Abstract | U današnje vrijeme, razvoj i učenje manualnih tehnika je u porastu. Na tržištu postoje razni tečajevi manualnih tehnika i potrebno je biti oprezan u moru njih, jer koštaju dosta novaca, a njihova primjena i klinički značaj su upitni. Ipak, primjena provjerenih i svjetski poznatih manualnih tehnika dokazano ima svoje benefite i znanstvenu pozadinu, koja fizioterapeutu može pomoći u samom rehabilitacijskom procesu. Važno je prije svega poznavanje anatomije i fiziologije, kako bi znali prepoznati patološko stanje kroz dijagnostiku i otkloniti problem. Prilikom primjenjivanja manualnih oblika terapije, potrebno je biti siguran u pravilnu indikaciju i pravilnu primjenu manualne tehnike. Bez razumijevanja prethodno navedenih procesa, postajemo potencijalna prijetnja pacijentu, sebi i svojoj struci.
Kroz analizu istraživanja, možemo reći da većina fizioterapeuta ima pozitivno mišljenje o korištenju manualnih tehnika, no i potrebno teorijsko znanje za razumijevanje samih procesa.
S obzirom na sve veći porast korištenja manualnih tehnika u Hrvatskoj, fizioterapeuti i dalje sami plaćaju svoje edukacije bez financijske potpore poslodavca ili stimulacije na poslu.
Poznato je da fizioterapeuti više koriste manualne tehnike u privatnim ustanovama, zbog činjenice da postoji rad s jednim pacijentom kroz određeno vrijeme, dok je u državnim ustanovama zbog obujma posla i složenosti zdravstvenog sustava, puno teže je posvetiti se pravilnom provođenju manualne tehnike na pravom pacijentu jer to zahtjeva dosta vremena.
Upravo iz tih razloga, ovim istraživanjem se htjelo uvidjeti u samu problematiku i pozadinu primjene manualne terapije u Hrvatskoj.
Glavni cilj istraživanja je bio utvrditi koji su stavovi i znanja fizioterapeuta o ulozi i primjeni manualne tehnike u rehabilitacijskom procesu. Podaci su bili prikupljeni isključivo putem kreirane online ankete koju su ispitanici dobrovoljno ispunjavali, a sastojala se od 21 pitanja u prvom dijelu ankete i 40 pitanja u drugom dijelu što se tiče ispitivanja umora putem standardiziranog upitnika. U istraživanju je sveukupno sudjelovalo 68 ispitanika (Nž=47, Nm=21).
Prilikom formiranja istraživanja, postavljene su 4 hipoteze koje su nakon statističke obrade bile prihvaćene ili odbijene. Prvotno, hipoteza 1 je bila odbačena jer nema statistički značajne razlike u postotku točnih odgovora vezanih za stručnu terminologiju između ispitanika koji su završili diplomski studij fizioterapije, naspram sudionika koji su završili preddiplomski studij. Isto tako, hipoteza 2 je bila odbačena jer se uspostavilo da hrvatski fizioterapeuti koriste manualne tehnike u svrhu rehabilitacije pacijenta na svakodnevnoj bazi.
Hipoteza 3 i 4 su bile prihvaćene jer su se fizioterapeuti složili da umor utječe na izvedbu i kvalitetu manualne tehnike i da hrvatski fizioterapeuti više koriste manualne tehnike u privatnim nego državnim institucijama.
Istraživanje ima dobar temelj i predstavlja stavove i znanja skupine fizioterapeuta koji rade u sustavu zdravstva u Hrvatskoj, te tako možemo uvidjeti na koji način možemo unaprijediti kvalitetu i zadovoljstvo pacijenata i samih fizioterapeuta. Iako na ovu specifičnu tematiku nema istraživanja koja su rađena u Hrvatskoj, ovim putem možemo apelirati na fizioterapeute da pišu znanstvene radove i rade na razvoju struke u Hrvatskoj. |
Abstract (english) | Nowadays, the development and learning of manual techniques is on the rise. There are various manual techniques on the market and you need to be careful of them, because they cost a lot of money, and their use and clinical significance requirements are needed.
Nevertheless, the application to the world-famous manual techniques has been proven to have its benefits and connoisseurs background, which can help the physiotherapist in the rehabilitation process itself. It is important to know the anatomy and physiology, so that we can recognize the pathological condition through diagnosis and eliminate the problem. When applying manual forms of therapy, it is necessary to be sure of the correct indication and to apply manual techniques correctly. Without understanding current processes, we become potential threats to patients, ourselves and our profession.
Through the analysis of the research, we can say that most physiotherapists have a positive opinion about the use of manual technique, but they also have theoretical knowledge to understand the processes themselves. Given the increasing use of the manual technique used in Croatia, physiotherapists continue to pay for their education themselves without financial support from the employer or incentives at work. It is known that physiotherapists will use manual techniques more in a private institutions, due to the fact that there is work with only one patient for a certain period of time, while in a state institutions due to a lot of work with many patients and overcrowding the health system, it is a lot harder to arrange the correct manual technique, as it requires a lot of time.
Precisely for these reasons, this research wanted to see the problems and the background of the application of manual therapy in Croatia.
The main goal of the research was to determine the attitudes and knowledge of Croatian physiotherapists about the roles and application of manual techniques in the rehabilitation process. Data were collected exclusively through a online survey filled by respondents, and consisted of 21 questions in the first part of the survey and 40 questions in the second part that examined fatigue through standardized questionnaires. A total of 68 subjects participated in the study (Nž = 47, Nm = 21).
During the formation of the research, 4 hypotheses were set, which were approved or rejected after statistical processing of data. Initially, hypothesis 1 was rejected because there were no statistically significant differences in the percentage of correct answers related to professional terminology between respondents who completed graduate physiotherapy studies, compared to participants who completed undergraduate studies.
Also, hypothesis 2 was rejected because it was established by Croatian physiotherapists that they were using manual techniques in the rehabilitation of patients on a daily basis.
Hypotheses 3 and 4 were accepted because physiotherapists agreed that fatigue affects the performance and quality of manual techniques and that Croatian physiotherapists use manual techniques more in private state institutions.
The research has a good foundation and presents the attitudes and knowledge of physiotherapists working in the health care system in Croatia, and in this way they can see how they can upgrade their quality and satisfaction of the patients and physiotherapists themselves. Although there is no research on this specific topic that has been done in Croatia, it is necessary to appeal to physiotherapists to write scientific researchs and to work on the development of the physiotherapy profession in Croatia. |