Author Lucija Mikić
Mentor Suzana Jonovska (mentor)
Mentor Radoslav Kosić (komentor)
Committee member Tanja Grubić Kezele (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Radoslav Kosić (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Suzana Jonovska (član povjerenstva)
Granter University of Rijeka Faculty of Health Studies (Department of Midwifery) Rijeka
Defense date and country 2021-06-24, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline BIOMEDICINE AND HEALTHCARE Clinical Medical Sciences Psychiatry
Abstract UVOD: Ovisnost je kronična i recidivirajuća bolest mozga. To je stanje u kojem se javlja neodoljiva potreba za uzimanjem sredstava ovisnosti (alkohol, droge, tehnologija, kockanje) bez kontrole. Osoba koja na taj način konzumira sredstva, naziva se ovisnikom. Može se pojaviti kao fizička ili psihička ovisnost. Fizička ovisnost je prilagodba organizma na sredstvo ovisnosti i očituje se nizom simptoma ukoliko dolazi do apstinencije. Psihička je zapravo osjećaj zadovoljstva i psihički nagon na ponovno uzimanje.
CILJEVI ISTRAŽIVANJA: Utvrditi razliku u stavovima o ovisnostima među studentima sestrinstva 1., 2., i 3.god, utvrditi kada su studenti prvi puta konzumirali alkohol, utvrditi koju drogu smatraju najopasnijom za organizam čovjeka, ispitati što smatraju novim drogama, utvrditi koliko je studenata konzumiralo droge i utvrditi postoje li predrasude o ovisnostima među studentima.
MATERIJAL I METODE: Ispitivanje je provedeno na 1., 2., i 3. God studija sestrinstva na Fakultetu zdravstvenih studija Sveučilišta u Rijeci. U istraživanju je sudjelovalo 64 studenata. Podaci su prikupljeni anonimnim anketnim upitnikom koji je izrađen od autora ovoga istraživanja, a statistička obrada je obavljena uz pomoć osobnog računala.
REZULTATI: Promatranjem pitanja kada su studenti prvi puta konzumirali alkohol utvrđuje se raspon od 12 do 18 godina, drogu je do sada konzumiralo 18,7% ispitanika, a čak 26,6% studenata sestrinstva ima predrasude o ovisnicima. Najveći broj ispitanika nije bio upućen u nove droge, a najopasnijom su smatrali heroin.
ZAKLJUČAK: Dobivenim rezultatima može se uočiti stigmatizacija ovisnika, zbog čega bi trebalo studente više educirati o stanju ovisnosti i samim ovisnicima. Zbog aktualne situacije sa pandemijom Covid-a raste broj ovisnosti, što može uzrokovati i porast psihičkih bolesti. Iz tog razloga treba se intenzivnije osvrnuti na mjere prevencije ovisnosti.
Abstract (english) INTRODUCTION: Addiction is a chronic and recurrent brain disease. It is a condition in which there is an irresistible need to take addictive substances (alcohol, drugs, technology, gambling) without control. A person who consumes funds in this way is called an addict. It can appear as a physical or mental addiction. Physical dependence is the adaptation of the organism to the means of addiction and is manifested by a series of symptoms if abstinence occurs. The psychic is actually a feeling of satisfaction and a psychic urge to take again.
RESEARCH OBJECTIVES: To determine the difference in attitudes about addictions among nursing students in 1st, 2nd, and 3rd year, to determine when students first consumed alcohol, to determine which drug they consider the most dangerous for the human body, to examine what they consider new drugs, to determine how much students consumed drugs and determine if there were prejudices about addictions among students.
MATERIAL AND METHODS: The study was conducted on the 1st, 2nd, and 3rd Years of Nursing Studies at the Faculty of Health Studies, University of Rijeka. 64 students participated in the research. Data were collected by an anonymous survey questionnaire developed by the author of this study, and statistical processing was performed using a personal computer.
RESULTS: Observing the question of when students first consumed alcohol ranges from 12 to 18 years, 18.7% of respondents have used drugs so far, and as many as 26.6% of nursing students have prejudices about addicts. Most of the respondents were not addicted to new drugs, and they considered heroin to be the most dangerous.
CONCLUSION: The obtained results show the stigmatization of addicts, which is why students should be educated more about the state of addiction and the addicts themselves. Due to the current situation with the Covid pandemic, the number of addictions is growing, which can also cause an increase in mental illness. For this reason, more intensive attention should be paid to addiction prevention measures.
Keywords (english)
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:184:414623
Study programme Title: Professional study of nursing (Biomedicine and Healthcare; clinical medical sciences) Study programme type: professional Study level: undergraduate Academic / professional title: stručni/a prvostupnik/prvostupnica (baccalaureus/baccalaurea) sestrinstva (stručni/a prvostupnik/prvostupnica (baccalaureus/baccalaurea) sestrinstva)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
Access conditions Open access
Terms of use
Created on 2021-09-02 12:54:04