Author Martina Haramina
Mentor Karin Kuljanić (mentor)
Committee member Sandra Bošković (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Ivana Ljubičić Bistrović (član povjerenstva)
Granter University of Rijeka Faculty of Health Studies (Department of Nursing) Rijeka
Defense date and country 2021-09, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline SOCIAL SCIENCES Psychology Clinical and Health Psychology
Abstract UVOD: Prvi sat nakon rođenja osjetljivo je razdoblje i za novorođenče i za majku. Brojna znanstvena istraživanja potvrđuju važnosti kontakta kože na kožu u prvom satu nakon rođenja. Ovo jedinstveno vrijeme i za majku i za njezino novorođenče, pojedinačno ili u međusobnom odnosu, pruža vitalne prednosti kratkoročnom i dugoročnom zdravlju, regulaciji i međusobnom povezivanju.
CILJ ISTRAŽIVANJA: Glavni cilj istraživanja je bio ispitati kojim znanjem raspolažu trudnice o neposrednom kontaktu kože
... More na kožu te procijeniti njihove stavove o kontaktu koža na kožu.
ISPITANICI I METODE: U ovom istraživačkom radu bilo je uključeno 265 trudnica koje su svojim dobrovoljnim pristankom pristale sudjelovati u on-line anketi. On-line anketni upitnik bio je postavljen na društvenim mrežama, najčešće u različitim grupama za trudnice, u trajanju od jednog tjedna.
REZULTATI: Dobiveni uzorak pokazao je da najviše ispitanica, njih 162 (61,1 %) u dobi od 26 do 35 godina. Prema razini obrazovanja, najviše ih ima završeno diplomski studij, njih 105 (39,6 %). Zaposleno je 210 (79,2 %) ispitanica, a samo sa suprugom/ partnerom ih živi 125 (47,2%). Većina ispitanica, njih 142 (53,6 %) su prvorotke. Anketni upitnik najčešće su ispunjavale trudnice u trećem tromjesečju, njih 155 (58,5%). Ispitanice ovog istraživanja dobro su informirane o kontaktu kože na kožu, tako da 251 ispitanica (95,4 %) smatra da rani kontakt koža na kožu pruža novorođenčetu osjećaj sigurnosti, 239 (91,6 %) ispitanica smatra da rani kontakt koža na kožu smanjuje stres i plakanje kod novorođenčeta, dok ih 238 (91,2 %) smatra da kontakt koža na kožu potiče lučenje serotonina (hormona sreće) i oksitocina (hormona ljubavi) koji su važni za dojenje. Najmanje se ispitanica slaže s tvrdnjom njih 9 (3,4 %) da novorođenčad koja ima ostvareni kontakt koža na kožu ima veću razinu šećera, niti jedna ispitanica ne misli da nakon poroda postoji opasnost da će se novorođenče pothladiti ako primijenimo kontakt koža na kožu, a samo 12 (4,6 %) ispitanica smatra da se kontakt koža na kožu treba prekinuti u slučajevima kada postoji potreba za šivanjem epiziotomije.
ZAKLJUČAK: Ovaj rad pokazuje da većina trudnica koje su sudjelovale u ovom istraživačkom radu posjeduju dostatna znanja o neposrednom kontaktu koža na kožu. Utvrđeno je neznanje pokazalo se jedino u donosu na dojenje, jer većina smatra da rani kontakt koža na kožu nema utjecaja na kasnije poteškoće sa dojenjem. Less
Abstract (english) INTRODUCTION: The first hour after birth is a sensitive period for both the newborn and the mother. There is strong scientific research on the importance of skin to skin in the first hour after birth. This unique time for both the mother and her newborn, individually or in a relationship, provides vital benefits to short-term and long-term health, regulation, and interconnectedness.
AIM OF THE RESEARCH: The main goal of the research was to examine the knowledge of pregnant women about direct
... More skin-to-skin contact and to evaluate their attitudes about skin-to-skin contact.
RESPONDENTS AND METHODS: This research was conducted on 265 pregnant women. They signed in their voluntary consent and agreed to participate in an online survey. The survey questionnaire was posted on social media platforms in different social groups for pregnant women. Data collection was scheduled for a week.
RESULTS: The obtained sample showed that most of the subjects, 162 of them (61.1%) aged 26 to 35 years, most of them had completed graduate studies, 105 of them (39.6%). 210 (79.2%) subjects were employed, 125 (47.2%) live with their spouse/partner and 142 of them (53.6%) were in their first pregnancy. Majority of the pregnant women were in their third trimester 155 (58.5%). The results confirmed the very good knowledge of skin to skin contact as 251 subjects (95.4%) believed that early skin-to-skin contact gives the newborn a sense of security, 239 (91.6%) and that early skin-to-skin contact reduces stress and crying in the newborn, while 238 (91.2%) believed that skin-to-skin contact stimulates the secretion of serotonin (happiness hormone) and oxytocin (love hormone) which are important for breastfeeding. Also, e 9 (3.4%) believed that newborns who have skin-to-skin contact would have higher sugar levels, none of the respondents think that after birth there might be a risk that the newborn will catch a cold if applied skin-to-skin contact, and only 12 (4.6%) women believed that skin-to-skin contact should be discontinued in cases where there is a need for suturing an episiotomy.
CONCLUSION: This research implies that the majority of the pregnant women have sufficient knowledge of direct skin-to-skin contact. This research indicates that there is a room for improvement in the area of breastfeeding and skin to skin contact, since most of them agreed that early skin-to-skin contact has no effect on breastfeeding difficulties in postpartum period. Less
kontakt koža na kožu
Keywords (english)
skin-to-skin contact
pregnant women
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:184:358964
Study programme Title: Graduate University Study of Midwifery Study programme type: university Study level: graduate Academic / professional title: magistar / magistra primaljstva (magistar / magistra primaljstva)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
Access conditions Open access
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Created on 2021-09-08 12:27:09