Title (english) TWIN PREGNANCY
Author Klara Ćurković
Mentor Damir Čerimagić (mentor)
Committee member Eduard Eškinja (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Natalija Vuletić (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Damir Čerimagić (član povjerenstva)
Granter University of Rijeka Faculty of Health Studies (Department of Clinical Sciences 2) Rijeka
Defense date and country 2020-09-02, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline BIOMEDICINE AND HEALTHCARE Clinical Medical Sciences Gynecology and Obstetrics
Abstract U ovom radu govorit će se o blizanačkim trudnoćama. Blizanci mogu biti dizigoti ili monozigoti. U današnje vrijeme sve je veća učestalost blizanačke trudnoće. Većina trudnoća započinje kao blizanačka, no u prvom tromjesečju može doći do nestanka jednog blizanca što se još naziva vanishing twin. Bitno je trudnoću dijagnosticirati što ranije radi poznavanja stvarne učestalosti blizanaca i prevencije mogućih komplikacija. Nadzor trudnoće jako je bitan i zahtijeva posebnu pažnju zdravstvenih djelatnika. Kardiotokografija, ultrazvuk, amiocenteza i amnioskopija neke su od metoda nadzora trudnoće. Porod blizanaca je rizičan, ali u većini slučajeva protekne uredno. Blizanci prolaze zajedno I. i III. porodno doba, a II. porodno doba prolaze zasebno. Tijekom prvog porodnog doba bitan je stalan nadzor kardiotokografijom, u drugom porodnom dobu treba posebnu pozornost usmjerit na položaj drugog blizanca i na način dovršenja poroda. Zbog prerastegnutosti maternice tijekom trudnoće, treće porodno doba zahtijeva poseban nadzor radi mogućnosti nastanka krvarenja. Blizanačke trudnoće sa sobom donose i komplikacije majke i djece. Najčešće komplikacije kod djece su prijevremeni porod, zastoj u rastu i diskordantan rast, twin to twin transfusion sindrome (TTTS), twin reserved arterial perfusion sindrome (TRAP). Majke u blizanačkim trudnoćama češće razvijaju preeklampsiju, gestacijski dijabetes, sindrom vene cave inferior i druge. Primalja svojim znanjem i vještinama pruža potporu, osjećaj sigurnosti trudnici, a kasnije i rodilji. Asistira prilikom pregleda i aktivno sudjeluje u porodu blizanaca. Svojom ulogom doprinosi kvaliteti opstetričkog tima.
Abstract (english) This paper will discuss twin pregnancies. Twins can be either dizygotic or monozygotic. Nowdays, the frequency of twin pregnancies is increasing. Most pregnancies start as twin pregnancies, but in the first trimester there can be a disappearance of one twin. This is also known as a vanishing twin. Pregnancy should be diagnosed in the early stage, in order to have an insight into the actual frequency of twin pregnencies and to prevent possible complications. Pregnancy monitoring is also very important and requires a special attention from healthcare professionals. Cardiotocography, ultrasound, amiocentesis, and amnioscopy are some of the methods for pregnancy monitoring. The birth of twins can be risky, but in most cases it goes smoothly. The twins pass together through the I. and III. birth phase, while they go through the phase II. separately. During the first birth period, constant monitoring with cardiotocography is important, and in the second birth period, special attention should be paid to the position of the second twin and the manner of completing the birth. Due to the overstretching of the uterus during the pregnancy there is possibility of bleeding occurring, therefore third birth period requires special supervision of the mother. The complications for mother and the newborn twins can come along with the twin pregnancies. Preterm birth, discordant growth, twin to twin transfusion syndrome (TTTS) and twin reserved arterial perfusion syndrome (TRAP) are the most common complications for the newborn twins. As for the mothers of the twins preeclampsia, gestational diabetes, inferior vena cava syndrome etc. are the most often developed complications. With her knowledge and skills, midwife provides support and a sense of security to the woman during the process of birth. Midwife assists during the examinations and actively participates in the birth process of twins. Her role contributes to the quality of the obstetric team significantly.
blizanačka trudnoća
porodna doba
Keywords (english)
twin pregnancy
birth phase
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:184:160400
Study programme Title: Professional study of Midwifery (Biomedicine and Healthcare; clinical medical sciences) - Part-time study program Study programme type: professional Study level: undergraduate Academic / professional title: stručni/a prvostupnik / prvostupnica (baccalaureus / baccalaurea) primaljstva (stručni/a prvostupnik / prvostupnica (baccalaureus / baccalaurea) primaljstva)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
Access conditions Open access
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Created on 2021-02-03 10:01:36