Title Stavovi fizioterapeuta o robotici u rehabilitaciji
Title (english) Opinions of physiotherapists about robotics in rehabilitation
Author Barbara Martić
Mentor Hari Jurdana (mentor)
Mentor Kristijan Zulle (komentor)
Committee member Mirela Vučković (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Hari Jurdana (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Ariana Fužinac-Smojver (član povjerenstva)
Granter University of Rijeka Faculty of Health Studies Rijeka
Defense date and country 2022-09, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline BIOMEDICINE AND HEALTHCARE Clinical Medical Sciences Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation
Abstract Uvod: Rehabilitacijska robotika definirana je kao zasebna grana robotike čiji je fokus na strojevima koji se mogu koristiti za pomoć ljudima pri oporavku od teških fizičkih trauma ili kao pomoć u aktivnostima svakodnevnog života. Cilj ovog diplomskog rada jest utvrditi stavove fizioterapeuta o primjeni robotike u rehabilitaciji. Dodatni cilj je usporediti stavove o robotici u rehabilitaciji među mlađoj i starijoj generaciji fizioterapeuta.
Ispitanici i metode: Unutar ovog istraživanja sudjelovale su osobe fizioterapeutskog usmjerenja u starosnoj dobi od 18 do 60 godina. Broj ispitanika unutar istraživanja je 180. Ispitivanje je provedeno putem online upitnika izrađenog pomoću Google obrasca. Podaci o ispitanicima prikupljeni provedbom anketnog upitnika (Google obrasca), obrađeni su unutar aplikacijskog programa Statistica verzija 13.3. (Stat.Soft Inc., Tulsa OK, USA) i pomoću aplikacije Microsoft Excel. Također, upotrebljavane su i metode deskrtiptivne statistike za prikaz podataka u tablicama.
Rezultati: Na temelju podataka dobivenih od 180 ispitanika, može se zaključiti da fizioterapeuti uglavnom imaju neutralan stav prema robotici. Hipoteza 1a navodi da fizioterapeuti smatraju da roboti mogu biti dobar član rehabilitacijskog tima te na temelju deskriptivne statistike, ova hipoteza se potvrđuje. Hipoteza 2 koja navodi da mlađe generacije imaju pozitivniji stav prema robotici u odnosu na stariju generaciju fizioterapeuta se odbacuje s obzirom da ne postoji statistički značajna razlika. Hipoteza 2a koja navodi da mlađa generacija fizioterapeuta ima pozitivniji stav prema robotu kao dobrom članu rehabilitacijskog tima u odnosu na stariju generaciju se prihvaća s obzirom na statistički značajnu razliku. Hipoteze 2b, 2c, 2d i 2e se također odbacuju zbog ne postojanja statistički značajne razlike između starije i mlađe generacije fizioterapeuta.
Zaključak: Na temelju podataka dobivenih od 180 ispitanika, može se zaključiti da fizioterapeuti uglavnom nemaju pozitivan stav prema robotici. Također, ne postoji razlika u stavovima između starijih i mlađih generacija fizioterapeuta.
Abstract (english) Introduction: Rehabilitation robotics is defined as a separate branch of robotics whose focus is on machines that can be used to help people recover from severe physical trauma or to assist in activities of daily living. The aim of this thesis is to determine the views of physiotherapists on the application of robotics in rehabilitation. An additional goal is to compare the oppinions about robotics in rehabilitation among the younger and older generations of physiotherapists.
Respondents and methods: Within this research participated physiotherapist in the age range of 18 to 60. The number of respondents in the research is 180. The survey was conducted through an online questionnaire created using a Google form. The data on the respondents collected through the implementation of the survey questionnaire (Google form) were processed within the application program Statistica version 13.3. (Stat.Soft Inc., Tulsa OK, USA) and using the Microsoft Excel application. Descriptive statistics methods were also used to display data in tables.
Results: Based on the data obtained from 180 respondents, it can be concluded that physiotherapists generally do not have a positive attitude towards robotics. Hypothesis 1a states that physiotherapists believe that robots can be a good member of the rehabilitation team, and based on descriptive statistics, this hypothesis is confirmed. Hypothesis 2, which states that the younger generation has a more positive attitude towards robotics compared to the older generation of physiotherapists, is rejected as there is no statistically significant difference. Hypothesis 2a, which states that the younger generation of physiotherapists has a more positive attitude towards the robot as a good member of the rehabilitation team compared to the older generation, is accepted given the statistically significant difference. Hypotheses 2b, 2c, 2d and 2e are also rejected due to the absence of a statistically significant difference between the older and younger generation of physiotherapists.
Conclusion: Based on the data obtained from 180 respondents, it can be concluded that physiotherapists generally do not have a positive attitude towards robotics. Also, there is no difference in attitudes between older and younger generations of physiotherapists.
Keywords (english)
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:184:323681
Study programme Title: Graduate university study of Physiotherapy (Biomedicine and Healthcare; clinical medical sciences) Study programme type: university Study level: graduate Academic / professional title: magistar/magistra fizioterapije (magistar/magistra fizioterapije)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
Access conditions Open access
Terms of use
Created on 2022-09-15 19:26:35