Title Utjecaj Covid 19 pandemije na vrijeme izlaska tima izvanbolničke hitne medicinske službe Primorsko-goranske županije na intervencije
Title (english) The influence od the Covid 19 pandemic on the time of egress of the team of the emergency medical service of Primorsko-goranska county on interventions
Author Barbara Frankić
Mentor Kata Ivanišević (mentor)
Committee member Marija Bukvić (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Saša Uljančić (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Kata Ivanišević (član povjerenstva)
Granter University of Rijeka Faculty of Health Studies Rijeka
Defense date and country 2022-07-20, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline BIOMEDICINE AND HEALTHCARE Clinical Medical Sciences Emergency Medicine
Abstract Bolest Covid-19 je respiratorna bolest koju uzrokuje SARS-CoV-2 virus. Bolest se prvi puta pojavila krajem 2019. godine u Kini, a nedugo zatim se proširila i na cijeli svijet. Iako je utjecala na cijelo čovječanstvo, u ovom radu govorit će se o njenom utjecaju na rad izvanbolničke hitne medicinske službe (IHMS), točnije na utjecaj pandemije na vrijeme izlaska tima na intervencije s obzirom na to da je primarni cilj hitne medicinske službe maksimalno skraćenje vremena od nastanka hitnog stanja do konačnog medicinskog zbrinjavanja.
Cilj ovoga rada je prikazati prosječno vrijeme izlaska tima izvanbolničke hitne medicinske službe Primorsko-goranske županije na intervenciju za vrijeme pandemije Covida 19. Za istraživanje se koristio prigodni uzorak ispitanika te metoda rada na dokumentaciji, točnije prikupljanje podataka iz medicinske dokumentacije Zavoda za hitnu medicinu Primorsko-goranske županije, iz baze podataka e-Hitna. Istraživanje obuhvaća razdoblje od 01.01.2020. do 31.12.2021. godine, a samo istraživanje provedeno je u mjesecu travnju 2022. godine. Statistička analiza podataka provedena je pomoću Student-t testa i Fisher egzaktnog testa.
Rezultati statističke analize pokazuju da prosječno vrijeme od početka poziva do izlaska tima na intervenciju A kriterija nevezanu za Covid dijagnozu u 2020. godini, iznosi 0:00:16 s više od standardnog vremena dok za one vezane za Covid dijagnozu u prosjeku iznosi 0:12:19 s više. U 2021. godini prosječno vrijeme od početka poziva do izlaska tima na intervencije A kriterija nevezane za Covid dijagnozu iznosi 0:00:14 s više od standardnog vremena dok na one vezane za Covid dijagnozu u prosjeku iznosi 0:05:25 s više. U 2020. godini, prosječno vrijeme dolaska tima na intervenciju A kriterija od primitka poziva, ne vezanih za Covid dijagnozu iznosi 0:06:15 s više uspoređujući sa standardnim vremenom za urbane sredine ili 0:05:07 s više u odnosu na standardno vrijeme za ruralne sredine. Prosječno vrijeme dolaska tima na intervenciju A kriterija od primitka poziva, za intervencije vezane za Covid dijagnozu iznosi 0:23:57 s više za urbane te 0:13:55 s više za ruralne sredine. U 2021. godini, prosječno vrijeme dolaska tima na intervenciju A kriterija od primitka poziva, nevezano za Covid dijagnozu iznosi 0:06:15 s više u odnosu na standardno vrijeme za urbane sredine ili 0:03:00 min manje u odnosu na standardno vrijeme za ruralne sredine. Prosječno vrijeme dolaska tima na intervenciju A kriterija od primitka poziva, za intervencije vezane za Covid dijagnozu iznosi 0:15:22 s više za urbane te 0:05:22 s više za ruralne sredine.
Ovim istraživanjem zaključuje se da je pandemija Covid-19 značajno utjecala na produljenje vremena potrebnog za izlazak i dolazak tima IHMS na intervenciju što u konačnici negativno utječe na uspješnost i stupanj izlječenja pacijenta koji zahtijeva hitnu medicinsku pomoć.
Abstract (english) Covid-19 disease is a respiratory disease caused by the SARS-CoV-2 virus. The disease first appeared in late 2019. in China, and soon after spread to the whole world. Although it has affected all of humanity, this paper will discuss its impact on the work of emergency medical service (EMS), more precisely, on the time of the egress of EMS, given that the primary goal of emergency medical services is to shorten the time from the occurance of emergency conditions until final medical care.
The aim of this paper work is to show the average time of the egress of the EMS of the Primorsko-goranska County to interventions during the Covid 19 pandemic. In this research a suitable sample of respondents had been used with the method of working on documentation, more precisely collecting data from the medical documentation of the Institute of Emergency Medicine of the Primorsko-goranska County, from the e-Hitna database. The research covers the period from 01.01.2020. to 31.12.2021. and the survey itself was conducted in April 2022. Statistical analysis of data was performed using Student-t test and Fisher exact test.
The results shows that the average time from the call reception to the team's egress on intervention in A criteria that isn't related to the diagnosis of Covid in 2020 is 0:00:16 s longer than the standard time, while for those related to the diagnosis of Covid the time is 0:12:19 s longer than the standard time. In 2021, the average time from the call reception to the team's egress on interventions A criteria not related to Covid diagnosis is 0:00:14 s longer than the standard time, while for Covid related diagnosis is 0:05:25 s longer than standard time. In 2020, the average time for EMS team arrival to intervention in A criteria from the receipt of calls, not related to Covid diagnosis is 0:06:15 s longer compared to the standard time for the urban environment or 0:05:07 s longer than the standard time for rural areas. In other hand average time of arrival of the team to intervention in A criteria from the receipt of call, for Covid diagnosis interventions is 0:23:57 s longer for urban and 0:13:55 s longer for rural areas. In 2021, the average time of arrival of the team to the intervention in A criteria, from the call reception, not related to the Covid diagnosis is 0:06:15 s longer than the standard time for urban areas or 0:03:00 min shorter for rural areas. Furthermore average time of responding and EMS team arrival to intervention in A criteria from the receipt of calls, for interventions related to Covid diagnosis is 0:15:22 s longer for urban and 0:05:22 s longer for rural areas.
This study concludes that the Covid-19 pandemic significantly influenced the prolongation of the responding time needed for the emergency medical service team to egress and arrive on interventions, which unfortunately negatively affects the success and quality of patient treatment in need for emergency medical care.
Hitna medicinska služba
Covid 19
Vrijeme izlaska
Vrijeme dolaska
Keywords (english)
Emergency Medical Service
Covid 19
Degress Time
Arrival Time
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:184:819711
Study programme Title: Professional study of nursing (Biomedicine and Healthcare; clinical medical sciences) Study programme type: professional Study level: undergraduate Academic / professional title: stručni/a prvostupnik/prvostupnica (baccalaureus/baccalaurea) sestrinstva (stručni/a prvostupnik/prvostupnica (baccalaureus/baccalaurea) sestrinstva)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
Access conditions Open access
Terms of use
Created on 2022-07-09 15:15:16