Ovaj napredak u produktivnosti koji je započeo u određenim industrijama odrazio se na sve industrije. Proizvodnja tehnološki naprednih proizvoda skratila je vrijeme potrebno za ispunjenje raznih zadatka. Ušteđeno vrijeme moglo je biti iznova uloženo u neke druge zadatke, što je posljedično multicipliralo učinkovitost tržišta. Segmentacija, kao i napredak u komunikaciji, donijeli su moć potrošačima. Kako se svaka niša svake industrije žestoko natjecala, tako su moderni potrošači imali privilegiju odabrati najbolje proizvode proizvedene u skladu s njihovim potrebama i željama. Oglašivači moraju imati uvid u proces donošenja odluka turista. To omogućuje oglašivačima u turizmu da isporuče svoj promotivni sadržaj u pravo vrijeme, na pravo mjesto i u odgovarajućem obliku. Svaki čovjek ima želje i potrebe. Neke su biološke i proizlaze iz uvjeta kao što su glad, žeđ i ostale fizičke nelagode. Druge su psihološke koje proizlaze iz stanja napetosti, kao što su potreba za priznanjem, pripadanjem i poštovanjem. U svom osnovnom obliku, motivacija je potreba ili želja čovjeka da nešto učini. Bilo da je potreba biološke, društvene ili emocionalne naravi, motivacija je ono što pokreće ljude da djeluju. Emocije igraju važnu ulogu u tome kako razmišljamo i kako se ponašamo. Emocija je fizički i psihološki integrirani odgovor tijela i uma na poticaje neke vrsta. Emocije odlikuju fiziološka uzbuđenja, izražajno ponašanje i svjesno iskustvo. Dokazano je da su emocije iskazane govorom tijela važnije u komunikaciji nego kognitivna uvjeravanja i da emocije utječu na razinu uspješnosti oglasa u ovisnosti o razini aktivne pažnje potrošača. Kada je je pod utjecajem oglašavanja snažnog emocionalnog sadržaja, potrošač će uvijek odabrati brend koji izaziva pozitivni emocionalni odaziv. Push i pull faktori su motivacijske varijable specifično definirane za proces donošenja odluka u turizmu. Jezik turizma često je romantiziran i sklon pretjerivanju.
Uvjeravanje je umjetnost komuniciranja kako bi uvjerili drugu stranu da prihvati naše stavove i prihvatiti ih kao svoje vlastite. Oglasi analizirani i uspoređeni na kraju rada dijelovi su kampanja Australije i Hrvatske i distribuiraju se globalno putem novina, časopisa i interneta. Emocionalne reakcije doživljene u vrijeme izloženosti oglasu veoma su važne zbog pozitivnih efekata na svijest o brendu, prisjećanje, pamćenje i posljedično, odluku o kupnji. Ljudi se najbolje sjećaju događaja koji su ostvarili intenzivno emocionalno iskustvo. Činjenica koja objašnjava zašto je emocionalni odaziv veoma važan u oglašavanju.
emotional appeal
Keywords (croatian)
emocionalna privlačnost
Language english
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:191:617201
Study programme Title: Business Economics in Tourism and Hospitalit; moduls: Entrepreneurship in Tourism and Hospitality, Tourism Management, Hospitality Management, International Tourism and Hospitality Management, Event and Leisure Management; specializations in: Entrepreneurship in Tourism and Hospitality, Tourism Management, Hospitality Management,, International Tourism and Hospitality Managemen, Event and Leisure Management Course: Entrepreneurship in Tourism and Hospitality Study programme type: university Study level: undergraduate Academic / professional title: sveučilišni/a prvostupnik/prvostupnica (baccalaureus/baccalaurea) ekonomije (sveučilišni/a prvostupnik/prvostupnica (baccalaureus/baccalaurea) ekonomije)
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Created on 2016-11-15 14:12:26